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To keep (manter): to be in or continue to be in someones possession:

Can I keep this photo?

Kept: past tense.
Kept: past participle.
To agree (concordar): to have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion
or idea:
I agree with you.
Agreed: past tense.
To report (relatar): to give a description of something or information about
something to someone:
We called the police to report the theft.
Reported: past tense.
To disagree: to have a different opinion or be unable to agree:
I disagree with you about that.
Disagred: past tense.
Handsome (bonito): (esp. of a man) physically attractive:
He was handsome, brilliant, witty, and generally the center of attention
wherever he was.
Gorgeous (maravilhoso),
: very beautiful and attractive:
What a gorgeous dress!
Cute (fofo): (esp. of something or someone small or young) charming and
She was a really cute baby.
Ugly (feio): extremely unattractive in appearance:
Hes a really ugly dog.
Polite (educado): behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows
respect for other peoples feelings:
She was too polite to point out my mistake.

Impolite (grosseiro): rude; not polite.

Gentle (suave): calm, kind, or soft; not violent or severe:
a gentle smile
Rude (grosseiro): behaving in a way that hurts other peoples feelings; not
I apologized for Teds rude behavior.
Agreement (acordo): the condition of having the same opinion, or a decision
or arrangement between two or more people or groups to do something or
to obey the same rules:
a new trade agreement.
Impatience (impaciente): not willing to wait for something to happen and
becoming annoyed at delays:
Dont be impatient, youll get your turn.
Famous (famoso): known by very many or most people:
a famous actor/singer
Competent (competente): having the skills or knowledge to do something
well enough to meet a basic standard:
All we want is someone competent to manage the staff.
Incompetent (incompetente) : lacking the skills or knowledge to do a job or
perform an action correctly or to a satisfactory standard:
Cowden was incompetent and incapable of administering the duties of
secretary of the association.
Goal (objetivo): an aim or purpose:
My goal is to lose ten pounds before the summer.
Wealthy (rico): a large amount of money and other valuable possessions:
His wealth is so great that money doesnt mean much to him.
Profession (profisso): any type of work, esp. one that needs a high level of
education or a particular skill:
the medical/teaching profession
Im a writer by profession.

Credentials (credenciais): documents that state the abilities and experience

of a person and show that the person is qualified for a particular job or
I got my teaching credentials from San Jose State.
Reporter: a person whose job is to discover information about news events
and describe them for a newspaper or magazine or for radio or television.
Weakness (fraqueza): lack of strength or energy:
The buildings collapse was caused by weakness in several beams.
Musician (musicista): a person who is skilled in playing music, usually as a
a jazz/classical/rock musician
Association (associao): a group of people united in an organization
because of their common interests:
The AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons, is a huge
organization with millions of
Degree (grau): an amount or level of something:
This job demands a high degree of skill
Get angry (ficar com raiva)
Get tired (ficar cansado)
Get sick (ficar doente)
Well-known (bem conhecido): known or recognized by many people:
The book is by a well-known historian.
Stay fit (permanecer em forma)
Gain weight: ganhar peso
Good-looking (bonito)

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