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The Logic Of Bhrighu Saral Paddhati

An Attempt
Abhishekha, USA.

He was introduced to jyotish by his

Kulguru at the age of eight. After the
initial trigger early in life, he has
pursued the study of jyotish with
utmost passion ever since. He writes
with the pen name Abhishekha and is
the Editor/Publisher of AIAC Times,


aptarishis Astrology Research Team did a splendid job in their recent volume
(volume 7) of the magazine. One of the key article series in all their volumes were
Bhrigu Saral Paddathi (Bhrigu is the sage, Saral means easy, Paddathi means
method). I wanted to summarize all the methods published so far and perhaps look at it in a
different perspective.

Planet Significance
Saturn It influences and creates fluctuations in the house 4th from its
Jupiter It influences and creates fluctuations in the house 10th and 6th from
its placement
Saturn It acts as a judge of the house where it is placed
Saturn It passes on its judgment on the house 2nd from its placement
Jupiter Whenever Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct, one of the signification
/Satur of the house with zodiac sign Aries will be affected












On the 27th year of the native, it influences the 10th house from its
Kakshya slot allocation and activation of BSP-6
On the 38th year of the native, it influences the 6th from itself
On the 24th year of the native, it influences the 12th from itself
On the 40th year of the native, it influences the house it is located
in as well as influences the 9th house from its placement with its 9th
On the 32nd year of the native, it influences the house it is located in
as well as influences the 5th house from its placement with its 5th
Kakshya slot allocation and activation of BSP-10
On the 20th year of the native, it influences 3rd from itself with its
3rd aspect
The key to the past life karma is the natural zodiac number of the
Ascendant and its Lord
The house where it is placed shows the root of death, disease and
expense. The 12th from it can be the cure.

My attempt is to analyze the Why in the rules 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Particularly I
selected these rules since they deal with timing of events with respect to ones age in life and
that is of utmost interest to me. SA volumes had excellent case studies on the fructification
of these rules and I would strongly advice the reader to have a look at the excellent case
studies produced by the team.

The Analysis
Rule #







Aspect from
9 from Rahu

The columns defined in the table above are described in detail below
Rule # This is the BSP (acronym for Bhrigu Saral Paddathi) Rule number as given in the
Volume 6 & 7 of the SA magazine.
Planet The rule is about the planet in this column.

House The effect of the planet is faced in this house relative to the placement of the planet
in the natal chart.
Aspect The particular aspect of the planet that falls on the mentioned house.
Age The age of the native in which he/she experiences the effect of the planet.
Transit The period of natural transit of the planet to return to its placement in the natal
Position The approximate position of the transit planet with respect to the natal position
of the planet in the time specified by the Age column.
Aspect from Transit Planet The aspect from the transit planet in the age of the native
mentioned with respect to the natal planet.

BSP Rule # 6
The first point one should remember in this rule is that this rule will be applicable only for
individuals who have a special status of Mars in their natal chart. The special status can be
any of the following
1) Mars in Ascendant
2) Martian Ascendant (Aries/Scorpio rising) with no planets in the Ascendant
3) Mars influencing the Ascendant
4) Mars influencing the Ascendant Lord
5) Mars exalted, in moolatrikona sign or in own house or retrograde or debilitated
6) Mars in a quadrant or trine
Please read pages 368-374 of Volume 6 of SA before reading the below explanation. 27th year
is the time period between the 26th birthday to the 27th birthday of the native. The influence
of Mars at particularly near the 27th birthday is interesting since the natural age of maturity
of Mars is 28 years (age of the native). Transit Mars covers an arc of 12H to 7/8H with
respect to the natal Mars in the 27th year. If the 10th House from natal Mars needs to get
implemented during this phase, then it would be 11H to 5H/4H from transit Mars.
When transit Mars would be in the 3H from natal Mars, it would aspect the 10th from natal
Mars by its 8th Aspect.
When transit Mars would be in the 4H from natal Mars, it would aspect the 10th from natal
Mars by its 7th Aspect.
When transit Mars would be in the 7H from natal Mars, it would aspect the 10th from natal
Mars by its 4th Aspect.
The kind of influence that Mars can give would be Martian in nature promotion, success
at work, success in competition or wars or court cases, sports, building homes, energy to
perform strenuous tasks. Martian energy can also signify sexual energy.
In the negative connotation, it can give celibacy, separation, isolation, and tremendous
failure in work, lack of progress, frustration and anger.
Case studies of Salman Khan (Mars in Asc in Capricorn), Pete Sampras (Mars (R) in Asc in
Capricorn) and Adolf Hitler (Mars in Aries with Venus) can throw light on the rule.

