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First the participants for the experimental group

i.e. those who were given caffeine were asked to
the experimenter read the item to the participant
and then the participant was told to 'give the
response by first telling the numbers in ascending
order and then the alphabets. For example- itemL-2. so the response would be 2-L. '
Then for the second task, MENTAL CONTROL, the
participants were asked to "read the item as
quickly as possible". and the time limit was
recorded for each item.
For the third task, SYMBOL SEARCH, the
participants were told, " these are 2 symbols, you
have to match any of these two symbols from the
following given symbols. If any of symbol matches
tick yes and if not then tick no. There will be a time
limit of 120 seconds so you have to be quick."
The fourth task, DIGIT SYMBOL, the participants
were instructed " These are the numbers from 1 to
9 and following are the symbols from them. You
need to remember them." Then another sheet was
given after a while and they were told " now you
need to respond to these symbols by putting the
number you learnt for that symbol. There is a time
limit of 120 seconds so you need to be quick."

These instructions were repeated again to the

participants after 45 mins. And similar instructions
were given to the participants of the control group.

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