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Grab a BEER. Meet your neighbor. Hear a message.

Flannerys at fire ridge

July12| Love Local: Help Your Neighbor in Crisis
Job loss. Health emergency. Unexpected disability. Poverty. Many of your neighbors (as in, people
who live in your actual neighborhood) face crises like these every year. Come learn how you can
be more aware and get equipped to help them get access to the resources they need.

July 19| Love Global: Help Change the World

Nearly the worlds population survives on less than $2 a day. Nearly 1 billion are illiterate and
1 billion do not have access to safe water. Come learn how to make an actual difference in the
lives of the poor and vulnerable overseas.

July 26| Love the Stranger: Protect the Dignity of Immigrants

Families divided. Migrant workers exploited and abused. Human beings dying unnecessarily in
American deserts. Come and learn more about the human consequences of a broken immigration
system and how you can advocate for actual solutions.

August 2| Live Mercy: Make it Real

2241 County Road w, grafton

tuesdays 7pm
AGES 20S+30S
Free Drinks & Snacks

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Pope Francis has invited the world to reflect on mercy, compassion, and the power of forgiveness.
Come hear how one young adults encounter with Gods mercy and a need in our community
inspired real action thats making a difference, and be inspired to do the same.

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