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Sample Student Quotation Sandwich Answers

Sample #1: The significance of the Constitutions first phrase, We the People of the United
States. is that the power and authority comes from the people of the the states, and not from
just the states. The Articles of confederation were pacts between states but they wanted one for
the people too. In the article A new Constitution, by James West Davidson it says, The
Constitution thus claims to take its authority from the people rather than from the states. This is
saying how they want the authority to come from the people of America and not from the states.
They wanted to make the people have power and not just the states and congress.

Sample #2: The delegates to the Constitutional Convention keep their debates secret because
they didn't want to make the public mad and they could speak their mind. Just a while before the
Constitutional Convention Shays rebellion happened which was a rebellion of farmers. It states
in the passage, A textbook excerpt, The Constitutional Convention Begins by James West
Davidson Guards kept out members of the public. The delegates would be free to speak their
minds--even if their discussions took the convention far beyond its original aims. The delegates
had a thinking time away from public .They didn't have people yelling at them that their decision
was wrong. The delegates kept their decisions a secret so they could think about it.

Sample #3: The Constitutional Convention had gone too far because then the states would be
overpowered. Federalists agree with the Constitution, and the Antifederalists dont agree with
them. In the textbook passage Federalists and Antifederalists, by James West Davidson says
They feared that a too-strong central, like government, like that of England, would wipe out state
power individual and freedom. In this quote Antifederalists are worried that the government will
over power and also give the federalists government too much power. They didnt wanna ratify
the Constitution because they still wanted the states to have powers.

Sample #4: The federal government influences laws and to pass laws by taking away the
states funds so that they have to pass the law to get money to service their people. In the
constitution gives specific powers to the federal government but you wont find a single one for
the state. In the article State power: Got a Reservation?, by iCivics says in 1984 it told states
they would not receive highway funds unless they raised the state drinking age to 21. Here it
shows that the federal government took money away from the states so that they had to change
the law and make it illegal to drink unless you were 21 because of accidents happening on the
road from young drunk drivers, so they took the money so that the states had to do it to give
back to the people and service them.

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