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Every day we're bombarded with headlines like these that are designed to
grab our attention. In a world full of advertising and information delivered
in all sorts of media from print to websites, billboards to radio, and TV to text
messages every message has to work extremely hard to get noticed.
And it's not just advertising messages that have to work hard; every report
that we received and write, presentation we deliver, or email we send is
competing for our audience's attention.
As the world of advertising becomes more and more competitive, advertising
becomes more and more sophisticated. Yet the basic principles behind
advertising copy remain that it must attract attention and persuade
someone to take action. And this idea remains true simply because human
nature doesn't really change. Sure, we become increasingly discerning, but
to persuade people to do something, surely still need to grab their attention,
interest them in how our product or service can help them, and then
persuade them to take the action we want them to take, such as buying your
product or visiting your website.
AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. It is an acronym used
in marketing and advertising, which helps marketing managers develop
effective communication strategies and communicate with customers in a
way that better responds to their needs and desires. AIDA describes a
common list of events that occur when a consumer views an advertisement.
Each letter in the acronym stands for the following:

The "A" represents attention or awareness, and the ability to attract

the attention of the consumers.
The "I" is interest and points to the ability to raise the interest of
consumers by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits
(instead of focusing on features, as in traditional advertising).
The "D" represents desire. The advertisement convinces consumers
that they want and desire the product or service because it will satisfy
their needs.
The "A" is action, which leads consumers toward taking action by
purchasing the product or service.

Example 1

January 17, 2013

Karen Underwood 17 Clear Branch Drive Springtown, LA 39612
Premier Financial Facilities Department Attn: Jim Loudon, Supervisor 100
Corporate Drive Springtown, LA 39612
Dear Mr. Loudon,
I have been an account representative at Premier Financial since 2009 and
am writing you on behalf of the deteriorating state of the employee parking
area outside the west entrance to the building. I, as well as many of my
coworkers, have concerns with the safety of the parking lot that we would
like your department to address.
The first of our concerns is the general upkeep of the lot itself. There are
many areas where the concrete is cracked or uneven, presenting a tripandfall
hazard. This is problematic for both the safety of the employees, as well as
the liability exposure of the company. A second area of concern is the lack of
adequate security. This is an even greater issue due to the increasing
number of thefts in the area surrounding the office. While a single guard
does patrol the parking lot until the office closes at 5:00 p.m., there are often
employees working late who consequently have no protection as they walk
to their vehicles under even more dangerous conditions than those who left
on time. This directly relates to the third item, which is the inadequate
lighting. Many employees have noticed that, of the twelve security lights
spread throughout the parking area, there are usually no more than seven
that are in operation. Whether due to needed repairs or simply a light bulb
that has burned out, this seems to be a simple way to greatly increase
parking lot safety.
I am also expressing my concerns to Premiers Corporate Facilities
Department at the company headquarters. I anticipate a response by
February 1, 2013, detailing how the Facilities Department plans to address
these issues for the short and longterm. I know that Premier values the
health and safety of its employees, and I look forward to the solutions you
will propose. Please contact me if I can be of further assistance at 04-544

Karen Underwood

The opening paragraph of the letter induced that the 'A'(attention) is focused
on gaining the attention of the reader. For this case, it is mostly in the matter
of open-ended suggestive statement/question and also personalized
action setting.

I have been an account representative at Premier Financial since 2009

and am writing you on behalf of the deteriorating state personalized action setting.

concerns with the safety of the parking lot that we would like your
department to address. - open-ended suggestive

As we can conclude for this opening part is that the phase is generally a
persuasive requests for the matter of help, favors and cooperation.


