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The Cherry Creek News

& central denver dispatch Lowry

News p12
With News of the Heart of Denver
Hilltop • Belcaro • Bonnie Brae • Glendale • Country Club • Cherry Creek
Volume 11 Issue 5  May 2010

photo ­

Biking is Key to Karma in

Gunnison-Crested Butte Greek Festival returns June 18-20
special to the Cherry Creek News
received honorable mention for Trail of such as tiropites, pastistio, dolmathes,
by the Cherry Creek News Come eat, drink and dance like a meatballs, and spanakoptia, as well
the Year. Bike described the 401 Trail as Greek at the 2010 Greek festival, June
Since the 1970s, when locals start- as desserts such as baklava, kouam-
having the “best views in the country.” 18th through the 20th on the grounds
ed retrofitting old Schwinn paperboy biethes, galatobouriko, paximadia,
Road biking also gets plenty of atten- of the Assumption Greek Orthodox
bikes with multiple gears, Crested Butte koulouria and sweet bread.  Each cup
tion. One of the state’s biggest sum- Cathedral (the big gold dome), located
has helped write the history of moun- of traditional Greek coffee is made-to-
mer rides will be passing through, with at Alameda and Leetsdale.  
tain biking and is now home to the order, and we are even offering frappes,
Bicycle Tour of Colorado starting in Denver’s Greek Festival features
Mountain Bike Hall of Fame. Some of a popular coffee drink in Greece.
the sport’s most thrilling chapters are see BIKING on page 5 “tastes of Greece”, homemade items There will be live Greek music
still unfolding in the Gunnison-Crested throughout the Festival, as well as
Butte Valley, with both classic and cut- Did a young man’s offhand kindness youth dance performances on all three
ting-edge events and backcountry trails days, throughout the day. The
straight out of mountain and road biker lead to a charmed, successful life? Assumption Cathedral Choir will per-
fantasies. form Hymns of the Orthodox Church
The readers of Bike magazine named and other Christian Music at 2:00 P.M.
Crested Butte the Best Destination in on both Saturday and Sunday in the
the “33 Best Rides in North America” Cathedral.
in 2009. Crested Butte’s Teocalli Ridge The Greek Boutique will feature
received the Best Climb nod, Deadman’s jewelry, clothing, and art, display-
Gulch landed the Best Tight ‘N Twisty ing the best of Greek artisans.  The
accolade, and the infamous 401 Trail Assumption Cathedral Book Store
will  display Greek Orthodox icons,
books, and literature for purchase. The
see SOLAR on page 4

Inside the



Cherry Creek


A young Paul Nikitovich, center, with the four Alsatians he saved in Belgrade
News &
by Don Bain
You’ve heard it said many times:
Captured German soldiers were Central Denver
being shipped off to Belgrade for “pro-
“You get what you give.” How did the cessing,” a whitewashed expression for
Beatles put it? “The love you take is execution. When new prisoners arrived
equal to the love you make.” in the camp, the ones already there had
•Getting Fit, part 4
Does the life of Cherry Hills resi- to be disposed of to make room for the
dent and consummate businessman new arrivals.
Paul Nikitovich illustrate this concept? Paul was conscripted into the page 3
We’ll provide you with the pertinent Yugoslav army when communist guer-
facts and let you judge for yourself. rillas took over the country. He was in
Paul Nikitovich was born in Serbia Belgrade to man a post not as a guard, •The Wedding Photographer
several years after the end of World but as a sentry in the military camp page 10
Central Denver Dispatch

War I, almost ensuring entanglement overseen by the Soviets.

in World War II. He was conscripted “My part of the occupation was to
into the Yugoslav army in 1944 at the sleep in the heart of Belgrade in one •Alcohol Awareness page 7
age of 19. of the bunkers and to walk up and
Denver, CO 80246

