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LO1.1: Be able to distinguish between aldoses and ketoses

Carbon numbering begins on all aldoses with the aldehyde carbon and in
ketoses with the end carbon closest to the ketone group in ketoses
Enanediol intermediate through which they are interconverted is unstable
and cannot be isolated

LO1.2: Be able to recognize enantiomers

Enantiomer non superimposable mirror images

Fischer projection bonds drawn horizontally are imagined as coming
towards you and vertical as receding.
D and L forms are non super imposable mirror images and are called
Most important naturally occurring saccharides are the D enantiomers
Determining R or L
o Choose chiral carbon furthest from carbonyl group
o If OH is on the left than L
o If OH is on the right than D
o Enantiomers D arabinose and L arabinose are both stereoisomers of
In nature D enantiomers predominate
Erythrose same side
Threose different side

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