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MARCH 2007

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
AIMAs 15 Recommendations for Hedge Fund Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Overview of Valuation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Hedge Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Scope of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Responsibility for Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Independence and Competence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Prudence and Fairness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Consistency and Flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Accounting Standards and Valuation Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Recommendations on Governance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
01 - Valuation Policy Document: Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
02 - Valuation Policy Document: Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
03 - Selection of Valuation Service Provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
04 - Escalation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Recommendations on Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
05 - Offering Document Disclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
06 - Disclosure of Investment Manager Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
07 - NAV Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Recommendations on Procedures, Processes & Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
08 - Segregation of Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
09 - Supporting Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
10 - Practical Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
11 - Consistency of Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Recommendations on Sources, Models & Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
12 - Multiple Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
13 - Broker Quotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
14 - Pricing Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
15 - Side Pockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Appendix 1: About AIMA



Appendix 2: AIMA Asset Pricing Committee & Guide Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Appendix 3: Hedge Fund Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Appendix 4: Fair Value Accounting Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Appendix 5: Valuation Policy Document Outline



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The Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd (AIMA) 2007
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A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

It has always been a goal of the hedge fund

any duplication where it may have existed.

industry to drive forward initiatives in order

While a number of Recommendations have

to enhance sound practices.

been combined or condensed they have not

In 2005, AIMA published its research on Asset

Pricing and Fund Valuation Practices in the
Hedge Fund Industry.1 This ground-breaking
study was two years in the making and

been diluted.

The body of the document

provides more detailed commentary on the

Recommendations, together with practical
examples of sound and unsound practice.

included a global survey of hedge fund

AIMA is supported by over 1,100 member

managers, investors and fund administrators.

companies in 47 countries. The creation of

The intention was to gain an understanding

its range of guides to sound practices and its

of perceptions and practices in this area:

many other initiatives would not have been












independent administrators, the range of

volunteers. For this publication it was also

instrument pricing sources, governance over

important for us to be able to draw on the

fund valuation and the various roles of those

experience of a meaningful cross-section of

involved in the pricing function. We issued

managers, investors, administrators and

20 practical Recommendations for sound

pricing specialists.

valuation practices within the industry.

sincere gratitude and appreciation to the

The study has been well received by the

regulatory community. Indeed, the UK
Financial Services Authority (FSA) has
referred to our work on valuation specifically

We express our most

authors of this study, each of whom is named

in Appendix 2. They expended considerable
time and effort to complete Phase II of this
important project on valuation practices.

in its most detailed analysis of the industry.2

This study has been designed for use by fund

The International Organisation of Securities

managers, investors and all those servicing

Commissions (IOSCO) is scheduled to release,

and providing professional advice to the

for public consultation, a paper on valuation

hedge fund industry. We believe that you will

principles for complex and illiquid financial

find the study practical and helpful and that

instruments in the second quarter of 2007.

AIMAs 15 Recommendations can be adopted

AIMA believes that the enhancement of sound

as sound practice across the industry.

practices in the area of valuation is an ongoing

We welcome your input on any of the items

process, given the evolution of different types

within; please contact

of instruments and developments in valuation

techniques. In this publication you will find
the original 20 Recommendations have been
streamlined into 15. Enhancements to the

Olwyn Alexander

Recommendations have been made to reflect

Kieran Conroy

developments in the industry and to remove

AIMA Asset Pricing Committee

1 - Published by AIMA in April 2005. The Executive Summary, containing our original Recommendations, can be found at under Knowledge Centre/Research.
2 - See Hedge Funds: A discussion of risk and regulatory engagement (FSA Discussion Paper 05/04, June 2005), especially
section 3.92ff.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Executive Summary

Drawing on feedback after its initial survey

Service Provider.

The Valuation Service

of valuation issues in the industry, AIMA has

Provider will typically be the Funds

brought together a broad working party of

Administrator. The triangular relationship of

experts, representing all stakeholders in

Governing Body, Valuation Service Provider

the valuation process, to explore the issues

and Investment Manager will vary from

raised in more detail. The working party has

situation to situation, but its dynamics

sought to streamline AIMAs original 20

shape the management of the equilibrium

Recommendations in order to reflect more

between independence and competence

detailed representations from stakeholders

which is at the heart of the hedge fund

and to take full account of ongoing

valuation process.

developments in the industry, such as the

increasing use of side pockets.

AIMAs 15 Recommendations are reproduced

below. The working partys main conclusions

The hedge fund industry is global and ever-

may be summarised as follows:

evolving, embracing a wide range of

instrument types and market conventions.


A "one size fits all" approach to the

All hedge funds should have in place a

valuation of hedge funds would therefore


be unwise and unworkable. AIMAs revised

approved by the Governing Body after

15 Recommendations are not intended to

consultation with other stakeholders.

represent a comprehensive or prescriptive

Conflicts of interest in the valuation

set of rules, and may not be optimal or

process are usually best managed by the

appropriate for all industry participants.


Rather, they are intended as principles-

competent Valuation Service Provider.



If the Investment Manager is responsible

practices in the areas of governance,

for valuation and/or governance, robust

transparency, procedures and methodology

controls over conflicts of interest should be

(there is inevitably some overlap across












these headings).
In its 2005 survey of valuation issues, AIMA

Investors have the right to expect

highlighted the fact that the Governing

disclosure of any material involvement by


the Investment Manager in the production






responsibility for the valuation of the

of a Funds formal NAV.

Funds portfolio. In practice, the Governing

Body will delegate the responsibility for the

Procedures, Processes and Systems

production of the Funds Net Asset Value

The parties controlling a Funds valuation

(NAV) to another party.

process should be segregated from the parties

Throughout this

study we refer to this party as the Valuation

involved in the Funds investment process.

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Executive Summary

Procedures should be capable of practical

The use of broker quotations and pricing

implementation and consistent application

models for formal valuation purposes should

by the Valuation Service Provider.

be sufficiently tested and controlled.

Any decision to allow the side-pocketing of

Sources, Models and Methodology

illiquid/hard-to-value positions should be

Wherever possible multiple price sources

taken only after careful consideration by a

should be used to verify the valuation of

Funds Governing Body, who should then

each position in a Funds portfolio.

ensure that side-pocket policies are properly

communicated and consistently applied.

AIMAs 15
for Hedge Fund

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

AIMAs 15 Recommendations
for Hedge Fund Valuation
Recommendations on Governance

Recommendations on Transparency

1. In advance of the Funds launch a

5. The Funds Offering Document should


















controls should be enshrined in a Valuation

determination and production of NAV has

Policy Document and approved by the

been delegated.

Funds Governing Body, after consultation

with relevant stakeholders. The Valuation

6. There should be adequate disclosure of

Policy Document should be reviewed on a

any material involvement by the Investment

regular basis by the Governing Body.

Manager in the pricing of underlying

portfolio positions.

2. The Valuation Policy Document should

explicitly clarify the role of each party in

7. NAV reports should be addressed directly

the valuation process, should identify price

to investors by the Administrator, where an

sources for each instrument type and should

Administrator is used, and any NAVs

include a practical escalation or resolution

produced by the Investment Manager should


be qualified as such.






Recommendations on Procedures,
3. The Governing Body of the Fund should

Processes and Systems

ensure adequate segregation of duties in the

NAV determination process, which may be

8. The procedures enshrined in the Funds

achieved by delegating the calculation,

Valuation Policy Document should be

determination and production of the NAV to

designed to ensure that the parties

a suitably independent, competent and

controlling the Funds valuation process are

experienced Valuation Service Provider. If

segregated from the parties involved in the

the Investment Manager is responsible for

Funds investment process.

determining the NAV, and/or acts as the

Funds Governing Body, robust controls over

9. The industry recognises that in certain

conflicts of interest should be established.

instances the Investment Manager has the

best insight with respect to the valuation of


4. Oversight of the entire valuation process

particular instruments. Wherever prices are

and, in particular, resolution of pricing

provided or sourced by the Investment

issues associated with hard-to-price illiquid

Manager, the Valuation Service Provider

positions and exotic instruments remains


the ultimate responsibility of the Funds

supporting information by the Investment

Governing Body.






A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

AIMAs 15 Recommendations
for Hedge Fund Valuation

10. Procedures described in the Valuation

15. Any decision to allow the side-pocketing

Policy Document of the Fund must be

of illiquid/hard-to-value positions should be

capable of practical implementation by the

taken only after careful consideration by a

Valuation Service Provider.

Funds Governing Body.

If the Governing

Body approves such a decision it should

11. The Valuation Service Provider should

ensure that side-pocket policies are clearly

use reasonable endeavours to apply any

communicated to all investors. The criteria

pricing policy consistently. Deviations from

for side-pocketing individual positions

the policy should be approved by the

should be as consistent as possible.

Governing Body in advance of any NAV being


Recommendations on Sources,
Models and Methodology
12. Wherever possible the valuation of each
position in the Funds portfolio should be
checked against a primary and secondary





Document should outline the hierarchy of

sources to be used for each security type
and the tolerance levels for variances
between the sources.
13. If the Governing Body approves the use
of broker quotations for the valuation of
certain instruments, these quotations should
wherever possible be multiple, sourced
consistently and accessed by the Valuation
Service Provider independently without
intervention by the Investment Manager.
14. Any decision to use a pricing model
should be approved by the Governing Body











Managers pricing models are used they

should be independently tested and verified.


Overview of
Valuation Issues


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues


the total assets invested in hedge funds are

estimated at approximately $1.4 trillion. As

For any portfolio of investments, accurate,

the level of assets increases, continued

fair and timely valuation is a prerequisite


for asset managers and investors alike.

stakeholders on a number of matters






including valuation, risk management,

From a managers point of view, proper

compliance and operational risk.3

valuation of a portfolio is essential in order

to make informed investment and risk

Much of the debate on these subjects is wellinformed and stimulating. There is, however,

management decisions.

a strain of sensationalist reporting on hedge

From the investors point of view, fair

funds which assumes that the practices of a

valuation is the foundation on which analysis

handful of unscrupulous operators are

of the portfolios performance and volatility

prevalent throughout the sector. The more

of returns is based. More fundamentally, an

lurid articles caricature hedge fund managers

investor would normally expect that the

as unprincipled gamblers acting entirely

amount of cash paid to take an equity

outside any regulatory framework and valuing

interest in the portfolio and the amount of

their portfolios as they please. Such reports

cash received on withdrawal of an equity

are as untrue as they are unhelpful. The vast

interest is based on a formal and fair

majority of hedge fund managers behave in a

valuation of the portfolios assets/liabilities.

responsible manner and have an obvious

vested interest in the ongoing stability of

The absence of procedures and controls in



the area of valuation can lead to mis-

treatment of investors.

statements of a portfolios value, which in


turn may have a detrimental impact upon

demonstrated that opinions and techniques

the decision-making processes of managers

may vary but that most stakeholders






In the area of



understand the issues that arise and seek to

persistent overstatement of the value of a

address them as diligently as those who

portfolios net assets may hide or facilitate

operate in other financial sectors.

misappropriation of those assets.

also be observed that proprietary desks of




It may

large financial institutions and collective

Hedge funds

investment schemes sold to retail investors

have not been entirely immune from

The hedge fund industry continues to

instances of misvaluation.

