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Evidencia 11: Prrafo explicativo sobre los pro y los contra del proceso de



When you look at developing countries you can see that this process has been
good for them because now they can have access to international markets and
can export cheap goods; but globalization has changed consumption
behaviours or needs. the biggest problem is the deingustrializing of American
countries because many companies outsource his manufacturing proccess and
this is making the rich richer and the poor poorer affecting the adquisition power
of people, it also has led to exploitation of labor and the lower salaries in middle
class workers. At the moment globalization has affected even the environment
because multinationals doesn't care about the huge impact in natural resources
and the ecological damage they are causing just because they only care about
producing and wasting resources.

in the other hand, it also brings a lot of benefits like the cultural intermingling
and each country is learning more about other cultures, people have become
more open and tolerant. the entrance of transnational companies in developing
countries that provides employment and help to get people out from poberty. the
competence between companies from foreign countries help to drive the prices
down and people can buy easily and cheap. to conclude We cant stop
globalization but there are many policies and strategies we can use to make it
more equitable. We can enforce the trade laws, force the competition to play by
the same rules, and stop giving our competitors the tools to ultimately win the
global war.

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