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Where do you see yourself in five

Employers dont necessarily care to
hear that you expect to climb the
corporate ladder and be a supervisor.
If the job youre interviewing for is
not a supervisor, they probably
arent concerned about your
management skills. You can share
how youve been a mentor to others
and led projects with little to no
supervision. That should indicate you
have leadership potential.
Focus on them: In five years, you
should have made a significant
impact to the companys bottom line.
Think about how you can achieve
this in the role youre interviewing
for. In technology careers, advancing
your skills is important, too. You
should be able to share what areas
you want to strengthen in the near
term (but be careful that they are not
areas of expertise that the company
needs now).
[MORE: Answering: Where Do You
See Yourself in Five Years?.]
Why should we hire you?
This is a differentiation question.
What you want to tell them is: they'd
be crazy not to they hire you.
Focus on them: You need to not only
share how you meet almost all the
criteria they seek, but also have two
to three additional abilities that they
might not even know they need
yet. They need to know you are a
candidate who can meet their needs
now, but also be valuable for where
they want to go. Are they likely to
need another skill set as they grow
as a company? Or maybe you have
skills that you noticed are in another
job description they are looking to
fill; you can help out with those
deliverables until they find someone
(or be a backup to the person they

Have you been down a path already

that they are currently starting?
Having lessons learned to offer
them is a very strong plus for a job
[MORE: Answering: Why Should We
Hire You?.]
Why do you want to work here?
The answer to this question has two
aspects: the content and the
Focus on them:
Content -- Employers want to know
you feel you can fit in at the
company quickly. That means on
deliverables, but also company
culture. Youll likely have to do some
homework to answer this one. You
need to understand the reasons why
others enjoy working there. Is it a
great place to advance your skills,
have great challenges to add to your
resume, or will it allow you to grow
as a professional?
Delivery -- The delivery must be
genuine. If a hiring manager feels
youre just telling them want they
want to hear, but dont mean it
well, the interview is over in their
mind. They want to know this is not
just a job and paycheck. They want
to hear this is what you want to do
and the best place to do it.
[MORE: Answering: Why Do You Want
to Work Here?.]
What do you know about us?
This is actually a test. If you know
very little, it is an indication that you
are not very serious about working
Focus on them: Candidates who are
really excited about the prospect of
working there have done their
homework. If you really want to
stand out, learn more than what is

listed on their web site. Do some

heavy researchperhaps find some
articles on the company that not
many would know about. It may even
come up in conversation
spontaneously, and you can show
them a copy of the article (I have
had this happen to me).
[MORE: Answering: What Do You
Know About Us?.]
How do people describe you?
Heres another opportunity to
differentiate yourself. Everyone
claims to be: a hard worker, good
communicator, and team player. But
how many are a: problem-solver,
game-changer, leader in the
industry? Be creative, and have
stories to back it up. The interviewer
will want to know why someone
thinks you are one of these things.
Focus on them: You want to present
attributes that make you sound like
the go-to guy or gal wherever you
work. Even the standard answers can
be taken a step further to be more
Yes, they want hard workers, but
most likely thats commonplace at
their office. Maybe you work hard,
but also help others work fewer
hours (by helping them do their job
better or making their jobs easier).
Good communicators are
everywhere. But this doesnt mean
just speaking well. It includes
listening. Do you hear things that
others dont? Do you understand
things quickly? Can you figure out
what people are trying to tell you
through other clues (body language,
for example)?
Being a good team player is
expected, too. But what does this
really mean? Getting along with
everyone? Thats not hard to do if
youre a nice person. Pulling your
weight in the office? Again,
expected. What have you done,

beyond your job description, that

saved the team from a disaster or
helped them make an impossible
deadline? Have you won an award
for this?
What is your greatest strength/
greatest weakness?
Your greatest strength is something
they need.
Focus on them: You have many
strengths, but pick the one they
need help with the most. Is it your
expertise in a particular skill? Is it
your ability to turn low-performing
teams into high performers? Share
something that makes them think
they need to hire youright now.
I hate the greatest weakness
question. Everyone knows its a trap,
and everyone knows the candidate is
going to say something trite (popular
example: "Im a perfectionist").
When you give a real answer, you
are being genuine. You are admitting
you have some growth opportunities
and are not perfect. But you can
include that you already have a plan
to overcome this weakness through
training or practice.
Some people even insert a little
humor in their answerI wish I was
better at tennis. You can, too, if you
feel like the interviewer has a sense
of humor. But, be sure to quickly
follow with a serious answer.
Showing you have a lighter side is
usually a good thing.
[MORE: Answering: What Is Your
Greatest Strength? and Answering:
What Is Your Greatest Weakness?.]
When can you start?
Be careful about this question for a
few reasons. First of all, it doesnt
mean you got the job. They may
be just checking to add that to their
notes. You must keep your guard up

until you are in your car and driving

away from the interview.

an example when you have the


If you are currently employed, you

should be honest about the start
date and show professionalism. You
should tell them you would have to
discuss a transition with your current
company and see if they require a
two-week notice. If you currently
have a critical role, your potential
new employer would expect a
transition period.

