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Web information systems: the changing landscape of

management models and web applications

With the increasing use of web interfaces across organisations' corporate and
supporting applications, has come a dramatic increase in the number of users in
the resulting systems. Along with this trend to connect more and more of an
organization's staff and clients together via web interfaces, has been the rise of
user-centric design models which place user requirements higher on the
priorities list in system design and also places user satisfaction as a major
performance and quality indicator. In addition, the use of the web in capturing
and making use of knowledge management ideas, especially with the help of
collaborative tools is being experimented with and implemented in many
organisations. This paper presents and discusses both a modelling of these
changes and the effects on web application and systems development.

SEKE '02 Proceedings of the 14th international conference on
Software engineering and knowledge engineering
Pages 747-753
ACM New York, NY, USA 2002

Context-aware Web Information Systems

Apart from completeness usability, performance and maintainability are the key
quality aspects for Web information systems. Considering usability as key implies
taking usage processes into account right from the beginning of systems
development. Context-awareness appears as a promising idea for increasing
usability of Web Information Systems. In the present paper we propose an
approach to context-awareness of Web Information Systems that systematically
distinguishes among the various important kinds of context. We show how parts
of this context can be operationalized for increasing customers' usage comfort.
Our approach permits designing Web information systems such that they meet
high quality expectations concerning usability, performance and maintainability.
We demonstrate the validity of our approach by discussing the part of a banking
Web Information System dedicated to online home-loan application.

APCCM '04 Proceedings of the first Asian-Pacific conference on
Conceptual modelling - Volume 31

Pages 37-48
Australian Computer Society, Inc. Darlinghurst, Australia, Australia 2004

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