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MiSTE Lead STEM Resource Teacher Roles &

Responsibilities for 2016-17

STEM Resource Teachers are leaders in their buildings in STEM educationscience,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. They are first line contacts for teachers
in implementing the ISI curriculum and MSP grant, but they are not The Experts.
They are leaders and learnersworking to see the bigger picture across multiple
grade levels. They help foster a collaborative culture to improve instruction. They
are not evaluators. STEM Resource Teachers do not assess, they assist.
Facilitate regular (1 per month) professional development meetings with teachers.
The team of teachers should choose topics. Goals for these meetings are:
Connect instruction to school goals/improvement plans.
Establish a collaborative culture to improve instruction.
Focus on integration of math and science.
Assist with implementation of math extension lessons created during
STEM camp.
Examine Career and College Readiness Math and Science Standards.
Utilize STEM training videos led by Purdue Math Education Professors
as a professional development tool.
Collaborate with teachers during release days.
Goals for these release days are:
Build rapport with colleagues.
Learn and share best practices.
Assist in the implementation of STEM practices such facilitating a great
making meaning conference or
Reflect as practitioners.
Possible activities for release days include:
o Videotaping a math/science lesson.
o Modeling a lesson.
o Meet with teachers during their prep time to address student
and teacher challenges in implementing the curriculum.
o Visit other classrooms as a learner.
o Team teach a lesson.
o Review student notebooks to find evidence of scientific thinking.
o Strategize ways to improve the making meaning conference.
Attend and present at a professional conference.

Dr. Jenny Hicks will draft a proposal for grade level math/science
integration sessions.
Best practices and current trends in STEM education will be shared
with colleagues.

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