Salman Khan couldnt give a single hit after 1991 and his 27th year (Dec 1991-1992) was
disastrous. Pete Sampras was the king of tennis till 1997 but in 1998 his career saw a sudden
sweep motion downwards. Hitler got severely founded and had to take rest for the whole
1916 to recover (Mars activating the 4H) and did not join the force till 1918.

BSP Rule # 8
The first point one should remember in this rule is that this rule will be applicable only for
individuals who have a special status of Rahu/Ketu in their natal chart. The special status
can be any of the following
1) Rahu/Ketu in Ascendant
2) Aquarian/Scorpio Ascendant with no planets (other than the nodes) in the Ascendant
3) Rahu/Ketu influencing the Ascendant
4) Rahu/Ketu influencing the Ascendant Lord
5) Rahu/Ketu exalted, in moolatrikona sign or in own house or debilitated
6) Rahu/Ketu in a quadrant or trine
7) Rahu/Ketu with luminaries
Please read pages 676-740 of Volume 7 of SA before reading the explanation. 38th year is the
time period between the 37th birthday to the 38th birthday of the native. Transit Rahu would
be in the 12H from the natal Rahu in the 38th year. If the 6th House from natal Rahu needs to
get implemented during this phase, then it would be 7th House from transit Rahu and
conjunct transit Ketu.
When transit Rahu would be in the 12H from natal Rahu, it would aspect the 6th from natal
Rahu by its 7th Aspect.
When transit Rahu would be in the 12H from natal Rahu, the 6th from natal Rahu would be
conjunct transit Ketu.
Ketu signifies houses, constructed buildings, banking, spirituality, detachment and
understanding of matters beyond the obvious. On the negative, it might indicate lack of
proper understanding, fanatic behavior, terrorism, blind-faith, hidden enemies, death etc.
The kind of influence that Rahu can give would be sudden in nature sudden shock (both
pleasant and unpleasant), windfall of money, pleasure, lottery, celebrity status, glamour,
greed and excess, ego and pride. It can also give victory over enemies and success in every
avenue. In the negative connotation Rahu would indicate extreme depression, delay in all
work, unexpected failure, critical and incurable diseases, tremendous growth in enemies and
unimaginable opposition.
Amitabh Bachchan (Ketu in Aquarius Ascendant) had excellent success and windfall of
wealth in 1979-1980 due to the unimaginable success of Natwarlal and Dostana. This was
also the time he was said to have his secret affair with actress Rekha.
MJ (Rahu in Libra in 9H) had windfall of wealth and success in the 38th year due his album
Blood on the Dance Floor. His album was the best selling remix album ever released.