Valuation of

experience considerable and steady growth,

financial assets is an area where inherent

both in terms of the number of individual

risks can never be eliminated, regardless of

funds in existence and the assets under

how simple the asset class or investment

management across the sector. Currently,

vehicle may appear.

3 - The source for the total assets figure is Hedge Fund Research (data to end of 2006). A list of hedge fund stakeholders is
provided in Appendix 3.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues

It is true that hedge funds have certain

valuation risk in hedge funds but other

characteristics which make the valuation of

features of the industry and recent trends

their portfolios potentially more complex

are also relevant:

than the valuation of more traditional

collective investment schemes:

1. A fundamental principle of hedge fund

philosophy is that Investment Managers

1. The typical remuneration structure of a

should be substantially co-invested alongside

hedge fund, whilst aligning the interests of

their investors. This kind of alignment, an

the Investment Manager with the investor in a

obvious stimulus for good risk management,

transparent way, means that the Investment

is not so prevalent in traditional sectors.

Manager is likely to receive the majority of its

fee income for performance, calculated on

2. As shown by the analysis in the table on

the basis of the Net Asset Value of the Fund.

page 16, the percentage of hard-to-value

assets in hedge funds is difficult to quantify

2. Because of their sophistication, hedge

exactly but it is likely to be under a quarter

fund managers are more likely than

of total assets.

traditional asset managers to make material

investments in complex, hard-to-value

3. In general, hedge funds are currently

instruments, including derivative products

marketed only to sophisticated investors,

and private or illiquid positions.

who would be expected to appreciate the

tensions in the valuation process which we

3. Some hedge fund managers apply high

discuss in the following sections. In

levels of leverage or portfolio concentration,

addition, the scrutiny which these investors

which can increase the materiality of

bring to bear on the valuation process helps

misvaluations should they occur.

improve practices.

4. Hedge funds normally undergo a formal

4. Developments in fund administration and

valuation process once a month, whereas

specialist pricing services are enhancing the

more traditional collective investment

quality of procedures. Some Valuation

schemes tend to be valued more frequently.

Service Providers provide daily indicative

valuations for a Funds portfolio, which tend

5. The valuation policies of hedge funds,

to make the formal month-end Net Asset

whilst often very similar, are enshrined in

Value exercise smoother. Pricing specialists

each individual Funds Offering Document

have improved their coverage of hard-to-

and constitution, and are not subject to a

value asset classes so that more hedge fund

standardised rules-based approach.

managers are using their services.

These characteristics should be taken into

5. There seems to be a discernible trend, in

account when considering the level of

areas such as governance and transparency,


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues

of hedge fund managers embracing sound







compromise their investment flexibility in

the same way as a prescriptive rules-based

Easy-to-Value and Hard-to-Value Strategies

In our 2005 study on Asset Pricing we attempted to give a broad-brush appraisal of the percentage of assets
managed in the hedge fund industry which are easy-to-value and hard-to-value.
As was pointed out in that study, such a distinction is somewhat arbitrary in nature given that public information on
the instrument types traded by managers in each strategy is limited. AIMA has sought to provide more granularity
by estimating the allocation to easy-to-value and hard-to-value instruments by strategies which straddle both types
of position. These estimates draw on the experience of the working party and are intended to be conservative.
For strategies still allocated entirely to one column or the other, some of the equity strategies may have immaterial
allocations to hard-to-value positions, but this is counterbalanced by the fact that many fixed income strategies
include quoted, highly liquid instruments in their portfolios.
It should be noted for the sake of consistency that, if the same categorisations were used as in the 2005 study, the
percentage of hedge fund assets in the hard-to-value column would have risen only marginally to 22% from 20%.


Source for strategy asset

totals: Hedge Fund Research
(data to end of 2006).
Source for allocations to
each column: AIMA

Convertible Arbitrage
Distressed Securities
Emerging Markets
Equity Hedge
Equity Market Neutral
Equity Non-hedge
FI: Arbitrage
FI: Convertible Bonds
FI: Diversified
FI: High Yield
FI: Mortgage-backed Securities
Market Timing
Merger Arbitrage
Regulation D
Relative Value Arbitrage
Short Selling



Assets ($m)
1,110,114 (77%)
22,614 (50%)

Assets ($m)
326,452 (23%)
22,614 (50%)
12,527 (20%)

50,106 (80%)
154,655 (80%)

132,548 (85%)
132,128 (70%)

38,664 (20%)
23,391 (15%)

56,625 (30%)

4 - For example, whereas our original 2005 survey found that only 38% of hedge funds had a documented valuation policy in
place, a recent study now puts the figure at 86%. See Asset Pricing, p.15 and Precautions that Pay Off (Deloitte Research,
2007), p.12.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues

Scope of the study

our main focus is not on any informal

valuation processes carried out between

The objective of this document is to further

formal valuations. The portfolios of many

expand on the practical Recommendations

hedge funds are valued on a frequent

covering the formal valuation of hedge

(typically daily) basis by the Investment

funds which were identified in the original

Manager, and/or some of the funds service

Asset Pricing and Fund Valuation Practices

providers. These valuations are produced


for a variety of reasons, such as ongoing

examples of sound and sub-optimal practice

profit-and-loss reporting, risk management,


in the Hedge Fund Industry.


collateral management/margin calculation,

mendation. Again, the focus of the study is





and additional transparency for investors.

the valuation of individual hedge funds

The valuations are sometimes struck to

rather than the valuation of funds of hedge

high standards, and are clearly important


for the purposes of management and


While we may refer to these

As in the previous study, we make reference

informal valuations in passing we are

to the Net Asset Value (NAV) of a Fund, as

primarily concerned with the formal month-

this is the generally understood term for the

end process.5

valuation upon which investor subscriptions

and redemptions are based. However, we

Responsibility for valuation

again concentrate on issues relating to the

investment portfolio, rather than the

Each hedge funds Offering Document will



set out the guiding principles for the

performance fee methodologies, as it is

valuation of the assets and liabilities of the

issues affecting the Gross Asset Value (GAV)

Fund.6 Usually included in these principles is

of a Fund that are likely to cause material


NAV misstatements. A full Valuation Policy

responsibility for the pricing of the Funds

Document would of course address issues,


such as income/expense accruals and the

Governing Body of the Fund. The structure

calculation of performance fees, which are

of the governing entity will depend on that

outside the scope of this study.

of the Fund (see Appendix 3). For hedge










funds organised in an offshore jurisdiction

While we touch on the subject of controls

the Governing Body is usually a Board of

over the existence of investments in a

Directors or Trustee; for those organised as

hedge fund portfolio (usually achieved by a

limited partnerships the Governing Body is



the General Partner (who will often be the

Administrator, Investment Manager and

Investment Manager or an affiliate of the

Prime Broker), we are primarily concerned

Investment Manager).


with specific valuation issues. Furthermore

5 - Hedge funds are required by their constitutions to carry out periodic formal valuations of their assets and liabilities.
By convention, hedge funds formally value their portfolios at each month-end. Even if a Funds official dealing days are less
frequent than monthly, the monthly valuation should be formal and consistent because the majority of hedge fund investors
use monthly NAVs for their analysis of performance and volatility. Of course, if a Fund has dealing days at points in time other
than month-end, the production of the underlying NAV should be subject to the same controls as month-end NAVs.
6 - In this Guide we will use the term Offering Document as the generic term for the document in which an offer of equity
interest is made by a Fund to investors. In the United States and Asia, such a document tends to be referred to as an Offering
Memorandum or Private Placement Memorandum; in Europe, a more common term is Fund Prospectus.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues

The practical responsibility for controlling

segregation of duties, are sufficient to

the determination of the Funds NAV is

manage its conflicts of interest.






Throughout this document we will describe

In certain circumstances, Governing Bodies

the party performing this role as the

may delegate oversight of the valuation

Valuation Service Provider. Typically, a

process to a sub-committee or separate

Funds Administrator will be the Valuation

committee, usually known as a Valuation

Service Provider as part of the services it is

Committee (or Pricing Committee). A

contracted to provide for the Fund.

Valuation Committee may be formed when

Governing Bodies conclude that they lack






specific valuation experience or when the

instruments, the Investment Manager will


have some input into the valuation process.

considered complex and requires regular


In certain circumstances, an affiliate or


division of the Investment Manager itself

appointment of a Valuation Committee is

acts as Valuation Service Provider (an

also common if the Fund is a partnership

arrangement sometimes referred to as

vehicle as it is one way of mitigating the


clear conflict of interest which exists when








the Investment Manager is also the General

The triangular relationship of the Governing

Partner (and therefore the Governing Body)


of the Fund.





Investment Manager will vary from situation

to situation, but it is fundamental to the

Independence and competence

dynamics of hedge fund valuation. If the

Valuation Service Provider is well-resourced

The main tension in the valuation of the

and fully independent of the Investment


Manager, the Governing Body may serve in a


high-level oversight role only. Where the

independence and competence. It is clearly



preferable that the responsibility for the

administration, investors may look to the

valuation of a portfolio, position by

Governing Body to act in a stronger

position, is taken by a Valuation Service








If both Valuation Service

Provider who is not only independent of the

Provider and Governing Body are peripheral

Investment Manager but also has no other

influences (or if the Investment Manager

interests that materially conflict with its

acts in their positions), the onus falls

duties to the Fund.

oversight role.

squarely on the Investment Manager to


For those hedge funds investing in hard-to-

controls, such as reviews by independent

value instruments, however, it is unrealistic

parties, greater transparency and robust

to expect that the Investment Manager will




7 - This is one of several reasons why hedge fund Governing Bodies should have sufficient stature. AIMAs Offshore Alternative
Fund Directors Guide (June 2005) provides guidance on forming a suitably qualified and competent Board of Directors. The
Guide is available to AIMA members and institutional investors at no charge, and available for purchase by non-members at


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues

have no input into valuation. A third party

placed to value the portfolio. In these cases

Valuation Service Provider may not have a


detailed working knowledge of pricing

meaningful controls over potential conflicts of

methodology for complex derivatives, or

interest are all the more crucial. It is certainly

direct access to price sources for thinly

not sound practice for a Governing Body to

traded securities. Several established hedge

approve self-administration without a clear



Valuation Policy Document being in place

administrative infrastructure at a time when

which outlines robust segregation of the

there were few Valuation Service Providers

Investment Managers front and back offices.8








with the necessary experience and resources

to provide formal valuation services. Some

AIMAs Recommendations also recognise

of these Investment Managers argue that the

that, even when a third party Valuation

industry has still not evolved to the point

Service Provider is delegated responsibility

where there is a sufficient supply of

for the overall NAV production process,

independent Valuation Service Providers


who can determine the NAV of a complex

Manager may still be required. Again, in

portfolio in a fully competent manner.

these situations, the role of governance,

Managers who favour self-administration

transparency and robust written procedures

also point to the fact that their investors

becomes all the more important and our

demand the production of month-end NAVs

Recommendations are designed to provide

to deadlines which an independent provider

guidance in these areas.

might not be able to meet.

possible, the input of the Investment






Manager should be checked and reviewed

AIMA believes that the delegation of NAV

by the Valuation Service Provider and/or

production to a suitably experienced third

the Governing Body.