When Germany invaded France a down the lane, just to show presence,”
P.O. Box 460142

few years before, they declared the • Parenting coach

Nikitovich said. “To show the Russians,
long-disputed French province Alsace ‘we are here too.” page 12
to be German territory, drafted the The young Yugoslav, who is now
young Alsatians and sent them off to fluent in five languages, already spoke
the Eastern front to fight the Russians. French as well as Russian. One day • Dodge’s Journey page 14
By the spring of 1944, the German
offensive in Russia was failing. see HEROISM on page 10
Page 2 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch May 2010

Opinion and Comment Analysis

Debate over education reform RTD turns to private funding, ops

seriously off track for light rail construction
A major portion of RTD’s FasTracks team will have one hour and 45 minutes
A disastrously wrong-headed bill dren are already confronted with aca- project - the East Line to DIA and the to present the details of its proposal. The
squeaks through the legislature, seek- demic language in pre-school environ- Gold Line to Arvada will be designed, first presentation starts at 1 p.m. and
ing to penalize teachers for factors in ments. They already hear a lot aca- financed, built, operated and maintained the second at 3 p.m. Doors will open at
the greater part out of their control. demic language from the teacher and by a private partner consortium. After 12:30 p.m.
A “grassroots” group, funded almost are often expected to use academic lan- literally years of developing proposals in The Eagle P3 Project is a $2.3 billion
entirely by oil money and a shadowy guage themselves. The extent to which collaboration with RTD staff, two such public-private partnership initiative by
“family” foundation, calls for DPS to academic language is used at home international groups have submitted RTD within the larger FasTracks rapid
“turnaround” more schools, code for was found to differ strongly between proposals to the RTD Board of Directors transit expansion program. Together,
firing teachers and closing schools. families. An essential aspect is how and will make presentations to the Board it encompasses more than 36 miles of
Yet we know from solid research parents approach their children during at the Paramount Theatre on Tuesday the total 122 miles of new rail corridors
and experience that “turnaround” conversations. If children are given the afternoon, May 18th from 1:00 to 5:00 planned in FasTracks – 30 percent of
schools rarely work. We know that opportunity to make meaningful con- PM. The public is invited to view the all the new track in the program. In
after a decade of high-stakes testing, tributions to conversations, they often presentations and hear Board questions. addition to the East Corridor and Gold
student achievement and performance use characteristics of academic lan- This innovative methodology of con- Line, it includes a two-mile section of
upon honest testing is flat at best. guage proficiency naturally. In addition tracting for development of a transit the Northwest Rail corridor, as it splits
But a narrow majority of the Denver to this, the knowledge of academic lan- project is unique in the United States and from the Gold Line and heads to south
school board and an increasingly shaky guage depends on the extent to which rare in the world. The budgeted con- Westminster, construction of the new
superintendent still are pursuing the parents read to their children, tell them struction cost of this portion of FasTracks commuter rail maintenance facility and
policy preferences of big money at the stories and hold conversations about is approximately $1 billion and the suc- purchase of all the electric commuter rail
expense of our students and families. interesting subjects. cessful bidder will be selected in June. trains necessary to operate the lines.
Money goes for a metastasis of the “Lotte Henrichs investigated how With the RTD Board moving toward RTD will maintain control of ser-
bureaucracy, millions spent on pursu- very young children in particular selecting one of the teams in early sum- vice standards and schedules so that the
ing “new” schools, while neighborhood acquire this academic language pro- mer to design, build, finance, operate trains operated by the concessionaire
schools dry rot- stripped of resources ficiency and the role played by child and maintain these major new rail cor- blend seamlessly for riders within the
