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Make a presentation on yourself

what you are

goal clarity
general wareness
cademic excellence
knowledge of specialization
knowledge of the institute
Why that institute
why should they select you
What calls have you got
what would be appropriate answer for why should they select you - Review your tough situations to see what stuff you
r made of
Your strengths, your acads, your cat percentile, your extra curriculars

why mba after engineering what could be the answer - To giv an all round knowledge of different functional
areas of an organisation

What are the traits for a proper introduction with expressions? Expressionss r built over time, the
overconfidence expression is no no; the anxious waiting to join very much helps

Mba gives a well rounded knowledge of the corporate world n diff functional areas, this helps in the future career in
the corporate world

I've 2 questions how to conclude 'tell me something' about yourself question?As in what would be an
apt way to conclude it?And secondly, in the question 'Why MBA' do I need to add few sentences
regarding any experience or seminar that influenced me to think of MBA as a career option after
End with your latest achievement in work life or college life...or you can end with...I'm really excited about this
course...looking for a great future ahead

If you attended seminar or session you should speak but don't use word influences you but you could say... That
session gives a better perspective and helps me to take decision. Decision to choose a path; path of my goal and I
think the learning from this course would defiantly help me...
Use word helps to choose some from many rather than Influence

No one influences you except your own decisions others only suggests and u do RnD in your brain and heart and its
only u who influences ur decision others only give options and their consequences (which helps or may not help)

1. Should voters be given a NOTA (None Of The Above) choice? New!

2. Is our Political System Reason for our Backwardness?
3. Educational qualification for Politicians
4. Necessity of Women Quota Bill for Women Empowerment
5. Voters, not Political Parties, are Responsible for the Criminalization of Politics
6. Should We Pursue our Policy of Dialogue with Pakistan?
7. The Way Forward for India is to Join Hands with Pakistan on Nuclear Matters
8. Need for Good Leaders in India
9. God must be a woman - One more added by Shubham Jain*

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