Sometimes the

party Valuation Service Provider is usually the

valuation of certain instrument types, or

optimal solution to the tension between

the review of the Investment Managers

independence and competence inherent in

pricing of the instrument type, is delegated

the valuation process. This is not to say that

to a third party specialist or to an

the appointment of an independent provider

independent accountant.

should be viewed as a panacea for all the risks

in the valuation process, nor that other

Prudence and fairness

stakeholders in the process should abdicate

their responsibilities. Furthermore, as our

Prudence is not only a fundamental

original Recommendations recognise, there

accounting concept but a natural attribute

are certain circumstances where a hedge fund

of responsible Investment Managers. If

portfolio is so esoteric or complex that a

there is an element of contingency to the

Valuation Service Provider related or internal

value of an investment because of its

to the Investment Manager may be best

illiquidity or the subjectivity of pricing

8 - The very terms front office and back office, used colloquially throughout the asset management industry, implicitly
recognise the segregation of duties which should exist between those involved in investment decisions/trading and those
responsible for reconciliations/accounting. We will sometimes use these shorthand terms when discussing the internal
procedures of an Investment Manager.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues





Consistency and flexibility

understandably reluctant to mark up a

position until there is clear evidence of a

Stakeholders are entitled to expect that

substantive and sustainable change in

valuation policies are applied consistently so


that they can perform analysis in the

knowledge that the information goalposts

But hedge funds do not have the luxury of

are not being moved unreasonably. A lack of



consistency in the application of policies

They are usually

can lead to inaccurate and potentially

established as open-ended vehicles, and

misleading information being distributed

investors subscribe or redeem at each

and being relied upon by investors and


approach to valuation.

dealing point on the basis of the same NAV.

other third parties. One of the aims of a

The value assigned to any particular

good Valuation Policy Document is to

position will have a direct impact on the


number of shares that a subscriber receives

valuation policies and price sources.




or the proceeds which will be paid to an

However, because of their broad mandates

investor who is exiting the Fund.

and innovative investment styles, hedge

In this regard, the practice of side-

funds may utilise newlycreated instrument

pocketing private, illiquid or hard-to-price


investments has become more prevalent

technical developments or changes in







since AIMAs original survey was released.


Side-pocket arrangements segregate such

attractive from an investment point of


positions from the main pool of assets in a

view, does present challenges from a

Fund until such time as they are realised or

valuation perspective. When an Investment

are no longer difficult to price.


Manager contemplates investing in an

approach has its advocates in terms of

instrument type which has not been



included in a Funds portfolio previously or

especially given the typical j-curved

argues that the most influential market-

nature of returns on special situations.

makers for a thinly traded security have

However, multiple side pockets can be

changed, it should engage with the various

difficult to handle from an administration

stakeholders to ensure consensus on the

perspective, difficult for certain investors

fairest valuation of the position.




to accommodate and may even encourage


the dumping of impaired assets unless

Hedge funds are among the main consumers

properly controlled.

of products developed by investment banks,

The decision to

approve provisions for side-pocketing is not



one which the Governing Body should take

derivative contracts. In these circumstances









A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Overview of Valuation Issues

sometimes the only means by which the

will be instances where the valuation of the

Investment Managers own valuation of the

Funds assets for the purposes of the NAV

contract can be initially verified. In due

calculation will not necessarily comply with

course, the derivative contract may become

the requirements of IFRS or US GAAP. For

a more common way of expressing an

example, IFRS mandates the use of bid

investment idea so that the Valuation

quotations for long positions and ask

Service Provider develops its own pricing

quotations for shorts, whereas many hedge

models or can find another third party

funds use either the last traded price or, in

specialist with the requisite expertise to

some circumstances, the middle of the

provide reliable model-based valuations.

spread. Additionally, US GAAP precludes the

This would be a clear-cut instance where a

use of blockage discounts where an

price source consistently used in the past


should be superseded by a model giving a

regardless of the liquidity of the position.

more independent estimate of fair value.

The guidelines contained in this document,

The industry has demonstrated that it can

with accompanying examples, are intended

come to terms with the valuation of new

to represent current sound practice and

asset classes in this way. Few might have

therefore will be revisited and, if necessary,

predicted ten years ago that credit

revised to reflect changes in accounting

derivatives would become as mainstream as

standards or international regulation.




they are today.

Accounting standards and valuation






international accounting authorities on fair

value is discussed in Appendix 4.


Guide seeks to enhance sound practice

principles for the fair valuation of hedge
fund portfolios.

That being said, it is

important to re-emphasise the fact that this

document covers the valuation of assets for
NAV purposes.

The requirements and




Standards and, in particular, International

Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(US GAAP), have been considered in the
preparation of this Guide. However, there


on Governance


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Governance

Valuation Policy Document : 1 - In advance of the Funds launch a

The Funds Governing Body should therefore

Approval summary of practical and workable

ensure that a written Valuation Policy

valuation practices, procedures and

Document is in place for the Fund. Ideally,

controls should be enshrined in a

the Document should be approved before



the Funds launch after consultation with all

approved by the Funds Governing

relevant stakeholders. For a Fund with

Body, after consultation with relevant

hard-to-value securities, it is sensible for



stakeholders. The Valuation Policy

the Funds Auditor to be involved in the

Document should be reviewed on a

consultation process, given that it will be

regular basis by the Governing Body.

performing work on valuation policies and

procedures in its year-end audits.

Regardless of how simple a Funds valuation

practices may appear, proper documentation

The regularity of review of the Valuation Policy

of the valuation process removes scope for

Document by the Governing Body will depend

dispute or uncertainty in the future and

upon the Funds complexity. Sound practice

provides a clear framework for governance in

would be to review the Document at least

the area.

annually and in any case when the Funds

activities involve new types of instrument.

By convention, the Offering Document which

Developments in accounting standards or

a Fund issues to its prospective investors

valuation practices should also be reflected in

before and after its launch contains a section

the Document on a timely basis.

on valuation. These disclosures are important


and are discussed under Recommendation 5.

For a Fund likely to have an allocation to

However, they do not usually address the

quasi-private positions, the Governing Body

detail of the practices and procedures

arranges dialogue between the Investment

applied in the production of the Funds

Manager and the Auditor to discuss the

formal month-end NAV. Inclusion of such

information and documentation the latter

detail would probably require the Offering

will require in its year-end audit fieldwork.

Document to be frequently revised, costing

For debt positions secured on property

the Funds stakeholders time and its investors

portfolios, the two parties agree on using

money. While it is therefore reasonable for a






Funds Offering Document to provide a high-

property valuation specialist. The Valuation

level overview of valuation policies, this

Policy Document then states that the same

should be on the understanding that a more

specialist will be consulted on a quarterly

detailed summary of valuation procedures is

basis to ensure that the carrying value used

in existence and available for review.

for NAV purposes remains reasonable.

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Governance

A Governing Body is persuaded that there

is no need for a Valuation Policy Document at

An outline of the approval process for the

use of pricing models.

all because the securities in the portfolio

An outline of the process for formulating

are normally 100% exchange-traded and easy

policies when the Fund starts to trade a

to price. This leads to a variety of practical

new investment type.

issues going forward. For example, there is

The accepted valuation processes, price

an ongoing issue because of a suspension of

sources and cut-off times for each type of

dealing in a particular security. Stakeholders

instrument expected to be traded by the

in the valuation process have no guidelines


to follow and the Investment Manager

The accepted tolerance levels for any

persuades the Valuation Service Provider to

differences between price sources, both

process an arbitrary write-down of the

position in a month-end NAV calculation.

at position and portfolio level.

A definition agreed by all stakeholders of
what constitutes a stale price.

Valuation Policy Document: 2 - The Valuation Policy Document

For each type of hard-to-value instrument,

Contents should explicitly clarify the role of each

a methodology or procedure for arriving at

party in the valuation process, should

a consistent valuation to be included in






instrument type and should include a




the NAV, outlined as clearly as possible.

A clearly defined escalation or resolution


process for situations in which tolerance

procedure for the management of

levels are breached, or where the degree


of subjectivity in pricing is such that the

Governing Body should periodically review

The Valuation Policy Document should be

in detail.

worded as clearly as possible and should act as

a practical guide for all stakeholders involved

An example outline of a Valuation Policy

in the formal NAV process. The Valuation Policy

Document is given in Appendix 5.

Document may also include guidelines for the

delivery of information or completion of a

A Fund has a policy on hard-to-value

process, although this is more related to the

convertible bonds where quotes from third-

service levels agreed between the parties.

party market-makers are sourced.


Valuation Policy Document clarifies the

For the accuracy of the NAV process

number of quotations to be procured, the

specifically, it would be sound practice for a

method by which the Valuation Service

Valuation Policy Document to include guidance

Provider receives the quotations, and the

in the following areas, where applicable:

way the average price is to be calculated.

If there is a deviation from the written

The responsibilities of the parties involved.

policy, the valuation automatically becomes

The forums for, and frequency of, oversight

a reserved matter for the Governing Body.

of the valuation policies.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Governance

A Valuation Policy Document contains

should conduct sufficient due diligence on

clear detail on the price sources to be used


for each security type. However, there is no

committing the Fund to any relationship.9

guidance as to acceptable tolerance levels

In practice, there may be a beauty

if the price sources differ. This means that

parade during which the qualifications,














unilateral decisions as to whether or not to

providers are assessed. The Governing

escalate a difference between the price

Body may expect each candidate to

sources to the Governing Body.


Selection of Valuation 3 - The Governing Body of the Fund

1. Evidence of the robustness of its control

Service Provider should ensure adequate segregation

environment (this may take the form of an

of duties in the NAV determination

independent accountants SAS 70 or AAF01 /

process, which may be achieved by

06 report).10

delegating the calculation, deter-

2. Access to the senior personnel of the

mination and production of the NAV

Valuation Service Provider who will be

to a suitably independent, competent

responsible for managing the valuation

and experienced Valuation Service


Provider. If the Investment Manager is

3. Evidence of experience in valuing the

responsible for determining the NAV,

instrument types which the Fund trades

and/or acts as the Funds Governing

(this may include references from other

Body, robust controls over conflicts of


interest should be established.

instrument types).


4. Evidence







However difficult it may be to strike a balance

infrastructure and business continuity to

between independence and competence in

support the valuation process.

the area of valuation, a fundamental principle

5. Evidence that any internal conflicts of

of governance is that the NAV of a Fund should

interest are sufficiently managed (for

be produced independently of the Investment

example, a Valuation Service Provider with

Manager or that there should be effective

a prime brokerage arm should ensure that

controls over NAV production in the cases

information firewalls exist between the two

where the Investment Manager is responsible

divisions of the organisation).

for valuation.
During the due diligence process, members
Independent Valuation Service Providers

of the Governing Body will probably rely on

If the Governing Body of a Fund chooses to

advice and guidance from the Investment

delegate the production of the month-end

Manager but they will retain ultimate

NAV to a Valuation Service Provider it

discretion over the decision.