"Tell me about yourself" does not

mean tell me everything. Just tell me
what makes you the best.

If you can start right away (and they

know you are not currently
employed), you certainly can say
youre able to start tomorrow. Sense
of urgency and excitement about
starting work at the new company is
always a good thing.

Eleanor is strong in communications

and connecting with people. She has
a strong background and proven
success with customer relationships.
Her real strength is her followthrough. She prides herself on her
reputation for meeting deadlines.

Bottom line:

Follow your script

Even the boring, standard

questions can have unique and
useful answers. You should think
hard about how you can differentiate
yourself from others every step of
the way during the interview.

. Tell me about yourself.

It seems like an easy interview
question. It's open ended. I can talk
about whatever I want from the birth
canal forward. Right?

Prepare a script that includes the

information you want to convey.
Begin by talking about past
experiences and proven success:

Wrong. What the hiring manager

really wants is a quick, two- to threeminute snapshot of who you are and
why you're the best candidate for
this position.
So as you answer this question, talk
about what you've done to prepare
yourself to be the very best
candidate for the position. Use an
example or two to back it up. Then
ask if they would like more details. If
they do, keep giving them example
after example of your background
and experience. Always point back to

List five strengths you have that are

pertinent to this job (experiences,
traits, skills, etc.). What do you want
the interviewer to know about you
when you leave?

"I have been in the customer service

industry for the past five years. My
most recent experience has been
handling incoming calls in the high
tech industry. One reason I
particularly enjoy this business, and
the challenges that go along with it,
is the opportunity to connect with
people. In my last job, I formed some
significant customer relationships
resulting in a 30 percent increase in
sales in a matter of months."
Next, mention your strengths and
"My real strength is my attention to
detail. I pride myself on my
reputation for following through and
meeting deadlines. When I commit to
doing something, I make sure it gets
done, and on time."
Conclude with a statement about
your current situation:

"What I am looking for now is a

company that values customer
relations, where I can join a strong
team and have a positive impact on
customer retention and sales."
2. Why should I hire you?
The easy answer is that you are the
best person for the job. And don't be
afraid to say so. But then back it up
with what specifically differentiates
For example: "You should hire me
because I'm the best person for the
job. I realize that there are likely
other candidates who also have the
ability to do this job. Yet I bring an
additional quality that makes me the
best person for the jobmy passion
for excellence. I am passionately
committed to producing truly world
class results. For example"
Are you the best person for the job?
Show it by your passionate

background which specifically align

to the required competencies for the
An example: "My education has
focused on not only the learning the
fundamentals, but also on the
practical application of the
information learned within those
classes. For example, I played a lead
role in a class project where we
gathered and analyzed best practice
data from this industry. Let me tell
you more about the results"
Focus on behavioral examples
supporting the key competencies for
the career. Then ask if they would
like to hear more examples.
5. Are you a team player?
Almost everyone says yes to this
question. But it is not just a yes/no
question. You need to provide
behavioral examples to back up your

3. What is your long-range objective?

The key is to focus on your
achievable objectives and what you
are doing to reach those objectives.

A sample answer: "Yes, I'm very

much a team player. In fact, I've had
opportunities in my work, school and
athletics to develop my skills as a
team player. For example, on a
recent project"

For example: "Within five years, I

would like to become the very best
accountant your company has on
staff. I want to work toward
becoming the expert that others rely
upon. And in doing so, I feel I'll be
fully prepared to take on any greater
responsibilities which might be
presented in the long term. For
example, here is what I'm presently
doing to prepare myself"

Emphasize teamwork behavioral

examples and focus on your
openness to diversity of
backgrounds. Talk about the strength
of the team above the individual.
And note that this question may be
used as a lead in to questions around
how you handle conflict within a
team, so be prepared.

Then go on to show by your

examples what you are doing to
reach your goals and objectives.
4. How has your education prepared
you for your career?
This is a broad question and you
need to focus on the behavioral
examples in your educational

6. Have you ever had a conflict with

a boss or professor? How was it
Note that if you say no, most
interviewers will keep drilling deeper
to find a conflict. The key is how you
behaviorally reacted to conflict and
what you did to resolve it.

For example: "Yes, I have had

conflicts in the past. Never major
ones, but there have been
disagreements that needed to be
resolved. I've found that when
conflict occurs, it helps to fully
understand the other persons
perspective, so I take time to listen
to their point of view, then I seek to
work out a collaborative solution. For

"I believe she would say I'm a very

energetic person, that I'm results
oriented and one of the best people
with whom she has ever worked.
Actually, I know she would say that,
because those are her very words.
May I show you her letter of

Focus your answer on the behavioral

process for resolving the conflict and
working collaboratively.

