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2nd Unit

1st Topic
Singular Plurarl Nouns.
1.- In general the plural of a noun is formed by adding s to the noun.
Ejemplo del mapa Owl- Owls
2.-When the noun ends in ss, -sh,-ch or X, we add es to the noun.
Ejemplo del mapa Kiss- Kisses
3.-When the noun ends in a vowel+ y, we add s to the noun.
Ejemplo Key- Keys
4.- when the noun ends in a consonant + y, we remove y and add ies to the noun.
Ejemplo Lady Ladies
5.- If the noun ends in is, we change it to es.
Ejemplo. Thesis- theses
6.- There are a number of nouns thah dont follow these rules They are irregular.
Ejemplo child- children
7.-there are some nouns in English that are the same in the singular and the plural.
Ejemplo fish-fish
8.-If the nouns has F vowel sound ending. Drop the f and add- VES
Ejemplo wolf-wolves
9.-nouns with O ending add es.
Ejemplo tomatoes.
2nd Topic
Countable.- They are nouns wich you can pluralize. Ejemplos en la imagen
Uncountable.- They are nouns wich you cant pluralize. Ejemplos en la imagen
3rd Topic
There is- Singular
There are plural
a/an.- uno- una el a se usa cuando comienza con consonante y el an cuando
comienza en vocal.
4th Topic Quantifiers

Some= algo, algunos

A lot of= mucho/ montones no contables
A lots of= muchi montones contables y no contables
A little= poco/poca contables y no contables
A few= unos- unas pocas contables
Many= much@ contables
Much= much@ no contables
5th Topic
We have use how much and How many to ask about quantity.
Many= much@ contables
Much= much@ no contables
How many babys are in the school?
How much money do you have?
6th Topic
This- este (es)
That.- Aquel (es)
These.- Estos (son)
Those .- Aquellos (son)

Club Sandwich Recipe



1. take two slices of bread and spread whit a lot of mayonnaise.
2. In a slice of bread add a lots of jam and salchicha.
3. add carrot (previously grate) and Cheese (previously chop) in the slices of
jam and salchicha.
4. Pinch the lettuce ( previously chop) and add to sandwich.
5. Pinch two slices of tomato (previously chop)
6. Pinch the other slice of bread
7. Cut the sandwich in the middle and serve.
8. Taste your creation and enjoy.

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