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The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force
Daniel Wallace & various illustrators

This is a playful, well-thought-out work based on the concept that the book consists of a series of
documents discovered near the ruins of Byss. Introductory sections include the Jedi Code and
history of the Jedi Order. Later sections discuss such subjects as the three pillars, becoming an
apprentice, and advanced lightsaber techniques. The text is accompanied by illustrations. Also
included is a galactic bestiary featuring such creatures as a Jodakan needler crab, Mygeetan
whiteworm, and the furry ocerry. These are the secrets that have been given to generations of Jedi
from the history and hierarchy of the Jedi Order to the mastery of the Force and the fine points of
lightsaber combat.

#28 The Tao of Yoda: Based Upon the Tao Te Ching by Lau Tzu
D. W. Kreger

Philosopher Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher 2500 years ago and was the probable author of the Tao
te Ching. He also founded Taoism. There is a mystical connection between the Tao Te Ching and the
modern day mythology of Star Wars. The Tao of Yoda offers a unique translation inspired by the
wisdom of Master Yoda, who, as everyone knows, is a Taoist.
The Way of the Jedi A Treatise on the Mystical Philosophy of the Jedi
Adam Godwin

The Jedi Ken Roku or Way of the Jedi is presented here as the oldest Jedi mystical and
philosophical treatise available to modern readers. It has informed Jedi training, beliefs and
practices for millennia, having been preserved in the earliest holocroms of Cobar Jacash for over
100,000 years.
The Dharma of Star Wars
Matthew Bortolin

This book uses George Lucas series and the universal discoveries of the Buddha to illuminate each
other in playful and unexpectedly rewarding ways. The Dharma of Star Wars offers a new take, from
A New Hope all the way up to Revenge of the Sith. It Includes instruction in The Jedi Art of
Mindfulness and Concentration and The Padawan Handbook: Zen Contemplations for the WouldBe Jedi. Bortolin is an ordained member of Thich Nhat Hanhs Buddhist community. Here, he
explores such themes as suffering, mindfulness, karma and transcending the dark side. Yet another
well-written exploration of Star Wars as a spiritual epic.
The Journey of Luke Skywalker: An Analysis of Modern Myth and Symbol

Steven A. Galipeau

Galipeau applies depth psychology to the Star Wars epic, exploring the wealth of symbolic meaning
embedded in this intergalactic adventure story. Skywalkers journey, from his early life on a desert
farm to his act of redemption that helps transform an entire galactic civilization, captures many of the
struggles of the modern psyche, and exercises a powerful sway that has the elements of religious
myth. Galipeau offers a Jungian analysis of four Star Wars movies, highlighting Skywalker, who is
transformed from an inexperienced adolescent to a spiritually and mentally mature adult.
#38 Star Wars Light Sabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force
Pablo Hidalgo

This is the guide to the galaxys most fascinating weapons. Each lightsaber is as unique as the Jedi
or Sith who wields it. Design techniques, hilt length, power source: all of these choices can add up to
very different results, suited to particular applications. From Obi-Wans modification of his Padawan
lightsaber to Darth Mauls double-welded model, this book examines each lightsaber in detail,
revealing the secrets of its construction.
#43 Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
Ryder Windham

The Force, Obi-Wan Kenobi says, surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. And
this is at the core of the Star Wars series. Some tap into the power and use it for good and others
succumb to evil. The Jedi seek to bring for peace and enlightenment, while the Sith aim for conquest
and control. This comprehensive overview chronicles the history of the Force and those who use it.
In first-hand accounts by the characters themselves, we learn the first recorded discovery of the
Force, significant battles involving the Ford and the purpose, construction and importance of
Holocrons. We also follow the evolution of the Jedi and Sith orders. We also learn about Forcesensitive abilities such as battle meditation, telekinesis and mind tricks. A highlight is the vivid
portrait of the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. Fully illustrated, of course.
Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind

Travis Langley (Editor), Carrie Goldman (Foreword)

The Star Wars series creates a compelling universe, with complex characters and engaging
storytelling. This essay collection offers a fascinating and unauthorized psychological analysis of
every aspect of George Lucass richly rendered galaxy. Expert contributors led by Travis Langley
(Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight; The Walking Dead Psychology: Psych of the
Living Dead) examine such topics as family ties, gender, values, villainy, and heroism itself. The
essays bring forth the recesses of the psyche and reveal the ultimate lesson of Star Wars.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Joseph Campbell

This is the book that provided George Lucas the focus and path he needed to create the Star Wars
saga. Campbell uses the concept of archetypes to map out the common underlying structure behind
religion and myth. He shows that all stories are expressions of the same story-pattern, which he
named the Heros Journey. Campbell says that All religions are true, but none are literal. That is,
he concluded that all religions are really containers for the same essential truth. Apparently there is
some truth to this since there are books relating Star Wars to several schools of religion.
#49 The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell

The Power of Myth launched a huge resurgence of interest in Joseph Campbell and his work. The
scholar, writer, and teacher, had a profound influence on millions of peoplemost notably George
Lucas. To Campbell, mythology was the song of the universe, the music of the spheres. With Bill
Moyers, one of Americas most prominent journalists, as his interviewer, The Power of Myth touches
on subjects from modern marriage to virgin births, from Jesus to John Lennon, offering a brilliant
combination of intelligence and wit.

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