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Tien Duy Vu
Eng 112 - 07
June 13, 2016
Professor Julia Intawiwat
Investigative proposal

What does it mean success in life?
My topic is about success. Everyone need a purpose in life. Goals and a desire to be success can
push people into hard working, makes their life much more meaningful, and keep them in a good
path that they planned for themselves.
1. Who are successful people? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, Michael

Jordan, are successful people.

What does it mean success for individual?
When can you say you are success?
Where do you consider you are success?
Why do we need to be success?
Do your success last for a long time? Yes, it is a long-term success.
How your success can affect your life and family?
How your life can change if you can meet your goal?
Will you be satisfy if you achieved your goal? No, because my goal is unlimited

goal, so I have to work on it for the rest of my life.

10. Have you ever think about any other ways to be success?

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The information my project include are ways for individual to be success. I researched in many
websites, books, and other materials. Many definitions are from famous and success people in
the world. My information can help others to know for themselves what success means for them,
then set reasonable, specific goals, to achieve their dream.
My project is in expository essay format. I want people to investigate what success is,
knowing for themselves, going out and searching for it. I also mention about ways to be success
for personal goals, even if we have a small goal to achieve. My project may help you to
understand more about success in many different aspects.

"Personal Success: Getting the Life You Want." Times - Colonist: C1 / FRONT. Mar 06 2001.
ProQuest. Web. 13 June 2016.

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Pettinger, Tejvan. "Most Successful People in the World ." Biography Online. Tejvan Pettinger,
July-Aug. 2014. Web. 13 June 2016.
Success Common Sense: Your Personal Values Will Help You make Important Life and Career
Decisions. Chatham: Newstex, 2015. ProQuest. Web. 13 June 2016.
Teicher, Stacy A. "Life, Inc; You can Achieve Personal Goals by Taking a Businesslike
Approach. what does it Take to make the Company Me, Myself, and I a Success?" The Christian
Science Monitor: 13. May 12 2003. ProQuest. Web. 13 June 2016.
Thaxton, Louise. "Defining Personal Success." Origination News 21.6 (2012): 25,n/a. ProQuest.
Web. 13 June 2016.

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