In this part, the paragraph should be focusing on the clarifying the situation
that have been escalated prior the opening part of the letter. There a both
rational and emotional appeal involved in this letter of 'interest ' subject.
That is;
Rational appeal:- associated with reason and intellects.

many areas where the concrete is cracked or uneven, presenting a tripandfall hazard. This is problematic for both the safety of the
employees, as well as the liability exposure of the company

second area of concern is the lack of adequate security. This is an even

greater issue due to the increasing number of thefts in the area
surrounding the office

inadequate lighting. Many employees have noticed that, of the twelve

security lights spread throughout the parking area, there are usually no
more than seven that are in operation.

Emotional appeal:- refers to sensual feeling(in this case sympathy).

there are often employees working late who consequently have no

protection as they walk to their vehicles under even more dangerous
conditions than those who left on time.

In this part, we mostly driven to arouse the reader's interest to continue

reading the letter.


The desire subject in this case of letter is focus on elicit reader and anticipate
objections.Note that in this case of letter, there is no names of satisfied with
customer, but rather more appropriate if you will, like names of related
interest(with permission).That is the statement:

I am also expressing my concerns to Premiers Corporate Facilities

Department at the company headquarters. I anticipate a response by
February 1, 2013, detailing how the Facilities Department plans to
address these issues for the short and longterm. -names of related

Lastly we have the A action.This is to ensure that the message is not to be

wasted if the readers fails to act.In this case, the number contact is enlisted
in the letter.

Please contact me if I can be of further assistance at 04-544 5656.

As this is not a sale based letter, there is no punch line and also the
consideration of motivational additions.

Example 2
Document Makers
2398 Red Street Salem,
MA 34588

March 10, 2001

Thomas R. Smith
Drivers Co.3489 Greene Ave.
Olympia, WA 98502

Dear Mr. Smith:

Are you having trouble getting your important documents formatted
correctly? If you are like most business owners, you have trouble finding the
time to economically produce good-looking documents. This is why it is
important to have a specialist take care of your most important
documents.At Documents Makers, we have the skills and experience to come
in and help you make the best possible impression.
May we stop by and offer you a FREE estimate of how much it would cost to
get your documents looking great? If so, give us a call at and set up and
appointment with one of your friendly operators with us at 04-999


(signature here)
Richard Brown


The opening paragraph of the letter induced that the 'A'(attention) is focused
on gaining the attention of the reader. For this case, it is mostly in the matter
of open-ended suggestive question and also personalized action

If you are like most business owners, you have trouble finding the time
to economically produce good-looking documents. - personalized
action setting.

Are you having trouble getting your important documents formatted

correctly?. - open-ended suggestive question

As we can conclude for this opening part is that the phase is generally a
persuasive requests for the matter of selling, benefits and offer.


In this part, the paragraph should be focusing on the clarifying the situation
that have been escalated prior the opening part of the letter. There a both
rational and emotional appeal involved in this letter of 'interest ' subject.
That is;
Rational appeal:- associated with reason and intellects.

This is why it is important to have a specialist take care of your most

important documents.

At Documents Makers, we have the skills and experience to come in

and help you make the best possible impression..

In this part, we mostly driven to arouse the reader's interest to continue

reading the letter.


The desire subject in this case of letter is focus on elicit reader and anticipate
objections.What concluded in this letter of persuasion is that the ;desire'
matter is filled with the elements of free trial/sample. This is the statement:

May we stop by and offer you a FREE estimate of how much it would
cost to get your documents looking great? -free trial/sample

Lastly we have the A action.This is to ensure that the message is not to be

wasted if the readers fails to act.In this case, the number contact is enlisted
in the letter.This is to ensure the reader will easier to act on their account.

If so, give us a call at and set up and appointment with one of your
friendly operators with us at 04-999 6666/

As this is letter, the additional motivation punchline or point highlighted is

same as the 'desire' phase, that is the offering of gift: May we stop by and
offer you a FREE estimate of how much it would cost to get your documents
looking great?

So thats it, if we sometimes are motivated to take action on due to an

advertisement, then the subject matter of AIDA technique must be presented
and well use on that particular advertistment.This technique is widely use in
mix marketing but recent research shows that this technique also use in
other phase is broad fields of industry.

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