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Here are just 2 samples of different bands answers for an actual MUET report writing question.

I don't
claim to know the perfect answer because English is so diverse, but suffice to say a better command of
vocabulary and sentence structures will garner higher marks.



Today, I would like to show you how to make a really effective conclusion. Again, this is a regular
academic essay which is recommended by many sources and is wholly my idea and not from MPM. It
is a good and systematic guide especially for the low bands to push for higher results.

Right, lets get down to business.

As far as format goes, there is no hard and fast rule. But the rule of thumb is it must have 3 parts to it.
Part 1: Repeat the thesis statement (A high band will be able to rephrase the thesis statement in a
refreshing way)
Part 2: Repeat your stand (I still completely believe that... )
Part 3: Provide a recommendation (This will leave the reader/examiner with a sweet aftertaste if you
finish with finesse!)

Based on the format above, anyone can write a convincing concluding statement. Below are some
written by my own 6A4 students of SMK Majakir, 2015.
(Note that you can mix and match, change the format and the wordings a bit to suit your own style as I
have mentioned earlier, there are no hard and fast rules)

The government through the Ministry of Health should implement an effective campaign to solve the
smoking problem in Malaysia by increasing the tax for all cigarettes and increasing the punishment
for illegal smuggling of cigarettes in our country.

The relevant parties such as Telekom should spearhead a strategic blueprint to overcome this problem
of poor internet connection by reducing the fees for broadband and providing free internet broadband
for all students in Malaysia.

The NGOs such as Womens Organisation should carry out a reliable strategy to solve the issue related
to social ills among girls by providing an emergency hotline to discuss problems and providing
temporary shelter for abused girls.

The authorities such as the Police Department should put into action a strategic action plan to solve
the gangsterism problem by carrying out a special task force and by collaborating with Interpol.


The government through the Ministry of Trade and Commerce should implement a comprehensive
blueprint to provide a solution for this issue by emphasising on price control and removing the Goods
and Services Tax (GST).


The relevant parties such as the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should spearhead a strategic
action plan to overcome this problem by providing subsidies to companies that export Malaysian
products overseas and organising nationwide buy local products campaigns.


The government through the Ministry of Education should carry out a comprehensive strategy to
overcome unemployment among the graduates by hiring better quality teachers and lecturers and
providing free English language tuition for graduates who are weak in English.


The government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports should spearhead a foolproof blueprint to
provide a solution for the lack of Olympic gold medals by giving intensive training and incentives for
the athletes and importing professional coaches to improve the quality of our national teams.

The government though the Ministry of Environment should organise an effective action plan to
overcome the issue of environmental pollution by organising more campaigns like zero-plastic bags
and increasing the awareness through various community programs like 3R Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

The relevant parties such as the district councils should organise an effective action plan to solve the
problem of vandalism in society by setting up CCTVs in public places and imposing stricter and
heavier penalty for those who commit vandalism of public property.

The government though the Ministry of Education should implement a comprehensive campaign to

increase students interest and motivation to enter higher education by providing better university
facilities and conducting career and job opportunities roadshows all over the country.

The authorities such as the Police Department should implement a strategic action plan to solve the
issue of pirated media including pirated movie and music DVDs by tightening the laws against piracy
and conducting impromptu raids especially in night markets.


The relevant parties should carry out an effective gameplan to overcome the poor quality of Malaysian
movies by providing training for directors and producers and granting subsidies to local companies
that want to invest in producing more local movies with better quality.
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2015

MUET Speaking question June 2015

Hi, all. My students are taking this year's MUET, mid year paper. Here is an update of the questions
that came out. I am using my own words as I only got feedback from the students so it is not verbatim.
Anyway, as long as you get the gist, it will help you prepare better because you can gauge the level of
questions and ignore topics below for they seldom repeat questions in the same set.

Set 1
Task A:
Discuss ways to ensure the success of a group project.
Candidate A: Choose the right team
Candidate B: Distribute the work equally
Candidate C: Set a realistic plan
Candidate D: Have good teamwork among members.
Task B:
Discuss which of the ways can best ensure the success of a group project.

Set 2
Task A:
Discuss television programmes that are useful in our daily lives.
Candidate A: Television programmes on travelling
Candidate B: Television programmes on cooking
Candidate C: Television programmes on health issues

Candidate D: Television programmes on current issues

Task B:
Discuss which type of television programmes are the most useful in our daily lives.

Set 3
Task A:
Discuss effective resolutions for water shortages.
Candidate A: Water rationing
Candidate B: Other sources
Candidate C: Water bill tariff
Candidate D: Educate people
Task B:
Discuss which of the resolutions for water shortages is the most effective.

Set 4
Task A:
Discuss the best reasons why people should grow their own fruits and vegetables.
Candidate A: Good for the family budget
Candidate B: Good for the environment
Candidate C: Good for health
Candidate D: Good for making use of available land
Task B:
Discuss which is the best reason why people should grow their own fruits and vegetables.

Set 5
Task A:
Discuss characteristics that make people happy.
Candidate A: Be grateful
Candidate B: Have a positive outlook
Candidate C: Have a good relationship with others
Candidate D: Have a goal
Task B:
Discuss which of the characteristics above will most likely make people happy.

Set 6
Task A:

Discuss ways to overcome tiredness.

Candidate A: Have a good sleep and rest
Candidate B: Have a balance between work and play
Candidate C: Have healthy eating habits
Candidate D: Exercise regularly
Task B:
Discuss which is the best way to overcome tiredness.

Set 7
Task A:
Discuss sectors or industries that have the best job scope.
Candidate A: Agriculture sector
Candidate B: Business sector
Candidate C: Manufacturing industry
Candidate D: Entertainment industry
Task B:
Discuss which of the sectors or industries above has the best job scope.

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