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Suministro/supply - /spla/

the company has supply chain

consumidor/consumer - /knsjum/

the consumer buys the product

servicios/services - /s3vs/

the company is providing its services

cliente/customer - /kstm/

good product caused customer satisfaction

proveedor/provider - /prvad/

the supplier provided the necessary materials

fabricante/manufacturer - /mnjfktr/

The vehicles were ensanblados Manufacturer

Distribuidor / distributor - /dstrbjt/

distributor transported the goods

detallista /retailer - /ritel/

the retailer sells the merchandise

almacenamiento/storage - /strd/

products are in storage

Cadena de abastecimiento/supply chain

supply chain did not comply with quality standards

Inventario/inventory [nvntr]

the store has inventory product

Logstica/logistics - /ldstks/

the logistics important in decision making

Minorista/retail -/ritel/

the sale is performed by retailer

Produccin/production - /prdkn/

pruduccion chain gave good results

Proceso/process - /prses, prses/

the company has storage process

Productividad/productivity - /prdktvt/

The materials are contributing to the company productivity

Valor/value - /vlju/

the quality of services increase the value

Base de datos/database - /detbes/

the company has a database

Elaboracin/fabrication - /fbrken/

the products were obtained through the preparation

Promocin/promotion - /prmn/

through the promotion many sales were achieved

Importacin/import - [mpt]

the company has import their products to Chile

Transporte/transport - /trnspt/

transport of goods will be by marine

Control/control - /kntrl/

the company makes control to the demand for products


Abastecimiento/supply - /prvn/

the store has a good supply

Aduana/customs - /kstmz/

Customs checks import duties

Almacen/shop - /p/

the shop sells products

Carga/load - /ld/

the load will be supplied by the distributor

Embalaje/ packing - /pk/

the goods will be packed for shipment

Rotacin/rotation - /rten/

product rotation will be the first to come first out

Comercializacin/marketing - /mkt/

the commercialization of products by electronic means

Accesibilidad/accessibility - /ksesblt/

the supermarket provides accessibility to its customers

Acopio/stockpile - /stkpal/

the goods will be stored at the collection center

Administracin/administration - /dmnstren/

the administration of the company shows new marketing techniques

Materiales/materials - [mtrl]

materials are needed for the preparation of the product

Proyecto/ Project - /prdekt/

the elaboration of the project for the creation of a new branch

Economa/economy - /knm/

through the application of logistics I improve the economy of the company

Investigacin/investigation - /nvestgen/

to give solution in the production area should make an investigation

Estrategia/estrategy - /strtd/

to compete in the market should create a marketing strategy

Articulo/article - /tkl/

Items delivered to the customer are of good quality

Servicio al cliente/customer service - /kstm/

the company has excellent customer service


Traceability improves the application process

Rentabilidad/profitability - /prftblt/

profitability depends on investing funds to generate income


Materia prima/ raw material -


the raw material is converted into a commodity

Mercania/merchandice - [m3tndaIz]

all that can be sold or bought is called merchandise


Bodega/ winery - /wanr/

we hold that it is the space for storage

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