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Molly Singleton as an engineer I use facts, statistics, data, analytical thinking.

So I will answer you the best I can with the facts I know.
1) People involved in the BLM movement started it after a) Trayvon was killed
by Zimmerman b) Michael Brown was killed. These caused ridiculous riots
that destroyed homes and businesses in black communities over 2 (maybe 1)
justified shootings in self-defense. It has now evolved into a racist uprising
that is calling for segregation is schools to killing police officers. Sure not
everyone believes this, but the protests are usually violent and the people
running BLM don't want peaceful resolve. I don't think they are stupid or liars,
they are just misinformed and usually have horrible role models such as Al
Sharpton that advocate for Marxism and black superiority rather than
equality. I won't even get started with Dallas, obviously it was done by some
psychopath, but things like BLM totally put fuel to the fire.
2) I deserve nothing, I never said I did. I am just saying that if the roles were
reversed and there was a white male only scholarship, or a white only TV
station, or businesses that had to hire a certain number of white males to
meet a quota we would all be screaming racism. Do I care that there is for
black people? No. It does not affect me (yet). Say I came from a different life
from a poor family and grew up in a trailer park, well things might be harder
for me because I am white and not of a different race. I also think you
misunderstand me. I am advocating for all people to better themselves. It
starts with YOU though you have to want it. Here is a cool article that says
what I am thinking. p.s. you better read I read like 10 of yours lol
3) I really don't have friends now that I am working and married lol. I will say
that I have friends of every race from college. Keep in mind they were
conservative engineers. We never once talked about race, because it truly
didnt matter. It was not constantly shoved down our throat by the media.
This is a new age thing. Here are some statistics that goes against everything
you were told by the media.
4) Sure people are discriminated against. I think it really has nothing to do
with racism however. I can't remember the last time I met a truly racist
person. I mean racism (true racism) is reserved for people with very little
intelligence. To believe that someone is inferior because of outward
appearance is moronic at its core. Now on to the statistics. I believe people
blame cultural statistics on racism because it seems unfair. For example one
of your articles mentions how Black families are not approved for mortgages
the same as whites. Well if you are a bank, and you look at statistics of
delinquency rates, you will find that black/Latino families have to foreclose

almost 2x as often. As you can see here: if you are in a business to
make money you use these to make decisions on who to loan to, you would
take these statistics into account.
Many of you articles tried to tie wealth inequality to racism. This is one of the
hot topics that tries to guilt white people into believing that their success is
tied to their skin color. Wrong. The three biggest deciding factors for personal
success are family dynamics, graduation rates, and location/contacts. Here
are some of the statistics:
From June 2009 to June 2012, real median annual household
income for blacks fell 11.1 percent from $36,567 down to
$32,498. The drop for whites was 5.2 percent and 4.1 percent
for Hispanics.
According to the Census, 26.4 percent of households who
report receiving food stamp assistance are African American,
despite the fact that black Americans constitute just 13
percent of the total population.
A study by the AARP found that home foreclosure rates for
African American borrowers over the age of 50 were almost
double those of whites.
High school graduation rates, which strongly influence income
and job hiring, continue to vary widely by race. A recent study
found the following on-time high school graduation rates: 91.8
percent of Asian students, 82 percent of whites, 65.9 percent
of Hispanic students, and 63.5 percent of African American
You will also note that this data supports why Asians currently have the
highest average income in the United States. They (on average) come from a
family with married parrents, do not have children out of wedlock, and
graduate at the highest rate overall. Here are some supportive statistics of
children out of wedlock by race that support this claim: with the study conducted here:
In closing I would also like to remind you that there are also millions of black
people that agree with me. They are honestly just scared to come out and
say it because of backlash they would receive. Kind of like how I was treated
just posting facts. People are sick of being called racist over and over again,

no wonder a person like Trump is leading the polls. It is sad that your quest
for social justice is just hurting race relations more than helping.

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