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Yes this is the word that I am going to use for the first year of college. JEE done,
boards done and I land in.. PICT (opps). With great optimism, I walked into
the college premises only to find myself at a dead end after walking a few steps.
Yes PICT was smaller than expectations. But you know what they say, Good
things come in small packages.
The first day was quite a historical one for me. The class coordinator was the
most monotonous man I had ever had the chance of meeting. My class was a
striking contrast to him. Pune University loves to keep you busy, and after
exactly one month we had to take our first Online Examination. Life only got
better with PICT deciding to take offline exams on the same days. After the end
of the first online, FE4 (my class) decided to make a trip to Sinhgad.
When I told my parents of the proposed IDEA, they were taken aback as there
were 32 of us going for the trip. It was great fun as we trekked all the way up to
the top (in the sun). We were exhausted but elated. That was our first feast
together and the beginning of the amazing time that we were going to spend
The next big thing that we did together was taking part in Addiction (the cultural
event). We had a series of fights, were almost rejected because of certain
misunderstandings. Eventually we did hit the stage and totally rocked it. These
were really those moments where we got know each other better.
I really had the time of my life, dancing till you drop during the Navratri and DJ
nights, trying our level best to shake off our FPL and EM2 teacher, learning new
vocabulary, the inside jokes, trying my level best of not pissing off the BXE
teacher (principal), working with a lot of people, faking that we made the
projects.. Its an endless list and I could go on talking about it for days
A big THANK YOU to all the people for make it supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
for me.

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