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Reinhard (Reini) Huber tribute to Richard:!

When I heard from Diane the sad news about Richards passing
away I was very upset and sad. For many years I used to call him up
at his home and each time we had an interesting and uplifting
conversation about Gebel Adda, the Black Holes and other world
topics. !

As Diane told me, I carefully respected his breakfast schedule at

precisely 9 oclock US time and always tried to phone him up before
this time. Now, with Richard gone forever, I miss those talks very
much and I am very unhappy when I think how many good old friends
of the former Gebel Adda team are not here anymore. !

I very much would like to attend Richards Memorial and to meet his
sons and of course see Diane and Saralaine, but at the moment I am
just not able to leave here.!
A few weeks before Richards death I received from him by mail some
interesting material on Gebel Adda, which included the photographs
of rock drawings, ancient caves and sketches of flint sites. If time
permits I might write a small paper based on Richards information
and will mention his work. !
In my thoughts I am with you at Richards Memorial.!

Always, Reinhard!

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