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Lisa Fusaro Internship Proposal 46 Introduction Ihave been an English teacher at Westerly High School in Westerly, Rhode Island for 15 years. | teach English to grades 9 and 12 and have focused on those two grade levels throughout my career. | am currently on a number of committees such as the School Improvement Team as well as the district Professional Development Committee. At this point in my career | have yet to take ona leadership role in an official capacity such as department head or committee chair. | take on a leadership role in my department through organizing events or facilitating activities. Learning Through the process of my internship | hope to learn about all of the aspects of the ISLLC standards in order to prepare me for a position as a school principal in the future. Although there are areas of the self-assessment such as standards 1-b where | feel comfortable with my knowledge that | have gained through course work | am looking forward to learning even more by seeing these skills applied by my supervisor and other district leadership. I have certain strengths that | believe will be beneficial to me as a leader but there are some areas of weakness where | hope to grow in order to be a successful leader. For example, | am very outgoing and | think | have pretty effective “people skills” which will be a plus for when | have to work with others. On the other hand, I have to work on being able to have difficult conversations with people as a leader in order work together solve to solve a problem. | am strong in this area as a peer but | look forward to developing the skill in a leadership role. | also look forward to developing my skills in reaching out to community members and creating partnerships that are beneficial to the school community and the community. Self-Assessment Using ISLLC Results and Setting Goals The areas of the ISLLC standards that I plan to focus on through this course are the following. Standards 1c to create and implement goals, 1d: Promote continuous and sustainable improvement and 1E: monitor and evaluate progress and revise plans. Each school in the district has a school improvement team (SIT). | plan to participate on the high school and middle school SIT as well as one of the elementary schools. These teams devise and implement the schools’ goals, promote improvement and evaluate the progress of the actions they implement. | feel very strongly that in order to achieve standard 2C: create personalized and motivating learning environment for students that teachers must partake in high quality and meaningful professional development. Professional development can also develop instructional and leadership capacity (2F) and promote the use of effective and appropriate technology. As part of my internship | plan to work with the district professional development committee to faciitate a district professional development day in September. This experience will allow me to grow and learn in the areas of Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISSLC) standard 2 that | have highlighted. My experience developing this PD day will also address Standards 4B and 4D as | hope to include community members and community resources as part of the offerings of an “unconference” or “edcamp” style professional development day. Data Collection Throughout my internship I plan to utilize data from survey: ns for the event in September. There will also sof past professional development activities in order to inform suggestions and decisior be follow-up data from surveys that will follow the event. The information garnered from the surveys will inform Professional Development Committee going forward to make data based decisions when planning future professional development activities. Leadership Project The project that | am proposing is a district wide “unconference”-style PD day. This past month | was on the committee that facilitated and organized leveled professional development activities in an unconference style. The elementary, middle and high schools all had separate events that were organized for their age level of students. In my role as the high school PD Committee educator representative | originated, publicized and acted as a liaison to the committee the high school Unconference day. | am proposing to take this type of PD to the next level by being part of the committee to organize a district wide event while tapping into community resources to add depth and purpose to the event. | will also be facilitating a discussion/session during the PD day to work on rolling out a high school “student of the month" program as the high school is the only level that does not conduct this sort of student acknowledgment. There is a bulldog “pride pin’ given to students that are nominated by staff but this is not conducted at regular basis as it is meant to have special significance. | will design a model and present it to the interested parties while using it as a basis for discussion to develop an ideal model that suits students and staff. Schedule Date Activity Approximate Hours Week of May 15th Pre Work (meet with mentor-edit 10 hrs proposal, create a plan and timeline to execute event) June 2 Course work 3hrs May-June Attend school SIT Meetings 16 hrs Attend School committee meetings Attend after school functions Week of June 2"-August _| Research of effective professional 10 hrs development models and effective student recognition models Week of June 13-20 Meet with administrative assistant to coordinate: sign up presenter sign ups, webpage, community members to contact, all aspects of the structural basis of the day. Shrs. June — Aug Create Website, work with goggle apps to crate registration model, teacher session materials and surveys and documents associated with PD day 15 hrs June - Aug ‘Attend as many meetings and events with Supervisor as possible (school committee, finance board, district and building leadership meeting) 40 hrs June 13-20 Contacting Community members and meet with committee. 4 hrs. July Course work, research, prepare and perfect student of the month proposal and plan. 20 hrs August Attend district leadership retreat 12 hrs August 1-14th Meet with administrative assistant to coordinate creating social media campaign and carrying it out. Communicating with staff. Shrs August 15-end of course Coordinate registrations, course offerings, contact local news and community contacts to promote unconference. Preparation meetings with supervisor, admin assistant and committee 15 hrs Signatures: tem Sen) “cea Mentor: Alicia T. Shlen, Pesistant: Superintendent

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