and absented the critical, single-mind- raisers and schools in this process. ridors, this open setting gives ordinary overall metro bus and rail transit net-
ed focus upon student learning that Within the large research program that citizens the unique opportunity to hear work.
would plow new and providential fur- Henrichs carried out her research in, many of the details that RTD will consid- Through the Eagle P3 Project RTD
rows. 150 children aged 3 to 6 years were fol- er in making that selection. The public is pioneering the most advanced transit
Yet research abounds that would lowed for a period of three years. All of will have the ability to provide feedback public-private partnership in the nation,
make a difference. We know what the children lived in the Netherlands via written comment cards or online building on experiences in Europe and
would produce a real return on invest- and came from Turkish, Moroccan- computer stations that will be available throughout the world with close coop-
ment— demonstrably and measurably Berber and Dutch families. From all during the event. eration from the U.S. Federal Transit
improving learning. Give DPS par- these participants, a subgroup of 25 “RTD is in the forefront of implement- Administration.
ents real, instrumental tools and pro- Dutch families were involved in the in- ing this innovative method for delivering FasTracks will build 122 miles of
grams for giving their kids a real shot depth study of Henrichs. mega-projects,” RTD Board Chair Lee commuter rail and light rail, 18 miles
at achievement. Stop obsessing with __________ Kemp said. “By packaging some of our of bus rapid transit service, add 21,000
political posturing and teacher blaming projects into a single 46-year contract, we new parking spaces, redevelop Denver
and instead pursue proven paths. The strong inference from Henrichs’ are able to partner with the private sector Union Station and redirect bus service to
research and legions of other research- to bring private equity into the FasTracks better connect the eight-county District.
Some recent research: ers is that what happens at home in program, which allows RTD to spread The FasTracks investment initiative is
“How adults approach children early years is determinative. We can the public’s resources further.” projected to create more than 10,000 con-
aged 3 to 6 years during conversations choose one of two paths. The first, The four-hour event will be held struction-related jobs during the height
has a major influence on their lan- we can pretend that classrooms are on Tuesday, May 18, in the historic of construction, and will pump billions
guage acquisition. Those who address literal islands, and hope for the best Paramount Theater, 1621 Glenarm Place, of dollars into the regional economy.
children as fully-fledged conversa- with increasing class sizes and less seat a half-block off the 16th Street Mall. Each (with contributions from Bill James, RTD board)
tion partners lay an early basis for the time. Or we can innovate, reach out
development of ‘academic language’, to parents with the best information,
says Dutch researcher Lotte Henrichs. resources and tools to engage their
“Children in elementary school need young children, both before and after
a certain type of language proficiency: they begin school. We can no longer
academic language. Academic lan- afford dogmatic, unproven education
guage is not an independent, new lan- “reforms” pushed by agenda-carriers
guage, but is the language that teachers who have scant experience in the actu-
use and expect from the pupils. It ally practice of education.
enables children to understand instruc- It’s past time for parents and tax-
tions and to demonstrate their knowl- payers to demand a reality-based
edge in an efficient manner. Academic approach to school reform. It is time
language is characterized by difficult, for DPS administration to focus on BC.qxd 11/24/04 5:09 PM Page 1
abstract words and complex sentence educating students, not political stunts
structures. The language often contains and money-losing financial cartwheels
a lot of clauses and conjunctions and and circus tricks.
due to the methods of argument and —Guerin Lee Green
analysis it has a scientific appearance. Full Circle Wellness
“Henrichs demonstrated that chil- '$!%%
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Denver photo by Jeff Navarro
May 2010 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch Page 3

