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Just a random hiatus rated x for the unwanted.

I loved her more than she knew but she doesn't see the qualities of a lifetime p
artner in me.
That is just a sad fudging judgment I have received.
It just like it implies that I am not good enough.
It is not justifiable. I deserve to be loved same as everyone.
She judged me unconciously because of unreasonable standards set such as having
a spark to the other person.
Soon I have to prove myself to myself.
She just wanted the whole package but not the ones who are not yet a finished p
I have to set myself a goal that within 5 years, I have to be self sufficient wh
ich implies that I have to participate in investing knowledge, stock market, bus
iness skills to allow myself to be dependent.
I have the capability to make decisions for myself to support my family and for
teh future.
Always dress sharp.
Remove the papers below the bed.
Create your work space beside the bed by buying first a table customized/snug fi
t o the allowed space.
Create a bank allocated only for income.
Improve the welfare of your first family before creating space for your future f
Remove the attire that reflects laziness.
200 push ups, 200 sit ups, 200 squats EVERY SINGLE DAY.
TAKE REALLY GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF in particular your outer appearance (face).
Go to the fudging gym once more (even minimum of twice a week).

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