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ashley olsen


ashley olsen
431 w. 4th s.
rexburg, id

buisness card
event ad
web page


description: Tri- fold brochure for a buisness

programs: InDesign

date: July 10, 2016

course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design a brochure
process: I started by setting up two documents in InDesign, one for the front of the brochure and then one for the inside.
I used the rulers to divide the
documents into three equal sections so I knew where I would be folding each section. I
then created my logo in Illustrator and I designed it to help represent my company.
I chose the colors pink and green because they are
complementary colors and they represent flowers well. I then searched for images on Unsplash to find the ones that I felt would help catch the attention of my audience while also
allowing my audience to know exactly what my
business was just by looking at the brochure.
I chose to cut out part of the
peonies in the middle section of my brochure
to add more dimension and so I could do a text wrap around it.

description: Business card for my home decor company
programs: InDesign

date: June 12, 2016

course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design a business card
process: I made most of the business card in InDesign but I first used Illustrator to make
the shape of my card. I started by making a rectangle that was 3.5 x 2 inches and then made
a circle that was the same size height of the card. I add the circle at the end and then used the
shape builder tool to make them all one shape. I then copied and pasted the shape to make
two business cards. I then added my logo, changed the background to grey and added my
personal information on the second card.


description: Event ad for a company event or fundraiser

programs: Microsoft Word
date: May14, 2016
course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design an event ad in Microsoft Word
process: I first found the image in our my wedding album, scanned it and then opened
it into Microsoft Word to make sure the coloring was correct. It turned out perfectly so I
added the transparent boxes, the information on the boxes and then finished is with the
little yellow dot to tie in the main white flower pictured.



June 22, 2016

Rexburg Tabernacle
5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

The City of Rexburg

is raising funds to update

the historical Tabernacle.

All flowers are

$2 or 3 for $5

All proceeds

will go to updating
the Tabernacle


description: Black and white flier for a Graduate Leadership Conference

programs: InDesign
date: May 7, 2016
course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design a black and white flier
process: I started with sketching four ideas down. I then used InDesign to bring my
sketches to life but using a little bit of each sketch into my final design. I mostly used rectangular boxes and text boxes to make the design while I imported the image and the logo
after saving them on my computer. I used the skills that I developed in my yearbook class
in high school to bring objects in front of other objects while I moved texts and objects
closer together. I used repeating lines to bring in the repetition and made them black and
white for contrast.


description: A wedding announcement made for a client

programs: InDesign
date: July 16, 2016
course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins

objectives: Learn how to make and design a wedding announcemnt

process: I started by allowing my clients to pick out the picture they wanted me to use. I
then set up a 7 by 5 inch document and then places the picutre into the document . I then
add the information and played around with the text and fonts to make sure they are readable and the right size. I did each section of text in their own boxes to make it easier to
move around and to make it easier to even the spaceing out. I also was able to do a couple
designs with a few different pictures and designs. I also played around with the color of
the text and also tried adding a background behind the text to see if that would make it
stand out. I decided to make the text white to make it stand out and I love how it turned
out. I am pleased with how it turned out and my clients were very happy with it.

Scott and Suzy Perkinson

are pleased to annuouce

Kelley Perkinson to

Taylor Christian Monsen

son of Craig and Shelly Monsen
On OCTOBER 29, 2016
in the Mesa, AZ Temple
You are invited to join us for a reception
held in their honor at 6 to 8 oclock
4000 East Palm Street, Mesa AZ


description: Original picture with a quote and color scheme

programs: PhotoShop
date: May 21, 2016
course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to use an original picture with a color scheme and add a quote
process: I started this process by going to the Gardens on the BYUI campus and took
pictures of different kinds of flowers to experiment with light, colors and textures. After
taking a few pictures I realized that I loved the contrast between pink/red and green so I
started focusing on those two colors. I experimented with these flowers for a while and was
finally able to get a shoot with the light coming through just the way I liked it. I then used
Photoshop to adjust the levels, saturation, sharpness and color balance to brighten it up just
a little. I didnt have to edit very much which helped a lot. I then used photoshop to add the
text and the color scheme. I used the eye dropper tool to get the exact shades that I focused
on which helped tie in the whole design.


description: Montage of three pictures put together to make one picture

programs: PhotoShop
date: May 28, 2016
course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design a montage
process: The process I used was I first found a quote that I liked. I then searched Google
for pictures of an eye, a world and a silhouette of a person. I used the eyeball for the
background so I didnt need to crop that at all. I did edit the eye a little bit using a filter. I
then dragged the picture of the world on the document, used the laso tool to cut out the
world and place it in front of the eyeball. I did the same thing with the silhouette. I used
masks to make the world and the silhouette transparent. I did turn the opacity down on both
of those which made them transparent. I ended with adding the words.

description: Letterhead made for my home decor business
programs: InDesign

date: June 12, 2016

course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design a letterhead
process: For my letterhead I added my logo in the top left corner, added my information in
the top right corner and then added a straight line under my logo and information to break
up the contact information from the letter. I ended by adding a light grey watermark in the
middle of the page.


description: Three designs for my home decor business

date: June 5, 2016
course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design logos
process: I started with thinking of business ideas and I really wanted to incorporate my
husband in it somehow since we want to run a business together someday. I started thinking
of ways to use a well know symbol so it was recognizable but different for the business so
that is why I picked the at sign. It worked well since my business name is AT (Ashley and
Trever) Home Decor. I played around with how to incorperate T in the at sign. I also added
a circle to each design so that it stood out and that it would allow a concept to be
repeatative. My three designs all invole the the same concept,
just different fonts, colors and placement.

AT Home Decor






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Home Decor


description: Use HTML and CSS to design a page for my business

programs: TextWrangler

date: June 25, 2016

course & section: COMM 130, sec. 6
instructor: Brother Joel Judkins
objectives: Learn how to make and design a webpage
process: I created this webpage by using the program TextWrangler. This program
allowed me to code both HTLM and CSS, which I had never done before. TextWrangler
allowed me to learn and understand how to code and it was interesting seeing how to make
a webpage with the text editor program. I first started with the HTML side where I was able
to learn how to learn how to substitute words into the document to make the webpage show
my personal information. I was also able to see how each individual part worked and how
it all came together to make the webpage. I then used an already set up CSS document and
linked it to the HTML so that all the changes that I made on either document would change
on both. This made it so my webpage would update to show the changes. In the CSS
document, I changed the fonts and colors to make my logo and I was able to add a
background of a couch and table since my logo is for a home decor company. I was able to
match the colors up exactly with my logo by using the eyedropper tool in Photoshop.
I was able to learn how to add padding, margins, and different sizing
option to make my webpage complete.

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