9 - See AIMAs Illustrative Questionnaire for Due Diligence of Hedge Fund Administrators (available to AIMA members and
institutional investors only).
10 - SAS 70 / AAF01/06 reports are produced by Auditors, in accordance with the relevant auditing standards, in order to
report on a service organisations controls environment. Such reports allow an organisation that provides third party services
to disclose their control activities and processes to their clients and their clients Auditors in a uniform reporting format.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Governance

It is sometimes argued that Valuation

may also ask the Provider to report to it in

Service Providers have a conflict of interest

person, especially if questions have been

because they usually receive remuneration

raised by the Investment Manager or Auditor.

in the form of a percentage of a Funds

It is also the ultimate responsibility of the

assets under management. This is true to

Governing Body to ensure that the Service

the extent that a growth in assets through

Level Agreement between the Fund and the

performance will feed through to their fee

Valuation Service Provider is kept up to date.

income, but it is important to stress that

the vast majority of Valuation Service

Self-administration by the Investment Manager

Providers follow sound practice by not

As noted in the Overview, for some Funds

receiving any remuneration directly linked

with hard-to-value securities in their

to performance. However, the Governing

portfolios, it may be concluded that the

Body should be alert to other threats to a

Investment Manager is best placed to

Valuation Service Providers independence.

provide the most accurate and timely

For example, a Valuation Service Provider

valuation of the portfolio. The Valuation

may be reliant on funds managed by one

Service Provider in these instances will

Investment Manager for the majority of its

either be an entity affiliated with the

income. This is a factor to be considered

Investment Manager or the back office of

along with any other conflicts of interest

the Manager itself.

caused by the nature of the Investment

Managers relationship with the Valuation






Service Provider. If the Investment Manager

Governing Body should periodically satisfy

is a shareholder in a Valuation Service

itself that it continues to be in the Funds

Provider, or if the two organisations share

best interests for valuations to be produced



by the Investment Manager. The Governing

Valuation Service Provider will clearly be

Body should also ensure that written


procedures, segregation of duties and proper




oversight are all in place. It should insist upon

Once the Valuation Service Provider has been

a Valuation Policy Document which specifies

selected, the precise details of its terms of

the methods and sources the Investment

engagement will be agreed, and are often

Manager uses, and which if possible names

enshrined in a Service Level Agreement.

the personnel at the Investment Manager who

Another benefit of producing a Valuation

will be responsible for valuation.

Policy Document is that this can be included

Governing Body may wish to have these staff

as part of the Service Level Agreement.

report directly to them on a periodic basis.

After the Fund is launched, the Governing

In some partnership structures where the

Body should periodically refresh its due

Investment Manager is the General Partner

diligence on the Valuation Service Provider. It








A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Governance

A Governing Body, along with the

measures should be taken to address

potential conflicts of interest in the sphere

Investment Manager, visits a shortlist of

of governance. Some Investment Managers

independent Valuation Service Providers.

who are General Partners establish a

After due consideration, the Governing

Valuation Committee which acts as a de

Body appoints one of the candidates on the

facto Governing Body on matters relating to

basis of criteria such as the competence of

valuation. It is clearly preferable that this

its staff and its experience of valuing the


instruments which the Fund will trade.





members as possible who are independent

of the Investment Manager, although it is

A General Partner establishes an internal

recognised that it may be difficult to source

Valuation Committee where the lead portfolio

suitably competent members who are

manager has an arbitrary power of veto over

available at each month-end. At the very

the valuation of any instrument in the

least, a majority of the Committee should

portfolio without reference to parameters

be comprised of non-executives and/or

laid down by a Valuation Policy Document.

staff of the General Partner who do not

Escalation Procedures report to those involved in investment

4 - Oversight of the entire valuation

decisions. It is sound practice for staff from

process and, in particular, resolution

compliance and risk management functions

of pricing issues associated with

to be represented on the Committee. It is

hard-to-price illiquid positions and

also preferable that staff of the General





Partner who sit on the Committee are not

ultimate responsibility of the Funds

remunerated directly on the basis of Fund

Governing Body.

To fulfil its responsibilities in this area the
A Funds Auditor may be engaged to perform

Governing Body should ensure that the

attestation work each month or quarter and

Valuation Policy Document of the Fund

to produce a report to provide some level of

allows it to review any positions where the

extra check for the Governing Body and

Investment Manager has material input into

investors upon valuations performed by the

the valuation of a position or where the

Investment Manager. These exercises are a

Investment Manager wishes to override the

useful tool of governance when self-

price provided by the Valuation Service

administration takes place, but they should


not be relied upon in isolation.

In practice, escalation to Governing Body


Controls to manage potential conflicts of

level will tend to arise in two cases. Firstly,

interest and to ensure segregation of duties

there will be positions where it is accepted

are discussed further under Recommen-


dations 8 and 9.

effectively be the primary source of the





A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Governance

valuation (for example, a position in the

A Fund establishes in its Valuation Policy

convertible debt of a private company,

Document a clear protocol for the handling

where the Investment Manager may have

of overrides requested by the Investment

better insight into expected future cash-

Manager. This includes guidance as to the

flows than any other stakeholder in the

kind of evidence considered substantive by

valuation process). Secondly, and probably

the Valuation Committee, as well as a

more rarely, there may be instances where

reminder that the Committee is quorate

the Investment Manager and Valuation

only when a majority of members present






disagreement about which price source or






model inputs should be used.

For a Fund where the back office acts as
In the first case, where documented

de facto Valuation Service Provider, a



number of its prices are overridden by the

Governing Body may chose to delegate

front-office team. The back office re-runs

monthly review of the valuation of the

the NAV report without any formal review



by the Governing Body or Valuation

Committee or to a suitably qualified

Committee. No documentation supporting

member of the Governing Body who is

the rationale for the front offices overrides

independent of the Investment Manager and

is maintained.






the Valuation Service Provider. In addition,

the Governing Body may perform a periodic
review to ensure that the Investment
Managers involvement is required and that
the assumptions behind its input are
In the second case there should be a clearly





Valuation Policy Document. The Governing

Body should receive representations from
the various parties involved in order to
reach a decision on the fairest price to be
used. In these circumstances, the burden
of proof for an override should lie with the
Investment Manager not the Valuation
Service Provider.

The reasons for the final

decision of the Governing Body should be



on Transparency


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

on Transparency
Offering Document 5 - The Funds Offering Document

for the identity of the Valuation Service

Disclosures should explicitly name the party to

Provider (whether independent of the






Investment Manager or not) to be made



completely unambiguous.

production of NAV has been delegated.

Other disclosures in an Offering Document
As noted under Recommendation 1, the

to help investors better understand the

Offering Document of the Fund contains

valuation process might include:

formal disclosures on which basis investors

subscribe to the Fund. It is normal practice

1. Clear disclosure of who has oversight

for the Offering Document to include a

responsibility for the valuation of the

section on Valuation or Net Asset Value.

Funds assets and liabilities (this would

By convention, disclosures made under this

include explanation of the role of the


Valuation Committee if there is one).






frequency of the production of the NAV,

2. If the Investment Manager is likely to

headline valuation policies to be applied to

have material involvement in the valuation

each major category of assets/liabilities

of the portfolio, disclosure of that fact (see

and disclosures about risks inherent in the

also Recommendation 6 below).

valuation process.

3. Some guidance as to how fair value will

be ascertained in practice, if the Fund has

It is understandable that some of these

non-exchange-traded positions.

disclosures in the Offering Document are

4. Detailed disclosure of policies relating to

generic in nature, whereas the detailed

side pockets, should they be allowed for by

policies and procedures would be found in a

the Offering Document.

Valuation Policy Document. For example,


A Fund makes explicit disclosure in its

statement that the Funds valuation policies

Offering Document that the Investment

may be altered or overridden at the

Manager is delegated responsibility for

discretion of the Governing Body or


Investment Manager without such discretion

Administrator acts merely as a Registrar.










being precisely defined.

A Fund where a division of the Investment


However, whatever the level of detail in the

Manager acts as Valuation Service Provider

Valuation Policy Document and the Funds


policy relating to its disclosure, investors

determination of NAV in its Offering







Document, other than the potentially

meaningful information in the Offering

misleading statement that the NAV is

Document over and above boilerplate

disseminated at each month-end by the

language. In particular, it is sound practice





A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Transparency

Disclosure of Investment 6



The process transparency granted by such

Manager Involvement disclosure of any material involvement

disclosure is not the same thing as portfolio

by the Investment Manager in the

transparency, about which the Investment


Manager may have genuine concerns. But if,







for whatever reason, the Investment Manager

and / or Valuation Service Provider do not

When an independent Valuation Service

wish the Valuation Policy Document to be

Provider is delegated overall responsibility


for the determination of a Funds NAV,

bandwidth of NAV where the Investment

investors still have the right to expect

Manager might be involved should still be

disclosure of any material involvement by






the Investment Manager in the process.

The definition of materiality in this context

It is also sound practice for the Funds

should be strict.

Disclosures do not have

audited financial statements to contain a

to take the form of a prescriptive health

note outlining the percentages of NAV as at

warning about the level of valuation risk

the balance sheet date which are valued by

in the Fund, but sufficient information

the Investment Manager, disclosing the

should be disclosed to investors for them to

methods used and the nature of the

be able to draw their own conclusions and

Managers involvement.11

make appropriate decisions.

A Governing Body, in consultation with the

Investment Manager, authorises disclosure of

disclosure to be made is the release, on a

the Funds Valuation Policy Document to

confidential basis, of the Funds Valuation

investors and potential investors.





Policy Document. If potential investors are

provided with the Document during their

An Investment Manager has material

due diligence process, they may then

involvement in the pricing of hard-to-value

follow up with questions to the Investment

investments in a Funds portfolio, typically

Manager and/or Valuation Service Provider

representing 10-15% of the Funds net

about the typical percentages of NAV

assets. This fact is not recorded in any

represented by each main category of

documentation received by investors and






reasonably expect such disclosure to be





investors due diligence process.

repeated annually at their request, or

whenever the percentage of NAV in which
the Investment Manager has involvement
changes materially.

11 - For year-ends from late 2007 onwards, financial statements prepared under US GAAP must include a disclosure note
outlining the percentage of net assets in each of the three levels defined by FAS 157 (see Appendix 4 for further details).


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Transparency

In 2000, the Investor Risk Committee of the International Association of Financial Engineers
proposed that there were four dimensions in which information provided by hedge fund
managers should be evaluated.12 The AIMA working party has used these headings - content,
granularity, frequency and delay to organise some typical questions about transparency
pertaining to the hedge fund valuation process specifically:

IRC framework
framework applied
applied to
to the
the valuation
valuation process

What is the quality and sufficiency of coverage in the information

disclosed about the valuation of the Fund?
Does the disclosure include a clear outline of the responsibilities
of each stakeholder?
Are price sources for each instrument type disclosed to investors
as well as accounting policies?
Is the cut-off time for formal valuation of the portfolio disclosed?


What is the level of detail of disclosure?

Are Fund stakeholders prepared to disclose or discuss the valuation of
every position in the portfolio?
Do Fund stakeholders prefer to disclose percentage bandwidths for pricing
sources used?
Are Fund stakeholders prepared to disclose the precise number of overrides
by the Investment Manager accepted by the Governing Body in a given


How often is disclosure made?