Getting fit in 2010: Gadgets There are now more

options than ever.
run amok Birth
control Planned Parenthood will
by Guerin Lee Green gives me
On the journey to fitness, there chart your effort in-depth, it provides the power help you find the method
are zillion products, gadgets and fads strong motivation. It you can make that is right for you. We
trying to reach deep into consumer it to the gym, the intense feedback, to plan
pockets.   After all, if you can pay including the weight and reps you my future are affordable and no
a few bucks or more, and be deliv- completed last time, can push you
ered a shortcut in time or effort, who through the toughest workout. If not,
exam is necessary.
wouldn’t? the your iPhone mocks you. Not actu-
Despite the TV informercials, with
their ab this and ab that, there aren’t
ally, of course, but you get the point.
There are several more full-fea- Just walk in.
any shortcuts. In fact, many products tured apps in this space, includ-
are predicated upon lies— there is no ing FitnessBuilder and GymBuddy. when you bring in
this ad (one per
such thing as spot reduction of fat— FitnessBuilder includes the ability to person).
the body loses and gains fat over its print workouts in its Pro version, and
entire mass, largely determined by an can hook you up directly with person- Join our Easy Scripts Plan and
unchanging genetic map determined al trainer for consultation. All the apps
at conception. And spending time ton- include video guidance and a variety get your birth control in the
ing a particular body part? A cruel of workout regimens. The variety of
mail every month.
joke. The best exercises, the most effi- workouts could be a key means of
cient exercises, are compound ones, avoiding burnout and getting around
using multiple body parts and engag- adaptation issues. There are also a ton
ing the major muscle groups of the of yoga apps out there— with poses
body in one movement. So put your and routines. The yoga apps are no fielding tree and shrub care
credit card away while watching late substitute for a real yoga session, but
night TV. It isn’t going to work. can be good for home use or while on
But there are a variety of tools and the road.
gadgets that can make the fitness focus Another great tool we have been
more fun, and more productive. And
for a goal focused approach, they can
experimenting with is a heart rate
monitor— a wristwatch, along with
ISA certified arborist
make for a self-sustaining motivation
tool. With the innovations of smart-
a wearable sensor. Having your heart
rate available instantaneously is a fan-
licensed and insured
phone technology, particularly the
ubiquitous “app for that,” there are
tastic training aid. You know, imme-
diately how hard you are working.
expert tree trimming, tree
new tools for charting, graphing and In the weight room, you can use it removal, shrub pruning, and
measuring workouts. On the iPhone to gauge just how much rest you
platform, try iFitness, a fairly stripped need before reps. For instance, a hard tree planting
down tool for logging your workouts. set with heavy weight can send the
In the gym, strapped to your arm, it heart racing at over 150 bpm or more. for a free estimate
makes tracking reps, weight, exercises Waiting for your heart rate to drop
and time and a couple of taps breeze. back to 100 bpm or so, can maximize gabe @ 303 667 5004
And because you can use the app to the effort available for the next set. It
see FITNESS on page 4
Eleven years in the business, Gabe Fielding is a personal
arborist that knows your trees.

Eat, Drink & Dance Spring is a great time to take care of your trees!

Take care of your trees, give Gabe a call today


/:--3 .-;<1>)4
June 18-20, 2010
Page 4 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch May 2010

Defining fitness
continued from page 3 es intensified by instability. Pushups,
also proves, conclusively, the cardio pull ups, inverted rows, and a variety
benefit of weight sessions— an hour of squats can be done with this combo.
lifting led to an average heart rate And if you can’t picture yourself hit-
of 127 bpm during one test. More ting heavy weights in the gym, this
sophisticated heart monitors, like the can be your ticket, at least in getting
Suunto TC-6, can compute calories started.
used, and another important measure
called EPOC, or Excess Post-Exercise
Oxygen Consumption (a measure of
the metabolic boost due to exercise-
see our earlier fitness articles).
small business
Like the iPhone apps, the heart rate
monitor is tremendous motivator. It
doesn’t tolerate slacking, and keeps
you working hard enough so, that -full charge bookkeeping
with the right goal-setting, you can be - payroll
relatively assured that you are getting
-sales tax
maximum return on the time you’ve
put into your fitness.
Other useful distractions? Around Be ready for tax time!
the house, a weight bench with an
olympic barbell is great, along with
QuickBooks® experts
dumbbell or two. A Swiss or exer-
cise ball is great— there are a ton Detox Your Body for Spring
of online video showing various ball law & equity ltd
exercises. And for the ab rats out Inside & Out!
Clinque De Lavita’s E l i t e
there, a scientific study of muscle uti- 4450 tennyson st.
lization   reported that crunches on a 720.201.4975