BSP Rule # 9
The first point one should remember in this rule is that this rule will be applicable only for
individuals who have a special status of Rahu/Ketu in their natal chart. The special status
can be any of the following
1) Rahu/Ketu in Ascendant or in the 2/8 from Ascendant
2) Aquarian/Scorpio Ascendant with no planets (other than the nodes) in the Ascendant
3) Rahu/Ketu influencing the Ascendant
4) Rahu/Ketu influencing the Ascendant Lord
5) Rahu/Ketu exalted, in moolatrikona sign or in own house or debilitated
6) Rahu/Ketu in a quadrant or trine
7) Rahu/Ketu with luminaries
Please read pages 676-740 of Volume 7 of SA before reading the explanation. 24th year is the
time period between the 23rd birthday to the 24th birthday of the native. Transit Ketu would
be in the 10H from the natal Ketu in the 24th year. If the 12th House from natal Ketu needs to
get implemented during this phase, then it would be 3rd House from transit Ketu and 9th
House transit Rahu.
When transit Ketu would be in the 10H from natal Ketu, it would aspect the 12th from natal
Ketu by its 3rd Aspect.
When transit Ketu would be in the 10H from natal Ketu, transit Rahu would aspect the 12th
from natal Ketu by its 9th aspect.
Ketu signifies houses, constructed buildings, banking, spirituality, detachment and
understanding of matters beyond the obvious. On the negative, it might indicate lack of
proper understanding, fanatic behavior, terrorism, blind-faith, hidden enemies, death etc.
Rahu can give would be sudden in nature sudden shock (both pleasant and unpleasant),
windfall of money, pleasure, lottery, celebrity status, glamour, greed and excess, ego and
pride. It can also give victory over enemies and success in every avenue. In the negative
connotation Rahu would indicate extreme depression, delay in all work, unexpected failure,
critical and incurable diseases, tremendous growth in enemies and unimaginable opposition.
Barack Obama (Ketu in Aquarius in 2H) - After leaving his NYC job, Obama moved to
Chicago, where he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a
church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in
Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side. He
worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 (his 24th year) to May 1988. This
event was turning point in his life and he left very deep imprint on the minds and hearts of
people with his public service. This move in his life which began in his 24th year of life
worked in his favor to make him the first colored President of the United States of America.

BSP Rule # 10
The first point one should remember in this rule is that this rule will be applicable only for
individuals who have a special status of Jupiter in their natal chart. The special status can be
any of the following

1) Jupiter in Ascendant
2) Jupiter as the Ascendant lord (Sagittarius and Pisces rising)
3) Jupiter influencing the Ascendant
4) Jupiter influencing the Ascendant Lord
5) Jupiter exalted, in moolatrikona sign or in own house or retrograde or debilitated
6) Jupiter in a quadrant or trine
Please read pages 676-740 of Volume 7 of SA before reading the explanation. 40th year is the
time period between the 39th birthday to the 40th birthday of the native. Transit Jupiter
would be in the 5H from the natal Jupiter in the 40th year. If the 9th House from natal Jupiter
needs to get implemented during this phase, then it would be 5th House from transit Jupiter.
When transit Jupiter would be in the 5H from natal Jupiter, it aspect the 9th House from
natal Jupiter by its 5th Aspect (Relative trine placement of natal and transit Jupiter).
The 5th aspect of Jupiter brings blessings of past karma and is indeed a reward to the native
for all the good done in his life. It gives joy from children, from students, from juniors and
makes one loved, adored and famous.
On the negative sense such an aspect would give the lack of all good things signified by the
5th aspect of Jupiter.
Alan Leo (Jupiter exalted in 12H) was introduced to theosophy in the summer of 1889. Leo
finally joined the Theosophical Society in May 1890. This was a blessing for him since it was
started a chain of events which finally resulted him meeting his wife and starting the
Astrologers Magazine. Also, it should be noted that the magazine was a financial loss
which had to be borne by Leo to bring out the knowledge. This shows the activation of the
4th, 8th and 12th houses.
Sanjay Rath (Jupiter in Pisces in 1H) started SJC - US conferences with numerous students
from 2002. This US trip gave him name, fame and spread the word of SJC in US and worldwide. This shows the activation of 1st, 5th and 9th houses in his chart.

