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Bob Higgins (Higgy) tribute to Richard:!

One Summer evening, many years agoaround the time of Bens finding
arrowheads and his collecting bricks and his simply Being Benjy, the interpreter,
lover of life, entertainer to us adultswhen no member of the Edlund, Millet
family would let you get away with being boring, I was working my way
Southward from the North to Evergales. My name for it was Favorite Place.!

Just at the outskirts of the center of town and about the time I turned on my
headlights, a rabbit was sitting in the road facing me, and it was certainly
petrified. I stopped the car, blocking traffic, and luckily I had a car blanket and
was able to nestle it onto the front seat. My nervousness was greeted with a limp,
warm, super soft creature, sending me a message that all was up to me, and my
mind added Richard to the picture.!

Richard and Lucia were only about a third of a mile away on Plymouth Street,
and they knew Rabbit Talkand a whole lot of other animal thought. I felt better
just thinking that. Just the thought of Richard, or Dick as some of you know him,
and his decision making process no matter what the circumstances or situation,
comforted me.!

It was arranged by landline phone to take the rabbit to the Edlunds Vet, Dr. Sniff.
My mind leaves me with a happy ending, and so it was.not really so long ago.!
It was an event that brought us closer together.!

Since that rescue night, I became inspired to write short plays or stories.really

Largely as a result of getting to know Richard better, a fascination grew that he

knew when it was time to run with the ball, and also when it was time to play with
it, like a catand when the ball can be left alonegiving rise to the question:!

How can one person walk headlong into so many beginnings while maintaining
his presence in structuring and freshness?!


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