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Sheresa Allred

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Sheresa Allred
Visual Communications Section 6

Web Page..............................................................................................................................................8
Business Cards.....................................................................................................................................14
Event Ad.............................................................................................................................................20

Description: For this project I designed a duplex brochure using Adobe Indesign and Illustrator.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First, I decided on my topic. I decided to create a fictional berry farm,
because I had access to a lot of good photos of berries. Next, I decided how the brochure would fold.
I thought that it would be best to stick with a simple, trifold brochure. Then I decided what I would
put on each panel. Once I had a basic idea, I added the photos and text. After that I spent a lot of time
organizing and rearranging all of my elements so they flowed easily but they were still unified.
Message: This is an advertisment for a berry farm. It lets people know that this farm has fresh berries.
Audience: The audience is anyone who needs berries.
Top Thing Learned: I learned how to do a text wrap in Indesign.
Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, Red.
Title Font Name & Category: Lucinda Handwriting, Script
Copy Font Name & Category: Hiragino Sans GB, Sans Serif
Word Count of copy: 250 words
Sources (Links to images on original websites):

Insert printed copy of Brochure here.

Description: This is a photo that I took and then turned into an inspirational poster using Photoshop
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): After reading the directions for this project, I
thought of a quote that I wanted to use. I then took several pictures with that quote in mind. I then
went through the pictures, and this one reminded me of a Chinese Proverb, which I used instead of my
original quote. I studied the picture to choose my color scheme and layout for the design.
Message: The message one of hope. Bees may be unpleasant, especially when their stingers are pointed
at you, but they make honey, which is delicious and can be used as a sweeter.
Audience: The audience is everyone who might see the poster, so it needed to be applicable to all ages.
Top Thing Learned: Always make a new layer in Photoshop.
Color scheme and color names: Analogous, Indigo, Purple, and Violet.
Title Font Name & Category: Script, Lucinda Handwriting
Copy Font Name & Category: Same as Title
Date and location you took the photo(s): 5/17/16. Taken in the gardens on campus.

Web Page
Description: For this assignment, I created a webpage using CSS and HTML to describe the process of
how I designed a logo.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First, I looked at the logo. I wanted the webpage to feel like it
belonged with the logo. At first I tried using the colors from the logo as the background, the heading,
and even the text color. However this didnt look very clean or professional, so I used a picture of some
office paper for the background. This created a much cleaner look. I still used all three colors, which
unites everything, but I didnt use as much of the colors so they arent overbearing. I spent some time
learning how to use the padding and margin to get the text spaced just right.
Message: The purpose of this webpage is to explain how I created a logo for an imaginary company.
The logo was created for a company that makes office supplies.
Audience: The audience is anyone who needs office supplies.
Top Thing Learned: I learned that organization is everything in html.
Color scheme and color hex(s): Split-complementry, #fefefd, #623593, #f9b625
Title Font Families & Category: Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif
Copy Font Families & Category: Gill Sans, Gill Sans MT, sans-serif
Changes made to the CSS: I looked for ways to repeat elements from the logo on the webpage.
Word Count: 202 words


Leadership Conference

Description: For this project, I created a black & white flier promoting a graduate leadership conference.
using Adobe Indesign.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): The first thing I did was look at the requirements
for the project, which included using an image, logo, and text. Then I made sketches using those
requirements as a guideline. Once I had a few ideas, I started working in Adobe InDesign. I ended up
designing two fliers based off my sketches, but discarded one quickly. I choose the final design because
of its strong alignment, repetition, and use of white space.

Do you want to have the competitive edge in


Message: Through this flier, I am trying to inform graduating students of a leadership conference they
can attend. I want them to know that attending this conference will help them gain an edge in business.

Come learn how at Vouant Communications

annual Graduate Leadership Conference.

Audience: My audience is graduating students between the ages of 22-30.

Vouant Communications is devoted to helping

tomorrows leaders gain essential
leadership skills in the workplace.

Top Thing Learned: From this project, I learned that I need to double-check my alignment. I thought my
title was aligned properly, until a fellow student pointed out that it wasnt. I was able to fix it.
Title Font Name & Category: RockwellSlab Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Gill Sans LightSans Serif
Links to images used in this project:

During this dynamic three-day seminar,

attendees will meet with top executives of
Vouant Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership techniques, while
cultivating attributes of leadership
that will market to any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors.
Registration and more information available at
Space is limited.


