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3 ways to be a good Muslim girl

In Islam, women are advised to follow rules that at times may appear to clash with
western standards of fairness and equality. However, one will come to notice that
everything Muslim women are told to do ultimately benefits women. If we are a Muslim
female who feels that she has been lacking in her religious duties, it is not too late to
turn that around, regardless of our age or what we have done. When a woman turns
Baligh she knows what needs to be done in order to become a better woman in the
1. Practicing Islam
First, lets pray five times a day. Before we get on the prayer rug, learn what the prayer
words mean to enhance our contemplation within prayer. If we do not speak Arabic, try to
find some translated versions of the prayer words and take some time to read and
understand what the words mean. Start making prayer a normal part of our day, the way
eating is a need of ours, our spiritual food is prayers.
Then, read the Quran. Read the Quran and also try to read the translation of the Quran
and truly try to understand its meaning. We can read the translation in English or our
language as well. Reading the Quran will help we establish a useful relationship with Allah
and will also allow we to understand how beautiful the religion is. Listening to it also
makes we feel closer to Allah.
Next, learn more about Islam. Know what we have to do (which is called 'wajib' things)
and what we can't do (haraam things). The Internet is a valuable source to search for
Islamic rules and regulations and the punishments that apply if they are broken. Make
sure to go on correct websites for authentic sources of information. Islamic punishments
may sometimes seem severe, but Muslims consider the Shariah to be a gift from Allah
(SWT) that protects society and guides the believers to follow His way.
After that, we should also perform zikir. Zikir of Allah is one of the most excellent acts
to praise Allah. Zikir has been stressed over a hundred times in the Holy Qur'an. Allah says
in His Holy book : "O believers, make abundant mention of Allah!" (33:41) The Prophet
said, "If our hearts were always in the state that they are in during zikir, the angels would
come to see us to the point that they would greet we in the middle of the road." Zikir is,
therefore, something of tremendous importance.

2. Displaying our devotion

Firstly, wear the hijab. If we are truly devoted to turning over a new leaf and becoming
the best Muslim girl that we can be, wear the hijab. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth
that covers hair, it covers and protects our whole self, including our mannerisms, speech,
our gaze, and our heart. It changes us, mentally and spiritually. Think of it as a way for
Allah to protect the women. As soon as we wear the hijab, our whole perspective on selfrespect and values will automatically change. In fact, women are not allowed to pray
without the hijab since the hadith of the prophet Muhammad SAW reads "the prayer of a
woman will not be accepted without the headcover". Hijab is mandatory, as explained in
the Quran that women should cover to be recognized as part of the Muslim group.
Then, dress modestly. This means that we have to cover our whole body. We have to
wear loose clothes. Hijab is not supposed to be fashionable. Rather, it is a command from
Allah (SWT). Avoid clothes that are too tight such as skinny jeans. Remember that it is
obligatory to cover the whole body except the face and hands.

3. Perseverance
Friends, lets take it day by day. If we make it a priority in our mind that we want to
strive to be the best Muslim girl possible, we will achieve this goal without even realizing
it! Every time we are about to do something, think: "Is this something good or religious?"
If it isn't, don't do it! Simply remind ourselves and be ready to stop, just in case. Every
single moment of every day must be devoted to pleasing Allah (SWT).


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