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Math Workshop

Hmong Parent Meeting, April 20th, 2016

Math Workshop Framework

15 minutes - Math Review
40 minutes - Whole group math lesson

Grade-level topics

20 minutes - Flex groups

Math Games
Teacher group
Math facts practice
Grade-level standard practice
Math Journal or review topics

Math Facts Program

District expectations
4-6 Sequences in Readers
Classes read books that have a
math or number sense theme
Using the book students practice
skills for becoming fluent in math

1st Grade Math Facts

2nd Grade Math Facts

3rd/4th Grade Facts, Multiplication/Division

3rd/4th Grade Facts, Multiplication/Division

3rd/4th Grade Facts, Multiplication/Division

Flex Groups
20-25 minutes small group work

Group based on pre-assessment data

Meet with a teacher group 1-2 times
per week to focus on grade-level skills
Play games to foster math skills
Focus on a math facts set
Group practice with a high-priority


MN State Standards Alignment
Homework Practice

Math Antics
Review for parents and students
Best for upper elementary (3/4th grade)

Family Game Kits

Overview of materials
All materials are available in
the game kits
Practice games for

Family Game Kits

Number Top-It, pg. 24-25

Player shuffles the cards and places them number side down
In each round, players take turns turning over the top card and placing
it on the table.
Each player takes 7 turns
At the end of a round, players read their numbers aloud and compare.
The player with the largest number scores one point. (2 points, etc.)
Play 5 rounds, player with the lowest score wins.

Family Game Kits

Top-It, pg. 27-29

Player shuffles the cards and places them number side down
Each player turns over 2 cards and calls out the sum (difference or
product) of the numbers
The player with the highest sum (difference or product) wins the round
and takes all of the cards.
In a tie, each player turns over 2 more cards and calls out the sum
(difference or product).
The player with the highest sum takes all of the cards from both plays

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