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Appendix M.

Blank Lesson Plan Template

Language Level

Unit Theme and Question

Daily topic:

Novice - High




Day in


Theme: Personal and Public Identities

Who Am I?
How do I interact with others from the target culture?
How are my likes/dislikes different/similar from that of the target culture?
How do I greet and say goodbye to others in the target culture?
Girl in Spain

Which modes of
communication will be

Students can:

What are the communicative

and cultural objectives for the


If applicable, indicate how

Connections Comparisons

Communities Common
Core will be part of your


Technology: Students as productive global citizens use appropriate technologies when

interacting with classmates/teacher


Greetings and sayings when meeting someone or seeing a friend.


Common Core


Interpret an authentic article about a girls life in Spain

Compare their life to that of the Spanish girl in the article by
verbally share that information with a partner

School and Global Communities

Engaging students in useful and relevant language
With prompting and support, identify the main idea of a text. Ask and answer questions to
help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.

What will learners do?
What does the teacher do?

Lesson Sequence

Gain Attention / Activate

Prior Knowledge


Whole class does the Charla, Charla, Charla dance and when I
say PARA! all students find a partner and introduce
themselves using Buenos dias, Me llamo, Mucho gusto, Hasta
luego. Repeat until they have introduced themselves to three

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

How many
minutes will this
segment take?

Materials Resources
Be specific. What materials will you
develop? What materials will you
bring in from other sources?

Appendix M.

Blank Lesson Plan Template

Gain Attention / Activate

Prior Knowledge

Provide Input

Elicit Performance / Provide


Provide Input

Elicit Performance / Provide



Enhance Retention &


Students sit in seats and hold up their si, es verdad/no es cierto

cards to give their opinion to each slide on the Me gusta, Yo
Tengo and Vivo en Keynote.
Teacher: Explain to the class that we are going to look at an
authentic article today. Lets read the title and see if we can
understand why it is titled El Mundo de Candela. Students
partner share ideas, then share out whole group.
Teacher: We are going to meet a girl who lives in Spain. She is
going to tell us about where she lives, her family, her pet and
some of the things/people she likes.
Partner work: Log into your Google Drive and open the folder
Qu Tal? Revista. Download the PDF into Notability and read
the article with a partner titled El Mundo de Candela. Circle all
the words that you recognize. Highlight the words that you dont
Whole Class: Discuss the content of the article as a whole
group and introduce some new important vocabulary words in
the article, such as mascota, mejores, tranquilo, estudiamos,
cerca, etc. Students write the new vocabulary in their notebook.
Independent work: Do the two activities that follow on the page
about Candela. One is Question Words and the other is Cierto
or Falso about Candelas life
Teacher: Circulates to check work and provide individual student
Partner Work: Meet with a partner on your appointment clock.
Tell your partner two ways that your life is different from
Candelas life and two ways that it is similar.
Individual: On our Spanish Google Classrooms site, blog about
one way that your life is different from Candelas and one way
your life is similar to hers.
Look at the activity you did around question words after you
read the article El Mundo de Candela. Think of question words
that you think youll need to interview a person to get to know
them. Create two questions to ask a classmate. Post them on
our Google Classrooms site.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Si, es verdad/No es cierto

Me gusta Keynote slideshow

iPad, Google Drive, Notability

You can find the article here:


iPad, Googel Drive and

Notability App


Notebook, pencil


iPad, Google Drive and

Notability App

iPad, Google Classrooms

10 minutes

iPad, Google Classrooms,

Google Drive

Appendix M.
Blank Lesson Plan Template
I predict that the partner work will go well when dissecting the article because the students tend to motivate
Reflection Notes to Self
one another to try to understand the meaning, and encourage each other with difficult vocabulary along the
What worked well? Why?
What didnt work? Why?
What changes would you
The partner conversations at the end of the lesson will be beneficial for me in assessing if they understand
make if you taught this
how to verbalize how their life is similar and different to Candelas.
lesson again?
Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle
(provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

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