BSP Rule # 11
The first point one should remember in this rule is that this rule will be applicable only for
individuals who have a special status of Jupiter in their natal chart. The special status can be
any of the following
1) Jupiter in Ascendant
2) Jupiter as the Ascendant lord (Sagittarius and Pisces rising)
3) Jupiter influencing the Ascendant
4) Jupiter influencing the Ascendant Lord
5) Jupiter exalted, in moolatrikona sign or in own house or retrograde or debilitated
6) Jupiter in a quadrant or trine
Please read pages 676-740 of Volume 7 of SA before reading the explanation. 32nd year is the
time period between the 31st birthday to the 32nd birthday of the native. Transit Jupiter would

be in the 9H from the natal Jupiter in the 32nd year. If the 5th House from natal Jupiter needs
to get implemented during this phase, then it would be 9th House from transit Jupiter.
When transit Jupiter would be in the 9H from natal Jupiter, it aspect the 5th House from
natal Jupiter by its 9th Aspect (Relative trine placement of natal and transit Jupiter).
The 9th aspect of Jupiter brings blessings of elders, Gurus, teachers, respect, fame and honor.
It gives recognition from superiors, bosses, Gurus, elders, Govt., people in authority. It also
indicates the time when luck smiles upon us and bestows her blessings. In turn it also makes
one a Guru or a teacher.
On the negative sense such an aspect would give the lack of all good things signified by the
9th aspect of Jupiter.
KN Rao (Jupiter exalted in 4H) met his Guru in his 32nd year. He writes about this in his
book Yogis, Destiny and Wheel of Time.
Yogananda Paramhansa (Jupiter in Pisces in 8H in Rasi chart and in 9H in Bhava Chalit
Chart) On his 32nd year, he embarked on a cross-continental speaking tour. Thousands
came to his lectures and he became renowned as a Guru. The following year, he established
in Los Angeles, California, an international headquarters for Self-Realization Fellowship,
which became the spiritual and administrative heart of his growing work.
Pope Benedict XVI (Jupiter in Aquarius in Ascendant) on his 32nd year he became a
professor of Freising College (1958). He became a professor at the University of Bonn in 1959
(also in his 32nd year); his inaugural lecture was on "The God of Faith and the God of

BSP Rule # 13
The first point one should remember in this rule is that this rule will be applicable only for
individuals who have a special status of Saturn in their natal chart. The special status can be
any of the following
1) Saturn in Ascendant
2) Saturn as the Ascendant Lord (Capricorn/Aquarian Ascendant)
3) Saturn influencing the Ascendant
4) Saturn influencing the Ascendant Lord
5) Saturn exalted, in moolatrikona sign or in own house or retrograde or debilitated
6) Saturn in a quadrant or trine
Please read pages 676-740 of Volume 7 of SA before reading the explanation. 20th year is the
time period between the 19th birthday to the 20th birthday of the native. Transit Saturn would
be in the 92H from the natal Saturn in the 20th year. If the 3rd House from natal Saturn needs
to get implemented during this phase (by the 3rd Aspect of natal Saturn), then it would be 7th
House from transit Saturn in the 9H from natal Saturn.
When transit Saturn would be in the 9H from natal Saturn, it would aspect the 3rd from
natal Saturn by its 7th Aspect.
Saturns 3rd aspect is sometimes compared to the 3rd eye of Shiva. It influence can be
beneficial or non-beneficial depending on the placement of Saturn in the natal chart and the

3rd House from the natal Saturn. Saturns 3rd aspect would indicate work, labor, also position,
social status, karma. Saturn is a giver of social marriage as well. It can also signify travel,
separation, poverty, sorrow and solitude.
Mahatma Gandhi - On 4 September 1888, less than a month shy of his 19th birthday, Gandhi
traveled to London, England, to study law at University College London and to train as a
barrister. In Gandhis case his natal Saturn in 2H aspects 4H with 3rd aspect and forces one
to leave home.
Adolf Hitler - On 21 December 1907, Hitler's mother died of breast cancer at age 47. Ordered
by a court in Linz, Hitler gave his share of the orphans' benefits to his sister Paula. When he
was 21, he inherited money from an aunt. He struggled as a painter in Vienna, copying
scenes from postcards and selling his paintings to merchants and tourists. After being
rejected a second time by the Academy of Arts, Hitler ran out of money. In 1909, he lived in
a shelter for the homeless. By 1910, he had settled into a house for poor working men on
Meldemannstrae. In case of Hitler, natal Saturn in 10H aspects 12H with 3rd aspect and
spins poverty to one. This happened after his 19th. birthday (20th year).

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