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In defense of literature

Why should anyone read literary books? Should people read only
those books that are about real events, real people, and established
facts? Someone thinks that literature is useless fantasy for spending
time; others see it just like a funny entertainment; and there are those
who hate it for his presumable role as corruptor of costumes. I defend
here that literature is much more than that and, in addition, a society
that undervalue it is a sick one.
At first, literature can enrich the life of anyone who plunges into
this magic world of words. On one side, literature permits us to run away
from our immediate reality, full of its pragmatism, poverty and spatial
limits. On the other side, we just run away from reality for finding it
again at the other margin of the river of literature. Actually, literature is
telling us every time about human life. In other words, literary books are
about how different kind of people carried out with this simple think that
is being in the world and living with others human beings. In this way,
literature expand the restrict borders of our existential horizon by a
contact with different experiences, places and epochs that we could
never know by ourselves.

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