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Weekly expectations
1. Set, record, and reflect upon teaching goals on a weekly basis

2. Keep a log of your goals and reflections on them in Google Docs template shared with your
evaluator (see attached template)

3. Share your weekly goal with your mentor. This will be the focal point of your mentors
weekly 10-minute observation of your class

4. Communicate with your mentor prior to the observation. You will provide him/her with the
following information via email:
The standard being taught (copy and paste standard into the email)
Your teaching goal
o Examples:
Aligning Student Friendly Learning Objective (SFLO)
language with standards
Asking questions that require critical thinking
Using appropriate wait time
Moving around all parts of the classroom
Calling equally on male and female students
Making the most of the first or last five minutes of class
Ending class with a quick formative assessment
Using growth-mindset feedback with students
Requiring all students to engage
Doing frequent, informal checks for understanding

5. Meet with mentor for a minimum of 10 minutes per week either before or after school to
discuss evidence-based feedback on the observation

6. Discuss teaching goals, changes in practice, and upcoming events; Discuss resources you
may need to support you work
Monthly expectations
1. Discuss upcoming events, deadlines and procedures

2. Observe 2 classroom teachers per month for 10-15 minutes each during your planning

3. Use Google Peer Observation Form either on your phone, tablet or laptop to record
observation (This form will be shared with your evaluator)

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