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Ford had a duty and ethical responsibility to customers to stop production

once they knew of the evident dangers and take the necessary measures to
eliminate them by redesigning the gas tank. I will discuss the Ford Pinto Case
and the harm Ford Motor Company (FMC) caused by its inability to make
decisions that competently respect the wellbeing and rights of people. Ford
was not obligated legally to change the unsafe gas tank design. However,
acting legally doesnt mean the behavior is ethical. Ford was ethically
responsible either to inform consumers of the probable harm or stop
production when they knew of the apparent danger to buyers and take the
necessary actions to eradicate them by redesigning the gas tank. Ford
withholding valuable product information that violated the moral rights of
others, and exchanging human life for company gains and profits is not only
unethical but egregious.

Based on the Ford Pintos case, the script schemas that applied by Gioia is
defined as the template of information which is structurally arranged without
facing any difficulties on understanding the overwhelming obtained
information. This method is considered of shortcut to the whole long and
difficult process of analyzing information. However, the dark side of this
script schemas is that the small, matter and important information will be
less care and somehow will be treated as non-exist information. Gioia is the
activist protesting the social injustice and irresponsibility for business matter.
However, after two years working with Fords Company, he tend to discount
the obvious accusation where his values were not really strongly held and he
had turned his back on his values in the interest of loyalty to Ford. This is
where Gioia using script schemas terms where he did aware and know the
real problem regarding the Pintos major design flow but instead to stand on
his value, he choose to take the script schemes just because he is
intimidated into making best decisions in the best interest to the company.
Due to making the main interest toward the company only that is the reason
why he chooses voted not to recall the past values he held before. This
because, the action taken by his now is merely based on plausible
explanation and looks to the foibles of normal information processing. The
shortcuts feature with ability to act virtually unconsciously and automatic
causing him to giving not sufficient attention to important matters that
requires special treatment. In order to prevent the occurring, the essential
and foundation regarding ethical values need to be strongly built. Even when
the decision might affect the career, the company where we are working and
also affect other involving party, the question need to asked directly to our
self is Is this is the right thing to do and should the action be taken?. When

the unethical activities are sense, instead of just being aware of it, the action
needs to be taken to make it into right things. This is because, holding tight
into the values embraced is not sufficient enough if the steps and action to
prevent it are not taken. It will produce the same outcome which is
supporting the wrong things lingering around on. Stronger value is a must to
everyone because without it, other people will take advantage and exploit it

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