9. What qualities do you feel a

successful manager should have?
Focus on two words: leadership and
vision. Then tell of how that
leadership and vision translated into
your personal delivered results.

7. What is your greatest weakness?

Most career books tell you to select a
strength and present it as a
weakness. Such as: "I work too
much. I just work and work and
work." Wrong. First of all, using a
strength and presenting it as a
weakness is deceiving. Second, it
misses the point of the question.
You should select a weakness that
you have been actively working to
overcome. For example: "I have had
trouble in the past with planning and
prioritization. However, I'm now
taking steps to correct this. I just
started a planner app on my mobile t
better plan and prioritize" then pull
out your mobile to show how you are
using the app.
Talk about a true weakness and show
what you are doing to overcome it.
8. If I were to ask your professors (or
your boss) to describe you, what
would they say?
This is a threat of reference check
question. Do not wait for the
interview to know the answer. Ask
any prior bosses or professors in
advance. And if they're willing to
provide a positive reference, ask
them for a letter of recommendation.
Then you can answer the question
like this:

So be prepared in advance with your

letters of recommendation.

Here is a sample of how to respond:

"The key quality in a successful
manager should be leadershipthe
ability to be the visionary for the
people who are working under them.
The person who can set the course
and direction for subordinates,
keeping them focused on what is
most important for delivering the
highest priority results. The highest
calling of a true leader is inspiring
others to reach the highest of their
abilities. I'd like to tell you about a
person whom I consider to be a true
Then give an example of someone
who has touched your life and how
their impact has helped in your
personal development.
10. If you had to live your life over
again, what one thing would you
Focus on a key turning point in your
life or missed opportunity. Yet also tie
it forward to what you are doing to
still seek to make that change.
For example: "Although I'm overall
very happy with where I'm at in my
life, the one aspect I likely would
have changed would be focusing
earlier on my chosen career. I had a
great internship this past year and

look forward to more experience in

the field. I simply wish I would have
focused here earlier. For example, I
learned on my recent internship"
then provide examples.
Stay focused on positive direction in
your life and back it up with
In reviewing these responses, please
remember that they are only
examples. Please do not rehearse
them verbatim or adopt them as
your own. They are meant to stir
your creative juices and get you
thinking about how to properly
answer the broader range of
questions that you will face.
Further review: know the answers to
these Fifty Standard Interview
Questions to be fully prepared for
your interview!
All job search information at our site
is written by Brian Krueger, bestselling career author and former VP
Global Talent Acquisition at All of our content is
unique and only available here at
Looking for more great advice from
Brian? Click the links below for job
search advice on careers, resumes
and interviewing.

What is your greatest weakness?
This question is a common one, but
Eric Melniczek, a career advisor at
HighPoint University Career &
Internship Services, points out that
interviewers rarely ask whether it is
a current flaw. He suggests an
answer along these lines:
In the past, I was unable to meet
set deadlines. However, several
years ago, I developed a technique
where I write down what I plan to
accomplish every hour of every day

during the workweek and how I

spend my time. Over the years, I
have noticed that my productivity
has improved dramatically utilizing
this method. In fact, my work
supervisor recently complimented
me in a staff meeting with a dozen of
my peers for consistently exceeding
team and individual expectations as
well as managing my time well."
Youve probably identified a
weakness in anticipation of this
question. An answer that shows
youve solved it can illustrate your
problem-solving capabilities.
Hello sir,
I am Santosh Kumar, I hail from Tamil
Nadu an southern state in India and I
was born and brought up in Delhi. I
started my schooling in Kendriya
Vidyalaya, Rajasthan. My father
being a central gov employee we
moved a lot in India. Because of this,
I never had difficulties in adopting
new languages and environments.
During my mid-schooling, we shifted
to our home place. I did my 10th and
12th standard in Madurai.
After my schooling due to my
interest in maths and science which
is evident from my consistent
participation in NSTSE, I opted to
choose engineering study for my
I completed my bachelor degree of
engineering in electronics and
communication from Anna
University, Chennai. During my
engineering study apart from my
curricular activities I used my
innovative ideas to learn new things.
After completing my bachelor
degree, I took a time to explore the
available opportunities and chose
the appropriate field to pursue my
career. Meanwhile to keep my logical
thinking sharp I decided to take
banking exams as it provided my

career opportunities too. With my

logical thinking, I am more interested
in programming and I have decided
to pursue my career as a
My hobbies are playing video games,
surfing the internet and going out
with friends.
That's all about myself. Thank you.
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My name is Lalit Pal, basically, I

belong from Delhi and presently I am
living in Kotla Mubarakpur its near by
I have done my 12th class from CBSE
in arts stream. Now I am pursuing
B.A Political Science Honours final
year from Delhi University.
I have also done my basic computer
courses from Softdot Institute.
My hobby is listening to music.

Lalit Pal said: (Thu, Apr 14, 2016

12:45:38 PM)

That's all about me.

Hello, sir.

Thank you.

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