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Questions 1
Arguments for:
1. Every branch of HSBC will have to participate and set a new higher objective
such as bringing in more deposit, more credit card holders and definitely higher
revenue and profit.
2. HSBC workforce throughout all the branches would be very ready to accept the
challenges with more commitment.

Arguments against:

1. A failure in achieving those objectives would have a greater impact not only for
that particular division or unit but to the rest of the branches.
2. HSBC may not be able to overcome some beyond control severe economic
pressures or other adverse conditions for all divisions or units.

Questions 2.
It is recommended to use MBO process to reward as this would ensure and promote the
HSBC workforce to strike for a greater achievements and also would give a clear
directions for all the staff on the objectives that they should achieve however, certain
degree flexibility on MBO process such as economic turmoil sovereign debt crisis that
might affect in achieving the objectives shall be considered.

Questions 3.
Those stakeholders affected would be from power, utilities and energy sections. The
company should continue with the investment as it would have a greet impact on public
at large in the long run. HSBC may also enjoy some privilege such as tax deduction or
some reimbursement for the environmental green house project.

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