October 21 Lincoln Convention Center 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Johnson Office Supplies

Description: For this project, I made a logo for an imaginary company using Adobe Illustrator.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): This project was done in Adobe Illustrator. I tried several different
logos for several different companies before I decided on this one. As I was working on it, I realized
that I was trying to make the logo too complex. So I simplified it, which was actually a lot harder than
adding on to it.

Johnson Office Supplies

Message: This company makes office supplies.

Audience: Anyone who needs office supplies.
Top Thing Learned: Simple is better.
Color Scheme and Color Names: Split Complementary, Blue, Purple and Gold.
Title / Body Font Names & Categories: Myrid Pro

Johnson Office Supplies

Johnson Office Supplies


Business Card
Description: For this project, I created a business card and stationery for the company I created using
Adobe Indesign and Illustrator.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First, I looked at the logo I had created. I took ideas from it to create
the card and stationery with an unifying theme. I wanted both to have repetitive elements that would
remind people of the logo. Next, I created the design. After some feedback and some revisions, I created
the finished version found above.
Message: This is to inform people about this company.

Johnson Office Supplies

Audience: Anyone who is looking to buy office supplies

Top Thing Learned: Once again, I realized that simpler is better. I was trying to add too many elements
into the design. However, it didnt work until I cut some things out.
Color scheme and color names: Split Complementary, Blue, Purple and Gold.
Title Font Name & Category: Gill Sans, Sans Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Same as title
Sheresa Allred

555 W. 442 S.
Rexburg, ID 83440



Johnson Office Supplies

Description: For this project, I created a business card and stationery for the company I created using
Adobe Indesign and Illustrator.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First, I looked at the logo I had created. I took ideas from it to create
the card and stationery with an unifying theme. I wanted both to have repetitive elements that would
remind people of the logo. Next, I created the design. After some feedback and some revisions, I created
the finished version found above.
Message: This is to inform people about this company.
Audience: Anyone who is looking to buy office supplies
Top Thing Learned: Once again, I realized that simpler is better. I was trying to add too many elements
into the design. However, it didnt work until I cut some things out.
Color scheme and color names: Split Complementary, Blue, Purple and Gold.
Title Font Name & Category: Gill Sans, Sans Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Same as title


Sheresa Allred
555 W. 442 S.
Rexburg, ID 83440

Description: For this project we learned how to use masks in Photoshop. We took pictures and
combined them together to create an unified image and message.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): I wanted to do a flier about Family
History work. I searched for a quote that I liked about the topic. Next, I found a picture that went nicely
with it. I decided that I wanted to add in a logo, so I found one for Family Search. I chose a Sans Serif
font because I wanted it to contrast with the font on the logo I used. I decide to use an image of a
temple to illuminate the message.
Message: My message is about the importance of Family History work.
Audience: My audience is members of the Church who want to learn more about Family History work.
Top Thing Learned: I learned to always make a copy and use a mask in Photoshop, so that Im not
destroying pixels.
Filter: I used a sharpen filter on the picture to make it a little clearer.
Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic. I took the color directly from the photograph.
wCopy Font Name & Category: Myriad Pro Regular, Sans Serif
Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site):


Event Ad
Description: For this assignment, I made an ad for an event using Microsoft Word.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): First I looked at the requirements for the
assignment. I thought about the message and the audience. Then I found an image I could use. After
that, I created the ad using Microsoft Word, remembering the design principles.
Message: This ad is to inform people of a ward social that is happening that week.
Audience: The message is for members of this imaginary ward.
Color scheme and color names: I used colors straight from the image I found. I focused on the two main
colors in the image, the yellow-orange of the bricks and the purple of the couches, for a Complementary
color scheme. I was originally going to use the purple for the text, but I decided that the white made it
stand out more.
Top Thing Learned: It takes time and patience to learn something new on a program.
Title Font Name & Category: Arial, Sans Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Arial, Sans Serif. I used the same font for both my title and my copy
because it unified the ad. I created contrast by using different sizes of the font.
Scanned images used, sources, original sizes, location of scanner used:
The image was from the March 2016 Ensign. It was 8 inches by 5 1/2 inches. I used the scanner in the
Spori lab.


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