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Now there is a save system: This will create a file (currently calles savefile00

1) in a save folder, creating a folder is there isn't one.

Allowing infinite saves/renamable saves/etc will be easily added later if necess
I have two buttons that repeat this process 1000 times for testing, here are my
18.29s for 1000 saves
7.01s for 1000 loads
The save system is a write of all important variables, at the moment it is easil
y readable which wil mean that trainers/editing will be easy. If preferred I can
later add in hashing if people prefer it if their save game is more protected.
Ultimately the save/load times will be roughly this: ~sub 1 second (.0018s). Eve
n after adding in multiple slaves (say having 10+ slaves stored), it will still
take less than 1 second to load (well it should).

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