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Prompt: Pick a character from Act 1.

Write a claim about the character you chose and

support with direct quotes as evidence.
Analyze the evidence and connect it to the claim. Respond the the claim with the so,
now what ?
Write paragraph here:
Sir Toby Belch is disrespectful. The first example of Sir Toby being disrespectful
is Sir Toby is so loud, it makes it hard for Olivia to sleep at night. Ay, but you must
confine yourself within the modest limits of order,(pg 4). Maria told Sir Toby to be quiet
at night so as to not wake Olivia. He continues being disrespectful by replying, Ill
confine myself no finer than I am: these clothes are good enough to drink in; and so be
these boots too: an they be not, let them hang themselves in their own straps, (pg 4).
Sir Toby is now being disrespectful to Maria, who was told to keep him quiet by Olivia.
When Viola dressed as Cesario comes to see Olivia, Sir Toby says, Let him be the
devil, (p. 12). This shows Sir Toby being disrespectful to Cesario by calling him names,
like a devil. In the play, Sir Toby serves as someone who is funny, and he keeps Sir
Andrew around which causes later events in the play.

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