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Jennifer Lamborn 6-22-2016 Professional Growth Goal #1 Any Content Area: Student Engagement During the school year I will improve and write my lesson plans to keep the students engaged through each unit. Itis my vision that including many different teaching techniques within the lesson plans will ensure that the students stay actively engaged in each Unit. Some of the teaching techniques that I will incorporate are; technology, interactive notebook, graphic organizers, student groupings and hands on tasks. I will know this goal has been met when the students show up to class excited about each days lessons and ready and willing to learn. They will actively participate in class discussions and complete their work with minimal complaining because it will be exciting. Professional Growth Goal #2 Any Content Area: Understanding During the school year I will establish a way to check for understanding/comprehension throughout each lesson. | will design an exit plan to ensure students may relate how well they grasped the information covered that day. This will allow me to see what each student “thinks” they know individually. We also will have regular assessments to check more formally for understanding of the content that has been taught. | will know that I have met this goal when students are comfortable telling me when they do not grasp a concept and need further teaching. Also, if students completely understand a lesson before moving on, they are likely to score better on formal assessments. Professional Growth Goal #3 Any Content Area: Target and Task Alignment During the school year I will make sure that all tasks align with the TEKS and learning target. In order to ensure that all tasks and targets align, I will use the “Backward Design method’ of creating a lesson plan. This will set what needs to be learned as the priority. Then working backwards, I can develop a lesson that aligns with that particular TEK. I will know that I have met that goal when I am able to clearly list the TEK, the learning target and the task on the board each day. And students will have a clear understanding of what was taught on any given day. ACHIE?

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