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Josselyn Ramos

Professor Mark Jarvis

Family and Marriage Relations Young Marrieds
8 July, 2016
Young Marrieds
I elected to interview Noemi Coward. She is twenty-seven years old and has been
married for five years. Noemi is a student at Salt Lake Community College. She has been here
for three semesters. She has two daughters. Her husband is fifteen years older than her and she
said she would not have it any other way (Coward). Nicole Evens, is also twenty-seven years
old and has been married for two years, but with her, now husband for eight years. She has no
kids, and is also a SLCC student. Both had similar responses to my questions and no divorces, so
Even though, Noemi, and Nicole have not been married for that long, they have similar
views on how to make a marriage successful. Communication is the key, says Noemi, If you
are not open to in your relationship and willing to admit and share your naked emotions, you will
not survive. A lot of teens now a days, think that marriage is all rainbows and butterflies, but it
is not, theirs all this work that is done behind the scenes. Nicole says, You have to let go of your
ego and be willing to admit and forget on little things you did that pissed your partner off. They
both said, as clich as it sounds, communication is the key to keeping a marriage successful.
Noemis husband is fifteen years older than her, therefore, he supports her while she is
going to college, which, really creates tension with her in-laws. My in-laws biggest issue with

me, is that I do not work and he supports me and the girls and pays for my school. Having that
age gap between us is understandable why they would think that way, but we been married for
five-years and that is not what my intention is, to me, he is a great man, and I want to become a
nurse and attend to his needs later in life. They do not see the good in me, but the bad (Noemi).
She feels as though in-laws should stay out of their life, when their opinions in their marriage is
unnecessary. To not have their noses in everything and have respect for one another.
Nicoles hardest adjustment to marriage is balancing; work, school, friends, and her
marriage. We all have busy lives and we are all running around getting to places, and it can get
really hard, because you can lose track of each other and then thats when shit hits the fan. She
often wishes she meet him later in life, because he is her soul mate, and it gets tough adjusting
and balancing her schedule to make time for one another. She does think that couples should take
a day out of their week to spend time with one another. At least one day a week, go hiking, or
spend time together doing some kind of activity together it will create a stronger bond and help
your marriage.
Marriage is hard hands down, and young couples, who think they are ready should rethink that idea. You do not need to be the same age, but your maturity level has to balance out.
Preferably get married in your mid-twenties, because then you are more likely to know enough
and have experienced rea life and its works. Both Noemi and Nicoles marriage has lasted,
because of equality in their marriage and their sacrifices they have made individually with their

"Young Marrieds." Interview by Noemi Co'ward and Nicole Evens. Young Marrids [Salt Lake
City] 7 Mar. 2016. Print.

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