For positions valued according to a model designed by a third party or
Investment Manager, how often should investors be updated about the
models assumptions?
How frequently should hedge funds allow investors access to question those
responsible for its valuation process?


How much of a time lag is there between the occurrence and the
disclosure of events in the valuation process?
If there has been a material change in the valuation policy of a Fund, how
long is it before investors are informed?
If Fund stakeholders provide detailed disclosure of how the portfolio is
valued on a delayed basis, what degree of delay is acceptable for the
information to be meaningful?
Is it reasonable to expect investors to rely on audited financial statements
only for information on the percentage of hard-to-value instruments in the

12 - Findings on Disclosure for institutional investors in Hedge Funds (2000).The IRC is part of the International Association
of Financial Engineers (


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Transparency

NAV Reporting 7 - NAV reports should be addressed

formal NAV statement for the period, as

directly to investors by the Adminis-

long as suitable disclosures are made. There

trator, where an Administrator is

should be no room for confusion between

used, and any NAVs produced by

these flash estimates and the formal NAV

the Investment Manager should be

on which the Fund is traded.

qualified as such.



investors, an Investment Manager undertakes

indication as to the frequency of NAV

to provide a month-end estimate for a Fund.

reporting, which will be at least as frequent

These estimates are accompanied by clear

as dealing days. Typically, a formal NAV will

disclosures that they are based on the







Investment Managers own unverified price

Administrators are usually bound by their

sources and that the official NAV will be

Service Level Agreement with the Fund to


produce and disseminate the NAV within an

independent Valuation Service Provider at a


later date.




Because of the requirements of its







Increasingly, Administrators are developing

web-based reporting infrastructures that

An Administrator who acts as Valuation

can be directly accessed by investors.

Service Provider completes its production of

a Funds month-end NAV and then sends an

There should be as little scope as possible

NAV spreadsheet to the Investment Manager

for the manipulation of a Funds NAV once

on the grounds that the Manager is best



placed to distribute it to the most relevant

completed. When the Administrator is also

investor contacts. The Investment Manager

the Valuation Service Provider of the Fund,

then reserves the right to amend the NAV

it should be the party which disseminates

before sending it to investors.





the month-end NAV. When a division of the

Investment Manager is the Valuation Service
Provider, there should be controls in place
to ensure that the NAV cannot be amended
by unauthorised personnel once it has been
Investment Managers may wish to give
investors an idea of performance before the
completion of the formal NAV process. In
such cases, preliminary indicative estimates
may be sent directly to investors by the
Investment Manager prior to the final


on Procedures,
Processes &


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Procedures,
Processes & Systems
Segregation of Duties 8 - The procedures enshrined in the

calculation before its release to investors,

Funds Valuation Policy Document

as long as any objections they raise are

should be designed to ensure that the

made through the proper channel such as a


Valuation Committee.




valuation process are segregated

from the parties involved in the

As discussed under Recommendation 3, the

Funds investment process.

usual way in which a Governing Body will

achieve segregation of duties in the










valuation process is to delegate the



determination of the Funds NAV to an

responsible for investment decisions and

independent Valuation Service Provider,

trading (front office) and those responsible

with clear procedures enshrined in a

for trade settlement, portfolio recon-

Valuation Policy Document.

ciliations and accounting (back office)

way in which the Valuation Service

should be a control in place for a number of

Provider verifies instrument prices will

operational reasons.

The precise

As already stated,

vary from Fund to Fund. For each position

these controls become all the more

in the portfolio, the Valuation Service

important when the back office of the

Provider will usually be responsible for

Investment Manager is in effect the

supplying prices from at least one of the

Valuation Service Provider. There should be

sources listed in the Valuation Policy

a dedicated team responsible for valuation

Document, so that it can check the

which has no involvement in any investment

variance with the other sources. The

process. Team members should be the only

crucial point is that the Valuation Service

members of staff authorised to input prices

Provider should control the process of



reconciling price sources with no unsolicited

accounting system. In the normal course of

interference from the Investment Manager.

business, they should also be responsible for

A Prime Broker acts as custodian of the

sourcing quotations from brokers and

Funds assets; an independent Valuation

counterparties, and for inputting data into

Service Provider might be described as

pricing models if they are used. The Funds

custodian of the asset valuation process.

Valuation Policy Document should make

Formal intervention by the Investment

clear the circumstances in which the front


office may become involved in the process.

process should not be permitted but,

An emphasis on segregation of duties does

after its own review of the Valuation

not imply that front-office professionals at

Service Providers NAV calculation, the

the Investment Manager will never be

Investment Manager may request a price

consulted about valuation issues. It is also


entirely sensible for them to review an NAV

outlined under Recommendation 4.











A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Procedures,
Processes & Systems

Acting as Valuation Service Provider for a

1. Thinly



Fund, a dedicated back-office team is


responsible for sourcing or modelling all

existent or unreliable






2. Complex

Investment Managers portfolio accounting


system. No members of the front office are

3. Private equity or quasi-private equity

allowed involvement in the process unless,








in accordance with the Valuation Policy

Document, either the back office ask them

For the first category, the Investment

to help procure a specific quotation from a

Manager may furnish the Valuation Service

broker or they are making a formal


deposition to the Valuation Committee in

Recommendation 13) or a report on recent

relation to a complex or illiquid instrument.

trading activity which provides evidence for





its view of fair value. For OTCs, the

For the production of a Funds month-end

Investment Manager will usually be able to

NAV, the Investment Manager e-mails the

provide supporting details of its own model-

independent Valuation Service Provider a

based calculations (see Recommendation 14).

portfolio valuation. The Valuation Service

Provider spot-checks this valuation but uses

The need for supporting evidence can be

it as the basis for the formal NAV calculation

more pronounced for positions where a Fund


has provided finance to a private company in





return for debt or equity.


An Investment

Manager may illustrate its view of the current

Supporting Information 9 - The industry recognises that in

fair valuation with peer-group revenue

certain instances the Investment

multiple models, reports on recent liquidity

Manager has the best insight with

events for similar positions, discounted cash-

respect to the valuation of particular

flow models, or a weighted combination of

instruments. Wherever prices are

those approaches.



private equity valuation, are based on sound




Such tools, common in

Investment Manager, the Valuation

economic principles. However, many of the

Service Provider should be furnished

parameters used in such models are

with sufficient supporting information

subjective, and the resulting valuation can

by the Investment Manager.

vary widely depending upon a particular

The typical categories where it may be

risk premia and the probability distribution of

accepted by the Governing Body that the

future cash-flow estimates.

investors perspective of the current market

Investment Manager will be the primary

source for the valuation of a particular

If the Fund is expected to invest in private

instrument are as follows:

positions on a regular basis, the Valuation


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Procedures,
Processes & Systems

Policy Document may enshrine a procedure

required standards of documentation for

such as discussion of each investment at a

private investments.

monthly Valuation Committee meeting.

Practical Implementation The minutes of this meeting would be

10 - Procedures described in the

provided to the Valuation Service Provider

Valuation Policy Document of the

as supporting evidence for current fair

Fund must be capable of practical

value. Such a procedure may be backed up

implementation by the Valuation

by a periodic written report from an

Service Provider.

independent pricing specialist.

Before a Valuation Service Provider accepts
If there is inadequate documentary support

the Fund as a contracting party, it must

for an Investment Managers valuation

ensure that it can implement the valuation

which the Valuation Service Provider cannot

policies as described and that its systems

validate by other means, the matter should

can access and process the pricing sources

be escalated to Governing Body level.

and models to be used for each instrument


Sufficient time should be given to

A Funds Valuation Policy Document

Valuation Service Providers to undertake

clearly specifies two price sources for each

the necessary due diligence when the other

instrument type, and confers responsibility

Fund stakeholders are unknown to them.

for verifying the sources to the Valuation

They should be consulted about the draft

Service Provider. Because the great majority

Valuation Policy Document as early as

of instruments in the Funds portfolio are

possible during the inception of the Fund (a

exchange-traded, sourcing is not expected

minimum of several weeks prior to launch)

to be complex. If any price is provided by

and the Document should ideally be

the Investment Manager for any instrument

finalised before launch of the Fund.

this is an automatic matter for escalation to

Valuation Committee level where the


Manager will be expected to provide

facilitate the preparation of the Valuation

supporting documentation to the satisfaction


of the Committee.

valuation procedures which the Governing









Body, in consultation with the Investment

For a number of private positions, the

Manager, may accept are appropriate for

Investment Manager provides the Valuation

the Fund after due consideration. For more

Service Provider with a scribbled fax giving

complex portfolios, procedures over and


above the standard will be agreed.





valuation, without any supporting docu-


mentation. The Valuation Service Provider

All stakeholders should be comfortable before

accepts these prices despite the Valuation

launch that the procedures enshrined in the

Policy Document clearly outlining the

Valuation Policy Document are realistic and

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Procedures,
Processes & Systems

can be carried out by the designated party in

representations as appropriate and the

practice. It may, for example, be assumed

Document is suitably revised before the

that a Valuation Service Provider can source

launch of the Fund.

two broker quotations for distressed debt

positions by itself. If this is not in fact the case

An Investment Manager intends to launch

and ongoing involvement from the Investment

a new Fund because it has decided to begin

Manager is required to encourage the brokers

trading a new complex strategy in as rapid a

to co-operate, it is better to enshrine a

timeframe as possible. Details of the

workable but robust procedure into the

proposed valuation policies reach the

Valuation Document (such as the copying of e-

Valuation Service Provider a mere forty-eight

mails to the Valuation Service Provider) rather

hours prior to the launch of the Fund. The

than insisting on a more rigid policy which

Valuation Service Provider is persuaded to

means that in practice virtually every position

accept the engagement before it is satisfied

priced off broker quotations would have to be

it can implement procedures outlined in the

escalated for review by the Governing Body.

draft Valuation Policy Document.

Consistency of Application One important issue for the Valuation Service

11 - The Valuation Service Provider

Provider (whether it is independent of the

should use reasonable endeavours to



apply any pricing policy consistently.

competence of staff detailed to the valuation

Deviations from the policy should be

process. If complex instruments types are to

approved by the Governing Body in

be added to the Funds investment mandate,

advance of any NAV being released.





the Valuation Service Provider should ensure

that sufficient training has been given to staff

A crucial component of the Valuation

assigned to work on those instrument types.

Service Providers processes will be to check

The Governing Body should monitor the

that the price sources for each instrument

adequacy of staff training in its ongoing

type as outlined in the Valuation Policy

reviews of the Valuation Service Provider. If

Document are being consistently applied

the Valuation Service Provider is effectively

(see Recommendation 12). The Valuation

the back office of an Investment Manager, the

Service Provider may also conduct further

firms compliance function may perform such

checks on the consistency of valuation,

a monitoring role as part of its general

using the following tools:

oversight of staff training and competence.

1. A stale price report which highlights any
As part of the set-up process of a Fund, the

instrument where the price has remained the

Governing Body circulates a draft Valuation

same month-on-month. The instruments on

Policy Document to the Investment Manager,

this list would then be investigated further

the Valuation Service Provider and the Auditor.

to ensure that the price is not out-of-date


and that the valuation is appropriate.








