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Franklin Adams

2 December 2014
EMA 307
Dr. Longo
BCP Plan Business Overview
The fictional business I created for the project is a medium sized (50 to 300
employees) co-location provider located in the United States, Australia, South
Africa, India, and the United Kingdom called Fictional Co-Location Provider Inc. For
purposes of the plan, only the three United States locations are used, but the plan
does indicate that it could be adapted and used for other Nations as well.
A co-location provider is a remote host that businesses use to host their
webpages, email, databases, etc. The industry is a rather large one which competes
mostly on price and level of service, with Service Level Agreements requiring
99.999% uptime being the norm. The plan document assumes that in the event of a
disaster, one or more required resources (people, electrical power, water, data
networking) will be unavailable and one of the other two backup datacenters in the
Country will have to be activated. It is also assumed that for regulatory reasons
such as positive control of financial or protected health information for clients, Cloud
providers cannot be utilized to provide a backup with no physical location.

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