ball showed the best engagement. A
cheapo home pull-up bar (remember

those infomercials) paired with elastic established 1996
bands can be a great and simple home
gym, allowing a range of great exercis-
Spring Cleanse Packages
 Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment $ 70
Greek Festival marries
 Cellulite Elimination Body Wrap $125

culture, cuisine and art 

using the Alpha 2010 System PLUS
Cherry Creek
continued from page 1 munity. Additionally, Bonfils Blood East
Cathedral, renovated  eleven years Center will station a donation vehicle Microdermabrasion Facial Treatment
ago and termed by local papers the at the Festival on all three days.  Last 925 S. Niagara St. Suite 310 :: Denver, CO 80224
“Sistine Chapel of the West”, will offer year, 150 guests of The Greek Festival
daily tours. contributed to Bonfils Blood Center. Call for more Information : 303-780-0003 or 303-472-3554
Last year, The Greek Festival Admission is only $1 for an all-day w w w. E l i t e D e t o x S p a . c o m
donated over $10,000 to The Gathering pass, and kids and seniors enter  free. 
Place and will  sustain this partner- The festival is open from 11:00 A.M. to
ship this year by donating a por- 11:00 P.M.  on Friday and Saturday,
tion of Festival proceeds to Gathering and from 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. on
Place programs. We will also be mak- Sunday.  For more information, visit
ing donations to Families First and the festival website at www.thegreek-
Joshua’s Station, to help further sup-
port Denver organizations that are
truly making a difference in our com-

For Breaking News

Throughout the
Month, Visit
May 2010 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch Page 5

Biking mecca to be found in

Gunnison County
continued from page ONE 16th annual ride returns to the Gunnison-
Gunnison on June 20 and ending June Crested Butte Valley for the second year
26. in a row, this time beginning in Gunnison
Gunnison Growler Spring Series, on June 20 and ending there on June 26.
Gunnison, May 13 & 20 The fifth annual In addition to Gunnison, the more than
Gunnison Growler Mountain Bike Series 470-mile loop includes Alamosa, Chama
takes place on select Thursday evenings (N.M.), Pagosa Springs. The tour is lim-
Conditions: PreͲ & PostͲ
in April and May at Hartman Rocks ited to 1,500 cyclists, so sign up soon at Tendonitis Surgery
Multi-Use Recreation Area in Gunnison.
This classic mountain bike race/fun ride 30th Annual Fat Tire Bike Week, Muscle Strains

series is for all ages and abilities with Crested Butte, June 22 – 27Crested Butte Bursitis
men’s and women’s divisions: short and Mt. Crested Butte are the proud
course, long course sport and long course hosts of the world’s oldest mountain bike Plantar
expert. There also are races for kids. The festival, the 30th Annual Crested Butte
races begin at 5:45 p.m., with registra- Fat Tire Bike Week from June 22 – 27. Ligament

tion starting on-site at 4:30 p.m. The cost Voted Best Festival in a Bike magazine Arthroscopies
is $20 per race and kids free. Proceeds reader poll, participants can take part Neck Pain

benefit Gunnison Trails— visit www. in the Fat Tire 40 mountain bike race, Back Pain
Osteotomies Mountain States Cup Wildflower Rush Laminectomies

races, the infamous Chainless Joint
Race, Bridges of the Butte town- Discectomies

ie tour, Rippin Chix/Crested Sports Injuries

Spinal Fusion
Butte Mountain Guides clin- Arthritic
ics with Alison Gannett and Conditions

