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Lucia Sun

July 6, 2016

Academic Integrity Assignment

After viewing the Academic Integrity Policy and the Common Craft: Plagiarism Video, please
respond to the following questions:

Plagiarism is commonly referred to as

Using another person work without noting whether deliberate or accidental.

2. How will student work be checked for plagiarism? (List at least two ways)

Student work will be checked by the software Turnitin

Students work will be compared to other students work

3. Sanctions for plagiarism include (list at least two possible consequences):


Students will receive a zero on the assignment

Students will receive a note on the students record
Students will be expulsed from the course where the violation occurred.

4. What is the difference between accidental plagiarism and deliberate plagiarism?

Accidental plagiarism is the result of poor citation or referencing or poor preparation or a
misunderstanding of the definition of plagiarism. Deliberate plagiarism is an attempt to claim another
persons work as ones own.

5. How can you avoid plagiarism, while still integrating support (ideas and quotes) in your own work?
We can use our own words when not quoting directly, and we can paraphrase or summarize the
idea as long as the context is accurate and we give the original source.

6. Other than the written work, what other items can be plagiarized? Can you still use these items?
Drawings, speeches, music, structural models and statistics can also be plagiarized. We can still
use these items, by indicating the original sources.

7. Do some internet research and find at least one website (not listed in the Academic Integrity
Policy or on the Common Craft Video) that helped you understand how to avoid plagiarism.

Please sign (type name) after you have reviewed the statement belowJ

I have reviewed both the Academic Integrity Policy and viewed the Common Craft: Plagiarism
video. I have a good understanding of Plagiarism and how avoid this practice. If I have any
questions (before the course begins or when completing an assignment), I will send my questions to
the teacher before I submit my work.
Lucia Sun
(Type Name=Signature of Understanding)

Common Craft. (2011, December 27). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:28,
September 6, 2012, from

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