A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Procedures,
Processes & Systems

any variances over a set percentage from

names a specialist vendor as the primary

the previous month-end NAV.

Again, the

source for bank debt. One month-end the

instruments on this list would then be

vendor cannot furnish a price for a

investigated to ensure that the large price

particular position. In consultation with the

movements month-on-month were genuine.

Investment Manager, the Valuation Service

3. Valuation Service Providers may also be

Provider finds another specialist vendor who

able to run a report listing instrument

can provide a valuation. The matter is put

prices from sources other than those listed

on the agenda for the Funds monthly

in a Funds Valuation Policy Document which

Valuation Committee meeting and the price


from the alternative source is approved for





between the average of all sources.

inclusion in the month-end NAV.

There should only be rare instances where a

Although the Valuation Policy Document

Valuation Service Provider decides not to

gives it no such authority, an Investment

apply a pricing policy enshrined in the

Manager seeks to have full discretion over

Valuation Policy Document. For example,

the level of a liquidity discount factor each

the Document may state that the bid/ask

month, without any reference to the

spread of an instrument should be obtained


and the midpoint used for valuation, but in


practice only the bid price may be


Even if the Valuation Service

Provider and the Investment Manager agree

that a deviation from the usual policy is
acceptable, this fact should ideally be
escalated to the Governing Body for
Circumstances may also arise where new
instruments are created and therefore do
not yet have an official policy incorporating
them. In the case of new instrument types,
the Governing Body should formulate a
written policy as soon as practicable. Some
Valuation Service Providers have internal
procedures which do not allow them to
accept a deviation from the documented
policy without receiving a written
resolution from the Governing Body.


A Funds Valuation Policy Document

2. A large variances report which highlights





on Sources,
Models &


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology
Multiple Sources 12 - Wherever possible the valuation

Investment Managers own marks will still be

of each position in the Funds

used as a reasonableness check.

portfolio should be checked against a

course of the work they perform for their

primary and secondary price source.

range of clients, Valuation Service Providers










In the


should outline the hierarchy of

instruments drawn from various other

sources to be used for each security

sources such as counterparty statements,

type and the tolerance levels for


variances between the sources.







specialists. One or more of these may be

For exchange-traded instruments, prices

cited in a Funds Valuation Policy Document

tend to be sourced from recognised vendors

as secondary sources.

of market information.

Most Investment

prove impossible to find a reliable second

It may of course

Managers and Valuation Service Providers

price source. An example would be a private

have direct feeds from one or more of these

position where the Investment Manager is

vendors. The principle of checking each

the only party competent to produce a best

position against at least two price sources is

estimate of fair value. If such positions form

advisable, even for instruments which are

a material part of a Funds NAV, suitable

normally easy-to-value.

disclosures should be made following our

There is clearly

more chance of picking up a one-off error

transparency recommendations.

caused by a faulty input or feed (mistakes

sometimes euphemistically referred to in

Depending on the type of instrument being

the industry as data exceptions) if there

priced, the Governing Body of a Fund, in

is another source against which to check the

consultation with the Valuation Service

primary source. Given the number of data

Provider and Investment Manager, can

vendors, the valuation of exchange-traded

define in the Funds Valuation Policy

instruments should not be based on only

Document the hierarchy of price sources to

one price source.

be used, with appropriate tolerance levels

if there is a discrepancy between the


It is in fact sound practice for a second

primary and secondary source.

pricing source to be sought for all positions

tolerance levels used may depend upon the

in a portfolio. For instance, the valuation


of an OTC derivative will often be derived

normally be measured both in terms of the










percentage difference between the sources

counterpartys valuation can be employed

and the basis points impact on overall Fund

as a secondary source. In another example,

NAV. Some Valuation Policy Documents also

the Governing Body may approve the

specify a dollar amount over which any

outsourcing of mortgage-backed securities

variance should be escalated for the

valuation to a pricing specialist, but the

Governing Bodys review.

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology

A Funds Valuation Policy Document






the quotations provided are the most

accurate and relevant.

securities, the price from a defined primary

market vendor source should be used,

The Governing Body of a Fund may

unless the price from a defined secondary

therefore establish a policy in the Valuation

source gives a variance over a set tolerance

Policy Document stating that, if a valuation

level. The Valuation Policy Document also

for a security cannot be sourced from either

outlines an escalation process for the

of the Funds chosen market data feeds, or

resolution of any material variances.

if a Valuation Committee agrees that

market data is unreliable given the size of

Because of time pressure a Valuation

the Funds position or the low frequency of

Service Provider bases portfolio valuations on

trading, broker quotations may be used as a

a single source (a Prime Brokers report,

primary source.

despite the disclaimers provided by the Prime


The Valuation Service Provider

performs no further verification work.






required and the method of calculating an

average price may depend on the nature of

Broker Quotations 13 - If the Governing Body approves

the instruments. In some cases, a simple

the use of broker quotations for the


valuation of certain instruments, all

calculated; another procedure, if five or

reasonable efforts should be made to

more quotations are available, is to discard

ensure that these quotations are

the outliers and then to calculate an

multiple, sourced consistently and

average (of ask, bid or mid price as


accessed by the Valuation Service

























Valuation Service Provider should procure

For thinly traded or illiquid securities,

month-end quotations directly from those

especially convertible bonds, distressed and

sources. In practice, some of the larger

high-yield debt, quotations from market-

Valuation Service Providers receive multiple

makers (usually brokers) may sometimes be

quotations in the course of other NAV

deemed the sources most fully reflective of

exercises, and log them onto a database or

fair value.

other system. It is recognised that in certain

circumstances the Valuation Service Provider

The main issues when broker quotations are

lacks sufficient leverage over the broker to

used are to ensure as much independence

ensure a quotation is sent directly. In these

from the Investment Manager as possible in

cases it is sometimes possible for the

sourcing the quotations and to ensure that

Valuation Service Provider to be copied in


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology

directly on e-mail correspondence so that it

Governing Body, as part of its ongoing

does not have to rely on information

monitoring of valuation procedures, may

forwarded by the Investment Manager. Some

wish to receive a periodic report comparing

third party vendors also provide services

prices achieved on the sale of thinly traded

aggregating market-maker quotations for

instruments with their most recent formal

asset classes such as bank debt.

valuations before sale if derived from

broker quotations.

In normal circumstances, quotations from

A Funds Valuation Policy Document

the same brokers should be used at each

month-end to ensure consistency in the

states that convertible bonds for which no

valuation of the relevant instruments. It is

reliable market data exists will be priced at

not sound practice, in cases where it has


been customary for two or three brokers to

quotations. Any change to the named

provide the month-end quotations for a

brokers must be approved in writing by the

particular instrument, for another source to

Governing Body, and the Valuation Service

be suddenly substituted without proper

Provider will make best endeavours to


source the quotations directly.









Investment Manager may have entirely

legitimate reasons for recommending that a

Members of the Investment Managers

certain broker should be used because it has

front office enter into a Funds portfolio

started to cover a particular instrument, or

accounting system valuations for a number

that a particular quotation should be

of high-yield bonds on the basis of the

discarded because the broker in question

broker quotation they feel best reflects

has been providing spreads which would

the fair value of the securities. The back

change materially if the Fund actually

office, acting as Valuation Service Provider,

attempted to trade. These reasons should

has no transparency for the quotations used

be documented to the satisfaction of the

and no way of ascertaining whether they

Governing Body as a control against possible

are from consistent sources.

cherry-picking of broker sources by the

Pricing Models Investment Manager.

14 - Any decision to use a pricing

model should be approved by the

It is also important to ensure that the




properly justified by appropriate

indicative but are meaningful in the context

testing. If an Investment Managers

of the Funds total holding in an instrument.

pricing models are used they should

The Investment Manager is usually best

be independently tested and verified.








placed to have an opinion if a quotation


from a market-maker is unrealistic for a

For derivatives traded over-the-counter

transaction of any volume.

between two counterparties, the absence of

However, the

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology

a secondary market means that the standard

documentation of the approval process may

method of valuation will be a pricing model.


Models may also be used as a primary source

for complex derivatives or instruments with

1. The reasons for using a pricing model

an element of optionality where other

rather than a market price (typically

sources are considered unreliable.

because of the unavailability or inaccuracy

of an exchange-traded mark).

Pricing models are becoming more complex

2. The reasons for the choice of a particular

and may require a significant level of back-

pricing model as opposed to alternative

testing and independent verification prior

models (typically with a review of the

to being used as a valuation tool. In some

advantages and disadvantages of the

instances, a pricing model may have been

models under consideration).

designed to value a certain type of financial

3. An appraisal of the strengths and

asset, and over time may be modified to

weaknesses of the pricing model used, and

incorporate more exotic types of financial

its consistency with the Funds established

instruments, causing possible weaknesses

valuation policies. If the pricing model in

and workarounds.

question is an off-the-shelf solution from

a model vendor, references from reliable

The Funds Governing Body, as part of its

third parties may be procured. If the model

oversight of the entire valuation process,

has been internally developed by the

should approve any decision to use a pricing

Investment Manager, an independent expert

model as a formal valuation source for any

may report its findings.

part of the portfolio. Such oversight is

4. Defined procedures outlining who will be

particularly important if the model used has

responsible for inputting data to the model

been developed by the Investment Manager,


or if the model will be used as a primary

calculation (especially if there is any

source in preference to a quotation on a

subjective element to the interpretation of

recognised exchange. The Governing Body

the data or the method of calculation).

will typically seek representations from the

5. An escalation process should the

Investment Manager and/or vendor of the

valuations produced by the model fall out of

model, as well as the Valuation Service

Provider if the Valuation Service Provider

compared to an alternative pricing source

will be using the model for production of

such as a counterparty quotation.

the month-end NAV.










The Governing Body

may seek the opinion of an independent

Although there may not always be complete

expert it is sound practice for them to do

consensus as to whether a pricing model is

so if the model has been developed

industry standard, the Governing Body

internally by the Investment Manager and is

may note that stakeholders such as the

material to the NAV. In any event,

Investment Manager, Prime Broker and


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology

Before the launch of a Fund, the

Valuation Service Provider are comfortable

with the model in question. In practice, the

Governing Body reviews pricing models for

more straightforward OTC contracts would

complex variance swaps. It decides, after

include interest rate swaps, equity swaps,

consultation with the Investment Manager

foreign exchange options and many credit

and the Valuation Service Provider, that the

default swaps. For these instruments,

preferred model is currently not reliable

pricing models with readily available data-

enough to be used as a primary source. It is

input parameters are routinely used by

therefore stated in the Valuation Policy

market counterparties.

Document that the model will be a source

secondary to a counterparty quotation until

More complex OTCs include long-dated out-

such time as the Governing Body approves it

of-the money swaptions, long-dated equity

as a primary source.

index options, some variance swaps, credit





On the grounds of immateriality, a


Governing Body allows an over-the-counter

mortgage-backed derivatives. Valuation

derivative not previously traded by the

models exist for these types of instrument

Fund to be valued according to a pricing

but the assumptions and data inputs used


are likely to involve subjective judgement.

