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Fact is far more fantastic than fiction, once You truly understand what that mea
ns. Don't forget to smile.

To the Love of Forever Oneness, that's the long of it, there is no short of it.
BP's such a good oil company, that it wanted to share its wealth with as many pe
ople as possible. Let them get an up close view of what oil really looks like.
The animals are naturally tame, it's the humans that ain't.
Human Consciousness is not limited by 2-dimensional thought, if you can get that
understanding, You've got Everything.
The Ships could beam Us up at any moment, but right Now it's not necessary. They
'd just show up and Everything would just Be. If they beam Us up, they have to b
eam up the whole Planet too. Oh, wait... they already have. Oops. Anybody want s
ome Home Today? Open Your Eyes.
“Everybody Wake Up” Dave Matthews
Today's the Day for Everyone to Experience much More than yesterday.
The Ease of Godhood. Boy, that should be a sin. Probably is someplace, like in i
In 2-dimensional thought, everyone in 2-dimensional thought all have the same gr
oup folly. Love has a different motivation than ignorance, which is the Pre-Vibr
ation of Love. Static doesn't have it.
See, the dinosaurs did not have foam rubber, so they went extinct and became foa
m rubber.
The Kingdom of Heaven would like You to know that the blimps are not Starships.
Good year Anyone?
We should plug the oil leak with Rush Limbaugh.
Love is getting Everything, and all of you just want a little part of it? Who wa
nts some of Everything?
I heard on NPR that Plan A was always the One, good Plan A.
“Halo” - Beyonce
The 11th commandment: thou shalt not BS yourself.
Dedicated to the lawyers and the bankers.
You always have to walk your talk, but You gotta know what you're talking about
first, cause then You can Play.
We're getting close to the Sagittarius Full Moon, I can feel the Energy. Talk ab
out a Clearing. There's gonna be an eclipse too.
The fist thing Humanity needs to do is to give Themselves God. Once You give You
rself God, look Inside and Enjoy the Present. God is not a belief system, God is
A Being Present with All the Love contained Therein and Everywhere Else, of cou
I have mentioned before that I never thought I would have to come into a place a
nd explain to experience what God Is. Wow, they really looped this one didn't th
ignorance contains not Divine Intelligence. Divine Intelligence contains not ign
orance. Belief systems are what ignorance wears to think itself important and th
en it tries to convince everybody else how brilliant darkness is. I'm not sure A
nybody's listening.
It was always funny when the Angels came running into my office right through th
e walls.
I said, “Door! Door!”
They said, “What wall?”
They were so excited about the possibility that they were gonna get to participa
te in Creation. This was way back before even Eternities began, when We were all
a one lump sum Everything.
One Republic – Made for You
Mike's having a good Day out there with them. He goes in there, opens all their
files, and spreads them across the Universe for everyone to see. We call that a
See, they thought nobody was gonna see all their shady little secrets, they thou
ght they could hide that in their ignorance. Funny how things that aren't there,
might Be.
The last train of understanding is the Vertical Learning Curve. Maybe that's whe
re the tracks shift on the train of thought.
The Angels tried to slip on 2-dimensional thought, but it didn't fit. And We con
sidered that unfit attire in the kingdom of heaven.
Mike asked Me to explain a little bit about the internet. See, the internet is i
nterconnected Energy. Consciousness is what's Present, Consciousness Equal the I
of Present, the Am is the Experience of Being Present. Not opposite, not dualis
tic, just Living Experience Being Present. Simple huh?
That's basic Godhood 101.
There's so many intricate understandings of Oneness that is Consciousness. Mike
is the larger comprehension of a Living Universe Multi-Dimensionalized into Comp
lete Awakening. Humanity represents the microcosm contained within the macrocosm
, macrocosmically.
I did mention once before, that when God spoke, meryll lynch went bankrupt, did
that happen? About time somebody got rid of the bull.
Starship Codes Engaging Planetary Access Points. Conscious Energy Shift Equal Ma
ximum. Human Awakening pegged, there's a Ding with that.
Next Question...
Answer, Consciousness can only ask questions it already has the answers to. No m
atter how much it lies to itself.
Serj Tankian
“Lie lie lie”
God has a nature, the nature of God is Creation. Love has a nature, the nature o
f Love is God. Boy... there's more to that One. Take that to the Higher Ones.
ignorance believes that if you keep everything status quo, then nothing can chan
ge. That's pretty 2-dimensional, Everything Changed. That's the “more to it”.
What is the technique of Being Present? That's a loaded question.
What the 60hz, that environment. Most people walk around in a daze all days long
. They don't know, they just follow the flows of the magnetic field, instead of
Being There and choosing what magnetic flow they want to Flow into.
darkness sent Me a memo once that said it's easier to dumb down ignorance than i
t is to awaken it. I sent a memo back saying, “What ignorance?” The Angels deliv
ered that one special.
In religion there's no room for God cause belief systems take up all the Current
and short circuit it. That's why We have a Rectifier in the Grid, redirecting t
hat Energy right back Home.
I really went in there with the thought that ignorance maybe had something to sh
ow me, so I found out if it did. It didn't. It was gonna materialize Me, consume
rize Me. Gonna make nothing out of Me. That's funny.



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