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Globalization is a process of interaction and integration between people, companies

and governments of different nations. It is a process in terms of trade and

investment in the international arena and has had an important development for
Colombia to export their products such as coffee, flowers, sugar cane, mining with
emerald, as the main products export, and also with the importation of other
products for a supply of goods to the people of the country. Globalization plays an
important role in the Colombian economy as this process brings several benefits:
lower costs of production and therefore products at lower prices, increased
employment in places where Multinationals offered, increases competitiveness
among entrepreneurs and product quality rises, they are discovered and implement
technological improvements that help speed production and economic
transactions, quality education, improved communication and transport, etc. All
these benefits make for Colombia globalization is a very important and decisive in
the country's economy factor.

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