Manager. However it then fails to approve

In certain circumstances, it may be agreed

the pricing model formally, so that the

that counterparty quotations will be used as

model continues to be used on a month-to-

a primary source, although every effort

month basis without proper scrutiny by the

should be made to approve a model as the

Governing Body and without the Valuation

primary source.

Policy Document being updated to take








account of the new derivative product.

Once a model has been adopted by a Fund,

Side Pockets its outputs should be monitored against

15 - Any decision to allow the side-

other sources. The most obvious of these is

pocketing of illiquid/hard-to-value

the counterparty mark, but it is also useful

positions should be taken only after

to compare the realised proceeds once a

careful consideration by a Funds

derivative contract is unwound to a

Governing Body.

contemporaneous valuation by the model if

Body approves such a decision it

this has been recorded.


The Investment


If the Governing


Manager and Valuation Service Provider may

policies are clearly communicated to

also have access to other models for the

all investors. The criteria for side-

same type of derivative.

pocketing individual positions should

be as consistent as possible.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology

The fact that investors in a hedge fund

There are a number of variations in side-

regularly subscribe and redeem on the basis


of a formal NAV means that the cost

practice of hedge funds is that only those

accounting methods typically used by private

investors who hold a position in a Fund at

equity funds are not necessarily appropriate


for material holdings in private or quasi-

designated for a side pocket are permitted

private investments. On the one hand, a

to participate in the subsequent gain or loss

policy which does not revalue a private

when the position is eventually realised.

position upwards from cost (until a tangible

Investors hold a separate class of shares for

event) protects investors from the possibility

each side-pocket transaction, which can be

that valuations where subjective judgement



is required may be unintentionally or


Investment Managers do not

deliberately overstated. On the other hand,

usually receive a performance fee on the

if there is no attempt to fair-value a private

side-pocket share classes until this moment

investment for a prolonged period, investors

of crystallisation. In some hedge funds,

who redeem from the Fund in the interim

participation in side pockets is mandatory;

will not be treated fairly.

others allow investors to opt out of side











participate on a case-by-case basis.









A method of dealing with the issue of longilliquidity








increasingly prevalent in the industry is the






sometimes known as Special Situations or

Class S shares.
Under side-pocket methodology, financial
assets that are removed from the valuation
process applied to the rest of the portfolio
are held either at cost or at estimated fair
value (depending on the Funds valuation
policy for the side pocket) until either a
liquidation, a flotation, a third party sale or
some other event which points to clear
evidence of current fair value.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology



Arguments for and

1. The nature of side-pocketed positions is

1. There

against side pockets

that their returns tend to be j-curved,

psychological motivation for Investment

even when they are fair-valued on a


periodic basis. In other words, a catalyst or

pocketing of positions not solely on the

exit route is usually required for the value

grounds of illiquidity or the complexity of

embedded in the position to be realised.

valuation, but because the Manager thinks

The side-pocketing of these positions at

the risk may be on the downside and

inception ensures that current investors in

prefers not to have the position included

the Fund are not diluted by later investors

in the main Funds reported performance

who may gain exposure to the position at a

and volatility.


2. Especially





necessarily represent fair value.

2. By















immaterial, the administration of the







positions, the Investment Manager can

unjustifiably burdensome for the Adminis-

still offer their investors exposure to

trator, Investment Manager and investors






compromising the headline liquidity of

3. Certain categories of investors find side

the Fund itself.

pockets very hard to accommodate in

3. The valuation issue for a private position,

portfolios because of their indeterminate

where some kind of model will probably

duration. The investment mandates of

be used and subjective judgement will be

these investors may proscribe holdings in

required, will largely fall away if the

underlying funds which have worse than

position is ring-fenced from the rest of the

quarterly liquidity, but side pockets may

portfolio and no performance fee is

take years to liquidate.

charged until the position is realised. (Of

4. All these disadvantages are exacer-

course the Investment Manager and other

bated if side-pocket participation is

stakeholders will continue to fair-value


the position informally).


The introduction of side-pocket provisions

the Investment Manager and the Valuation

into a Funds constitution is a material

Service Provider. If it is decided that side-

change and should be given very careful

pocket classes are to be a feature of the

consideration. A Governing Body should weigh

Fund, the mechanisms surrounding them

up the advantages and disadvantages of side

should be clearly disclosed in the Funds

pockets, in the context of its particular Fund,

Offering Document (as mentioned under

and may wish to consult investors as well as

Recommendation 5).

The Governing Body

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Recommendations on Sources,
Models & Methodology

should also have formulated and disclosed

For a Fund with existing side-pocket

its policies on opt-outs, fee-charging

provisions the Governing Body accepts an

arrangements and the maximum percentage

Investment Managers request to side-pocket

of Fund net assets allowed in side pockets.

an exchange-traded position (which has

already been in the portfolio for some time)

It is difficult to propose prescriptive rules for

on the grounds of general illiquidity.

each specific decision to side-pocket an

investment, because subjective judgement
will always be required.

However, the

Governing Body should aim for as much

consistency as possible in its criteria for sidepocketing and should require the Investment
Manager to justify any request to side-pocket
a position.

Factors to be considered will

include the materiality of the position, the

fair value measurements available, the likely
time horizon to realisation of the investment
and the nature of exit strategies. Particular
scrutiny should be given to proposals to sidepocket a position which is already in the
Funds portfolio.
A Governing Body, after consultation
with the Investment Manager, notes that
the number of private or quasi-private
positions in the portfolio is likely to be
immaterial in the context of the Fund
overall. It also takes steps to ensure that
the Valuation Policy Document contains
details of the fair value methods, or
combination of methods, which may be
used to price such positions. It therefore
concludes that side-pocket classes will not
be required, reserving the right to review
the situation if the number of private
positions increases or if fair value models
prove consistently unreliable.


Appendix 1:
About AIMA


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

About AIMA

The Alternative Investment Management

- Guidance on Capital Adequacy requirements

Association (AIMA) is the not-for-profit

- Submissions to regulators and other

global hedge fund association with over

authorities around the world on their hedge

1,100 corporate members in 47 countries.

fund consultations, regulation and tax


Members include leading hedge fund

managers, fund of hedge funds managers,

AIMA is committed to developing industry

prime brokers, legal and accounting service

skills and education standards and is a proud

providers and fund administrators.


co-founder of the Chartered Alternative

benefit from AIMAs active influence in

Investment Analyst designation (CAIA) the

policy development, its leadership in


industry initiatives, including education and


sound practice manuals and its excellent

investment specialists.








reputation with regulators, worldwide.

Enhancing understanding, sound practices
AIMA is a dynamic organisation that reflects

and industry growth

its memberships interests and provides

them with a vibrant global network.

Key projects created and distributed by
AIMA include:
- Series





questionnaires for the selection of managers

and service providers (available to AIMA
members and institutional investors)
- Guides to Sound Practices for European,
Canadian and Asian Managers
- Guide to Sound Practices for Hedge Fund
- Offshore Alternative Fund Directors Guide
Additionally, AIMA serves as the voice of the





regulators and other authorities, holding its

international regulatory forum every other
year. Specific output includes:
- Guide to MiFID
- Regulatory and tax snapshots of the
industry in over 30 countries,


Appendix 2:
AIMA Asset


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

AIMA Asset Pricing Committee


Olwyn Alexander*



Kieran Conroy*


Chief editor and author

David Woodhouse*

Fauchier Partners


David Aldrich

Bank of New York

Evans Apeadu

Balysny Europe Asset Management

(previously at RAB Capital Plc)

Rebecca Berlow

Morgan Stanley

Jerome Barraquand


Olivier Champagne


Guy Clayton

Morgan Stanley

Hugh Crehan


Simon Firth

Kaye Scholer

Tim Fletcher

Semper Macro

Daniel Harris*

D Harris & Co

Elsa Heitzig

JP Morgan Hedge Fund Services

(previously at DPM Mellon)


Joseph Henkel


Andrew Johnston

Man Investments

Mike Ketley

Caliburn Capital Partners

Julian Korek

Kinetic Partners

Gerald Lins

ING Alternative Asset Management

John Maltby


Barry Rome

Kinetic Partners

Christopher Rose

Lombard Risk

Karen Tyrrell


Emma Mugridge


* Contributors to AIMAs 2005 study on Asset Pricing and Fund Valuation in the Hedge Fund Industry
We are most grateful to those individuals who reviewed the Guide, including:
Alain Reinhold, ADI Alternative Investment
Jim McGovern and Rob Maxwell, Arrow Hedge Partners, Inc
Shinichiro Shiraki, Asuka Asset Management, Ltd
Justine Lee, Colonial First State Investment Managers (Aus) Ltd
Peter Douglas, GFIA Pte. Ltd
Jeff Landle, Hardt Group Advisors, Inc.
Kok-Ying Lee, LaCross Global Fund Services
Christian Thompson and Suzanne Pattison, Man Investments
Melissa Hill, Sabre Fund Management Ltd
The Guide was also reviewed by a further four fund of hedge funds managers, six hedge fund managers,
two auditors and one pension fund. The Reviewers are based throughout Asia, Europe and the USA.


Appendix 3:
Hedge Fund


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Hedge Fund Stakeholders



Typical involvement in valuation process


An entity, usually independent of the

In the majority of cases, the Administrator

Investment Manager, who provides a range of

acts as Valuation Service Provider as part of its

services to the Fund under the terms of an

services to the Fund.

agreement with it (often in the form of a





Note that if the Administrator is described as

shareholder services, registrar and anti-money

an NAV Calculation Agent, it is not a

laundering services, reconciliation services

Valuation Service Provider but merely carries



out an arithmetical check on an NAV produced

Administrators offer integrated solutions



by another party (usually the Investment

which allow Investment Managers to outsource

Manager). In such a situation, the Investment

some of their own back-office functions.

Manager would be responsible for the

determination of the Funds NAV with no
meaningful input from the Administrator.
The Administrator may also be described as
providing an NAV Lite service.

In these

situations, the NAV of the Fund is essentially

determined by another party (usually the
Investment Manager) and the Administrators
role is to review the calculations for
reasonableness. Again, the Administrator is
not acting as a Valuation Service Provider
according to AIMAs definition.


The Auditor issues a written opinion upon

The audit involves a review of the Funds

the fair presentation of the Fund's annual

valuation policies and procedures at year-

financial statements, in accordance with

end, and, depending on the risk assessment

the Fund's applicable accounting and

by the Auditor of material misstatement,

auditing standards, on the basis of a year-


end audit of the Fund's books and records.

substantive testing of position valuations.





The audit opinion cannot be relied upon as

a full verification of a Fund's formal NAV
throughout the year, although in conducting
its procedures the Auditor will review the
valuation policies and procedures in place
during the period under audit. The Auditor
may provide other attestation services at
the request of the Fund's Governing Body.
However, independence must always be
maintained by the Auditor in accordance
with the applicable standards, which may


vary by jurisdiction.

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Hedge Fund Stakeholders



Typical involvement in valuation process


A bank, trust company or other financial

While a Custodian has an important role to

institution that holds and protects a Funds

play in verifying the existence of investments,

assets and provides other services, including

it is unusual for them to become involved in

collecting money from investors, distributing

the formal NAV process.

redemption proceeds, maintaining margin









exercising options. Usually a Funds Prime

market values but often contain disclaimers as

Broker(s) will perform the role of Custodian.

to the accuracy of the values or reliability for

the purposes of Fund accounting.


