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Date: 12-4-16

Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE,
Tagore Engineering College,
The Principal,
Tagore Engineering College,
Respected Sir,
Sub: Items required for graduation day stage committee-Reg.
As the graduation day is scheduled to be held on 17-04-16, I kindly request you to
give permission to provide the following items for stage committee.
Item List:
1. 4 pedestal fan
2. 4 Air cooler
3. 8 VIP chairs
4. 12 chairs for HOD
5. Teapoy-3 nos
6. 2 tables for having certificate
7. Podium-1 nos
8. Table clothes- 3 nos
9. Water bottle- 12 nos
10. Glass with lid -6 nos
11. Name board -6 nos
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours sincerely,

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