friends, a free concert featuring Incontinence

a national act, aided rides, and
more. For information, contact
the Crested Butte-Mt. Crested
Butte Chamber of Commerce
When slowing down is the last thing you want to do,
at (800) 545-4505 or visit www. Active Motion is your preeminent choice.
10th Annual Wildflower
Rush, Mt. Crested Butte, June
1325 S. Colorado Boulevard, Building B, Suite 206
26 – 27 Come discover what Denver, CO 80206 303Ͳ394Ͳ3356
real Crested Butte single track
is all about at the 10th Annual
Wildflower Rush, the fourth
stop on this year’s Mountain Attention You Deserve...Results You Desire
States Cup (MSC) regional
mountain bike racing series. For FirstͲTime Clients, MENTION THIS AD & Receive
Held at Crested Butte Mountain
Resort in Mt. Crested Butte, A FREE Gift Card for YOUR FIRST VISIT!
the event begins with a Cross
Country race and free Shimano
Kids Race on June 26. On June
27, the Crested Butte Downhill
and Super-D will give racers
plenty of challenges. For more pledges to help fund programs for peo- 8th Annual 24 Hours in the Sage,
Original Growler, Gunnison, May information and registration, visit www. ple with disabilities. Register at www. Gunnison, August 21 – 22 Gunnison’s
30 The local mountain biking race season Hartman Rocks Multi-Use Recreation
officially kicks off on May 30 with the Bridges of the Butte, Crested Butte, PowerAde Pinnacle Race Series, Mt. Area is the backdrop for a 24-hour relay
Original Growler at Gunnison’s Hartman June 26 - 27 This 24-hour townie bike Crested Butte, July 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12 bike race where individual entrants and
Rocks Multi-Use Recreation Area, orga- tour takes riders on many of the bridges This recreational racing series created in teams ride a 13-mile loop continuously
nized by racing great Dave Wiens. in downtown Crested Butte and runs 1998 by Crested Butte Mountain Resort from noon, Aug. 15 to noon Aug. 16.
Registration is already sold out for both from 3 p.m. on June 26 to 3 p.m. on is geared toward fun and competition The person/team in each category with
the 64-mile (two laps) and 32-mile (one June 27. Enter as an individual and for beginner to expert riders. The races the most laps wins. A 12-hour race that
lap) competitions, with each lap climb- cruise all 24 hours or enter as a team. consist of varying lengths and difficulty starts at midnight and finishes at noon
ing 4,000 vertical feet. The races start at 7 There is no limit to team size, and cos- on Mt. Crested Butte’s network of trails also is offered. Additional highlights for
a.m., with proceeds benefiting Gunnison tumes are encouraged but not required. and single-track and take place on five the weekend include live entertainment
Trails. Go to Registration costs $24 per participant Thursday evenings, July thru August at more. To register contact (303) 507-1148
for information. and kids pay their age. This unique event 5:45 p.m. Food, beer and prizes follow or visit
Bicycle Tour of Colorado, Begins & benefits the Adaptive Sports Center, and every race. For more information, visit
Ends in Gunnison, June 20 & 26 This participants are encouraged to collect





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We accept most major credit cards. Insurance coverage may apply
Page 6 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch May 2010

The Prevalence of Worry and

Guilt in Motherhood
By Angela Sasseville, MA, LPC, NCC self that are remarkably distorted. For
If you listen in on the conversa- example, she may feel guilty as she
tions of a group of mothers of young believes “I’m a bad mom for going
children you’re likely to overhear a few to work,” when her child is actually
universal comments: Someone will quite happy in childcare and the family
be asking the other women for advice needs the mother’s income. Another
and recommendations on a challeng- mom may live in a hypervigilant state
ing issue that has arisen with her child. as she has the recurring thought, “My
She’s searching for the best solution child is in danger,” when in fact they
but is not yet sure how to handle the aren’t. Traumas of an abusive, neglect-
issue. Another mom will undoubtedly ful or sexual nature are often triggered
share a story about a trying experience when a mother witnesses her child
Medical • Surgical • Cosmetic reach the age at which she herself was

