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The person that Im going to describe is my cousin.

His name is Jordam and

he is 24 years old, we live in the same building, I live in the fourth floor and
he lives in the second floor also he is only child this is the reason why he is
spoiled. One year ago my cousin became father, his sons name is Ahmed
but we called him chanchito, my cousin is a mature person because he
graduated from University and has a beautiful family.
He likes to play soccer, we have a soccer team and we play soccer once a
week specially all Saturdays, we used to do many thing together as go to
cinema, play videogames but in this week I cant do these thing because I
have very important exams. Usually we travel to Ayacucho on our vacations
with my other cousins, that is a relaxing and fascinating activity.
When I need help with my homework I ask always about that and he help
me every time, we like eating the same dishes and listening the same music
sometimes we enjoy drinking beer for that we spend a lot of time together,
we enjoy doing all things together. In short he is like my brother.

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