The Fund is a collective investment scheme,

typically established in the following ways:
1. In offshore jurisdictions such as the
Cayman Islands, the Fund will usually be
established as a Limited Liability Company.
2. Funds established under the laws of a US
state such as Delaware usually take the
form of a Limited Liability Partnership.
3. Some Funds in offshore jurisdictions are
established as Unit Trusts, although this is a
comparatively rare structure.
The Fund has legal identity but in practice
decisions on its behalf will be made by its
Governing Body.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Hedge Fund Stakeholders



Typical involvement in valuation process


A Governing Body generally supervises and

The Governing Body will have overall

oversees the conduct of its Funds affairs, even

responsibility for the valuation of the Fund. It

though it will delegate day-to-day functions to

will typically delegate day-to-day respon-

other parties such as the Investment Manager

sibility for the production of the NAV to a

and Administrator.

Valuation Service Provider.

The composition of the Governing Body will

Note that, in Partnership structures, the

depend upon the Funds structure and

General Partner (and therefore the Governing


Body) may be the Investment Manager.


these circumstances a Valuation Committee is

1. A Fund established as a Company will have

often established to oversee the valuation of

a Board of Directors as the Governing Body.

the Fund.

The Board may include representatives of the

Investment Manager, and directors selected by
the Investment Manager, although there is an
increasing trend for independent nonexecutive directors of stature to be appointed
to hedge fund Boards.
2. A Fund established as a Partnership will
usually have a General Partner as Governing
Body. Typically the General Partner will be the
Investment Manager.
3. A Fund established as a Trust will have a
Trustee as the Governing Body. The Trustee is
usually an independent licensed company.


Often referred to as the Investment Advisor

1. In a minority of cases the Investment

in the United States.

Manager will act as the Valuation Service

Provider (sometimes referred to as self-

The Investment Manager enters into an






investment decisions on its behalf, usually

2. For portfolios with a hard-to-value

on a discretionary basis, in return for a

component, the Investment Manager is

management fee (based on NAV) and a

likely to have material input into the

performance fee (a percentage of NAV

valuation process and may be the primary

appreciation over a given period). The


performance fee is sometimes also referred


to as an incentive fee.









A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Hedge Fund Stakeholders



Typical involvement in valuation process


Investors in hedge funds can be categorised in

Investors, especially fund of hedge funds

many ways but the most clear distinction is

managers, may perform due diligence on the

between fund of hedge funds managers and

integrity of a Funds valuation process, but

direct investors:

they will not be involved directly in the formal

NAV process.

1. Fund of hedge funds managers:


entities manage diversified portfolios of hedge

funds (usually in the form of collective
investment schemes), and provide their
investors with services such as fund selection
and risk management in return for a fee.
2. Direct investors: Hedge funds are aimed
primarily at institutional and sophisticated
investors. Direct investors include pension
funds (public and private), endowments,
foundations and family offices.


A large bank or securities firm that provides


various back-office and financing services

Investment Managers with informal pricing

to hedge funds and other professional

for a Funds portfolio. However, it is unusual

investors. Prime Brokers can provide a wide

for Prime Broker valuations to be relied


upon in the formal NAV process.









reconciliation (clearing and settlement),

custody services, risk management, margin

Some Prime Brokers have affiliates who act

financing, securities lending for the purpose

as Administrators and/or Valuation Service

of carrying out short sales, recordkeeping


and investor reporting. A prime brokerage

relationship does not preclude hedge funds
from carrying out trades with other brokers,
or employing others as Prime Brokers.


The organisation that maintains a registry of

the share owners and number of shares held
for a hedge fund.

Usually the Funds

Administrator also performs the role of



A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Hedge Fund Stakeholders





Typical involvement in valuation process




Regulators may, in their supervisory role,


inspect the valuation procedures and controls

markets, transactions and participants. Often

of those Investment Managers and Valuation

seen as the protector of individual investors.

Service Providers who are under their national

Most, but not all, hedge fund Investment


Managers are registered with their national



Some Governing Bodies delegate oversight

Valuation Committees are a particularly useful

of the valuation process to a Valuation

intermediate oversight body when:

Committee. This may be a sub-committee

1. The Governing Body is the Investment

of the main Governing Body, or a separately


constituted Committee.

2. The NAV process is complex and requires

monthly decision-making.


Valuation Service Provider is the term used

The Funds Administrator often acts as


throughout this Document for the party who

Valuation Service Provider, although the role

is primarily responsible for producing the

may be taken by another competent party.

NAV of the Fund in accordance with the

Valuation Policy Document.

For some hedge funds, the Investment

Manager acts as the Valuation Service


Appendix 4:
Fair Value Accounting Guidelines


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Fair Value - Accounting Guidelines

What exactly is meant by Fair Value? The

reference market for the asset or liability.

accounting standards and regulators provide

FAS 157 describes three different valuation

the most commonly accepted definitions.

techniques: the market approach, the

income approach and the cost approach.

In Europe, the EU Directive on fair valuation

The sufficiency and quality of data



available to estimate fair value is examined

International Financial Reporting Standards





in choosing the valuation technique, which

(IFRS) which state that Fair Value is the

must be consistently applied.

amount for which an asset could be

divides the fair value hierarchy into three

FASB also

exchanged between knowledgeable, willing

levels. The first level is directly observable

parties in an arms length transaction.

market prices where there are quotations

for identical assets or liabilities in active

US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles


Level three investments are

(US GAAP) define fair value in a similar

valued using models with significant entity-

manner as the amount at which an asset

derived inputs (e.g. inputs derived through

could be bought or sold in a current

extrapolation or interpolation but that are

transaction between willing parties, that is,

not corroborated by other market data).

other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The

Level two then covers all other investments

US Investment Company Act of 1940 states

on the spectrum between these extremes.

that the value of securities for which market

It is generally accepted that if an

quotations are readily available is the market

investment is freely traded in a deep,

value, for all other investments the value is as

liquid market the best estimate of fair

determined in good faith by the board [of the

value is the current exchange-traded price.


However, once the investment moves from

this ideal valuation scenario a number of

The Financial Accounting Standards Board

factors must be considered in determining

("FASB") in the US recently issued FAS 157 to

valuation, which may include:

examine fair value measurement, proposing


a single definition of fair value under US


GAAP and providing a framework for how to

Accounting treatments

measure and determine fair value. The goal

Frequency of trading

is to increase consistency and comparability

Currency fluctuations

in estimates of fair value, as well as

Economic/Industry Developments

enhancing transparency through enhanced

Value of similar financial instruments


Changes in interest rates

FASB proposes a revised

definition of fair value as the price that

Reliability of models (if used)

would be received for an asset or paid to

Reliability of input data to models (if used)

transfer a liability in a current transaction

Reliability of estimates

between marketplace participants in the

Reasonableness of assumptions

A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Fair Value - Accounting Guidelines

In summary, there is broad consensus on the

Determining fair value where no exchange-



traded price exists is more of an art than a

determination of fair value can lead to





science, as a number of assumptions and

divergence in approaches, estimates and

estimates must be made. As a final test in

assumptions which can cause a significant

estimating the fair value of a non-exchange-

variation in the fair value estimate

traded position, it should be benchmarked


As emphasised in the various

to the definitions above: is the price what

sections of this Guide, it is therefore

one would pay/receive for this investment

essential for a Fund to have a Valuation


Policy Document. The stakeholders in the

knowledgeable market participants?






valuation process should ensure that the

policies are consistently applied and reflect
current sound practice in the industry.


Appendix 5:
Valuation Policy
Document Outline


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Valuation Policy
Document Outline
This outline is for guidance only. The suggestions listed are not intended to be comprehensive; conversely, they will not all
be appropriate in each individual case.

Valuation Policy Document of [NAME OF FUND]

This Document remains the sole property of [NAME OF FUND]. The Policy was prepared by the
was approved by the [GOVERNING BODY] on _____________.

For example:

The Funds valuation policies and procedures are designed to ensure that all instruments are
valued in accordance with the Funds Offering Document. The value of those instruments will
form an integral part of the Net Asset Value calculation on which investors subscribe and
redeem on each and every dealing day. The aim of the policies and procedures is fairness to
all investors in the Fund.

This section would define the various stakeholders involved and outline their responsibilities:

Governing Body
Valuation Committee (if applicable)
Investment Manager
Valuation Service Provider
Other (e.g. Auditor, independent accountant, pricing specialist)
If an affiliate or division of the Investment Manager is the Valuation Service Provider, the document may be expected to
provide information on the personnel/departments assigned responsibility.

This section would set down guidelines for the body responsible for oversight of valuation:

Identity (i.e. Governing Body or Valuation Committee)

Normal frequency of meetings
Reports to be presented (e.g. exception reports from Valuation Service Provider)
Outline of approval process for new models/sources
Frequency of review of the Valuation Policy Document
If the Governing Body delegates its oversight function to a Valuation Committee, it may set out in this section matters that
remain reserved for its approval.
This Outline covers Escalation under a separate heading but that subject may also be dealt with here.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Valuation Policy Document Outline

Valuation Sources
This section might list a price source matrix, perhaps configured as follows:

Type of Asset

Primary Source

Secondary Source







For certain instruments, there may be a hierarchy of more than two sources.
The Accounting Policy column would typically state which part of any price spread should be used (e.g. bid, ask or mid).
The Document may indicate which party would usually be responsible for accessing each price source.
Notes may be provided if the accounting policy is complicated or if access to a source requires a procedure with several steps.

For more complex instruments, the section may provide guidance such as:

Method of deriving an average price from broker quotes

Data to be input to pricing models (including details of sources, steps in the input process
and the party responsible for input)
Approved pricing specialists (to be consulted if the usual sources are unavailable)
Level of documentation required for private positions

Control Procedures
The size of this section may depend on the complexity of instruments traded, but it could include:

Procedures for back-testing

Definition of stale prices and procedures for isolating them
Monitoring of trading volume for less liquid instruments

This section would outline as clearly as possible the Funds escalation procedure if the Investment Manager or other party
requests a deviation from the Funds usual policies:

Definition of an Investment Manager override

Definition of materiality
Governing Body (or Valuation Committee) quorum
Acceptable format and deadline for representations
Timescale for decision
Guidance on possible adjudication/arbitration by pricing specialists
Protocol for minute-taking
The escalation procedures may be used as the basis for a procedure to approve side pockets, should the Fund have side
pocket provisions.


A I M A S G U I D E TO S O U N D P R A C T I C E S F O R H E D G E F U N D VA L U AT I O N ( 2 0 0 7 )

Valuation Policy Document Outline

The Document may also address subjects outside the scope of this Guide, such as:

Policies on income recognition, expense accruals and performance fee calculation

Agreed timetables for delivery of NAV reporting

Possible appendices may include:

Excerpts from the Offering Document relating to valuation policies

Latest accounting policies note from the audited financial statements
Contact details for all relevant parties


The Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd (AIMA)

Meadows House, 20-22 Queen Street, London W1J 5PR
Tel +44 (0)20 7659 9920
Enhancing Understanding, Sound Practices and Industry Growth

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