that occurred in her home. She may
perhaps make the ever-common mom victimized. These unresolved wounds
joke, “I’m sure my child is going to be can cause motherhood to become a
is pleased to announce
Our board certified physicians offer
scarred for life now!” Another mother white-knuckled and guilt-laden experi-
will leap out of the group suddenly and ence until they are resolved therapeuti-
the opening
the most of their treatments
current new practice
and rush to her preschooler’s side, hault-
ing his participation in an unsafe and Confidence, peace of mind and
procedures available to ensure that unapproved activity in the next room. fantastic mother-child interactions are
in the Lowry area.
you get the best results.
There is often a sense of commu-
nity, understanding and commonality
obtainable for any mother. But they
aren’t always delivered to us auto-
in these gatherings. Yet undercurrents matically upon the baby’s arrival. For
of stress, worry and maternal guilt some of us moms, they require that we
are often present. These women are, consciously and relentlessly chase after
after all, in the throes of raising small them. Yet the reward of becoming a
children and it is not a job for the faint calm and blissful mother is well worth
of heart. Adding to the pressure they the effort.

Dr. Alexandra Theriault experience is the awareness of how

vital their role is to their offspring and
each mother’s admirable determina-
tion to provide their child with the best
Flourish Counseling specializes in
strengthening adults, couples and families.
Angela’s articles highlight common and
prevalent issues and are never written about
childhood possible within her means. anyone in particular. For more information
Chances are they take their roles as on therapeutic support call 303-455-3767
mothers more seriously than any other or go to
title they will ever bear in their life-
time. So these women willingly place
their own choices and behaviors under
a microscope in order to determine
where they need to make improve-
ments in their own job performance.
The responsibilities of their role are
ever-evolving, and so are their parent-
ing skills.
In the process of childrearing some
women find they can be incredibly
hard on themselves. A woman who has
always been “a worrier” may find her
anxiety has a heyday expanding its ter-
rain as she can now endlessly fret over
her young child. Other moms who
are aware of their own negative child-
hood experiences may find themselves
riddled with self-doubt as a parent.
Knowing the role models that they had
as a kid were significantly flawed, they
are searching for a more sound set of

Dr. Juliann Wallner

Treatment for:
parenting blueprints to guide them as
they raise their own children.
Still other moms struggle under the
weight of unresolved traumas that they
experienced in years past. Unhealed
• Acne • Aging Skin • Eczema • Hair Loss traumas live in the body, mind and
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May 2010 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch Page 7

Alcohol Awareness 
by Kerry Broderick, M.D., Denver Alcohol use for longer periods 
Health Emergency Department than intended; 
She was 15 years old. She was Desire and/or unsuccessful
a passenger in a car with a 17 year efforts to cut down or control alco- 
old who had been drinking at a hol use; 
friend’s home. She died after major Considerable time spent obtain-
attempts at saving her life failed in ing or using alcohol, or recovering 
the Emergency Department. from its effects; 
The hard part is telling the fam- Important social, work, or recre-
ational activities given 
up because of alcohol 
use; 
Continued use of
alcohol despite knowl- 
edge of problems 
caused by, or aggra- 
vated by, use; and
Denial. 
Alcoholism is a 
chronic disease with
genetic, psychosocial
and environmental
factors. The disease
is often progressive
and fatal. 
Genetics play a 
large role in alcohol-
ism. Scientists have
found that having an 
alcoholic family mem- 
ber makes it more
likely for a person to 
develop alcoholism. 
Certain environ- 
mental factors influ-
ence whether a per- 
son with a genetic risk 
for alcoholism ever 

