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Forgiveness Experiment

(a precursor to Forgive.US)
We are facing a national emergency concerning race relations
that requires one response, Love. I am preparing events that will
bring people together to offer forgiveness as a way to reset the
manner in which we all relate. As I work out the subtle details, I
believe I have received a way for all of us to confront any unforgiveness or hardness in our own hearts. When God shows us our
own hearts He does it to bring healing to anything that is broken.
Immediately following Independence Day our country was rocked by
the news of more police shootings of unarmed black men. In addition,
Dallas police officers have lost their lives attempting to quell the
unrest. This has highlighted the distance between the Black Lives
Matter and All Lives Matter camps. Truly the only side is together.
Together I pray we will be able to spark a movement that brings
healing to long festering wounds of division.
The Experiment will last 3 weeks and contain a Declaration to be
posted at home and spoken over oneself and the country. A
Meditation of bible verses meant to get our eyes off of the way things
look and on to the desires of our heavenly Father. Please share
Inspiration in the form of daily videos I will post to keep you
encouraged and focused on a future that shines with the hope of
peace, love and unity. Lastly, I challenge you to send an Invitation to
one person per week of the Experiment (3). I will be participating as
well and am excited knowing our hearts will be awakened by the Son
rising with healing in His wings. When its over, I would love to hear
the way it has impacted you.
I Thank God for my life experiences1 and the wisdom I will impart,
Lord please use this time to show me any offense2 in my heart
towards those whose skin dont look like mine.
Although hardness of heart can increase with time3,
teach me to Forgive4 like you,
I know then I will be free to Love5 the way I was created to.

1. Ps 71:18
2. Matt 11:6
3. Esther 4:14
4. Luke 11:4
5. Galatians 5:13-14, 1 John 4:18-19
Additional Verses on reconciliation/unity
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Genesis 11:6
Ephesians chapter 4
John chapter 17
Thats it. Please message me with any questions you may have. We
will launch on 7/13 and end on 8/2. People can be free to join anytime
just pass this document along to them. Blessings and thank you for
being willing to imagine a greater world with me. Bam

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