Kerry Broderick, M.D., Denver Health
develops the disease. 
ily. No matter how long I do this A person’s risk for developing 
job that always affects me most. I alcoholism can increase based on
see hundreds of people injured or the person’s environment, family,
killed each year because of alcohol friends and culture, peer pressure,
abuse. and even how easy it is to obtain Advertise in the Cherry Creek News from
Excessive alcohol consump- alcohol.
tion is the third leading prevent- If you feel someone you know just $89/month
able cause of death in the United may have a problem with alcohol,
States, and is associated with mul- or you would like to talk with
tiple adverse health consequences, someone about your alcohol con- No other paper delivers Cherry Creek North, Lowry,
including liver cirrhosis, various sumption, please call the Alcohol Hilltop, Country Club, Bonnie Brae and the Polo
cancers, unintentional injuries and
Drug Abuse Division at 303-639-
Grounds DIRECTLY BY MAIL every month.
One drink can slow reflexes and
affect the way a person drives.
According to the U.S. Department
of Transportation, a blood alcohol
concentration (BAC) of .01 affects a
person’s reaction time and vision.
A BAC of .03 affects eye movement
control, and a BAC of .06 affects a
person’s ability to process infor-
mation and make decisions. In
Colorado, a BAC of .08 is consid-
ered driving under the influence.
Long-term side effects of alco-
hol use can lead to serious health
problems including liver disease;
heart disease; various cancers, such
as gastrointestinal, liver, mouth,
throat, larynx and esophagus; pan-
creatitis; depression; high blood
pressure; and psychological disor-
Alcohol abuse is a pattern of
problem drinking that can result
in health consequences and social
problems. However, alcohol depen-
dence, or alcoholism, is a disease
that is characterized by abnormal
alcohol-seeking behavior that leads
to impaired control over drinking.
Many people consider them-
selves “social drinkers.” But peo-
ple are defined as being dependent
on alcohol, or alcoholics, if they
report three or more of these symp-
toms in the past year:
Tolerance (e.g., needing more
alcohol to become intoxicated);
Page 8 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch May 2010

Cyndeth Allison
plans will magically come to fruit, hoax”. I understand, then forget,
Denver Notions one after another, or one linked to again and again. But each time I
another and to another until they learn it, the wisdom suffuses my life
I am rearranging the kitchen this I stand by the counter, wondering
form a fine Celtic knot of fulfill- more fully, like the rosemary suffus-
morning, as the spring rain falls. I what to do with this pile. Should I
ment. ing the olive oil in the recipe in my
pull down a stack of magazines and again sort the wheat - real potential
loose papers – recipes I want to try - - from the chaff - those I know deep
There is only now, when I am stand-    Perhaps one day I will be able
planning to move them to the back down I won’t cook? Or just toss the
ing at the kitchen counter, neatening live my life as if I were in the pres-
porch bookcase. whole eight-inch stack and never
up the stack and deciding whether ent, and not with expectation of
There are eight or ten Metropolitan look back?
to put new paper on the shelf before some future. Maybe I will even reach
Home Magazines - with gourmet The problem is, I have made up a
moving those bowls from up there a point where, when I find a recipe
recipes, difficult-to-find future for every single scrap
to down here. that looks interesting, I can make it,
ingredients, complicated of paper in that pile - the
It’s not like I haven’t known this. then, that week. If I like it, I will tuck
directions; some Whole Future candlelit dinner, flowers in All the great sages, from the Buddha it away, not for the future, but just
Foods and Vitamin the center of the table; the
to Eckhart Tolle, say so. Alan Watts for another time.
Cottage newsletters con- IMperfect snowy day, soup-fragrance
calls hope for the future a “perfect
taining health informa- wafting through the house;
tion; and a big wad of yel- laughter and beer and bar-
lowed newsprint, recipes beque as the sun sets behind
cut out of Sundays and Wednesdays. the grapevines. These are not recipes;
I see one for asparagus soup. That these are nourishment and love and
would be good this time of year. friendship.
Poached pears with blue cheese In the future. Some future, some-
in brandy. Yum. Here’s a stack of time.
newsletters from my Community I ask myself what would I do if I Your neighborhood Nostalgic cupcake bakery
Supported Agriculture days, each had no future? This is the age-old,
with a recipe for that week’s harvest. “what if you knew you had only offering 30 flavors daily.
Something to keep out, since early one month/year/day to live?” ques-
harvest begins soon. tion, but I see it from a new direction
When I choose to be, I am a cred- this time. I really get that there is no Voted best cupcake store in Denver 2009 –
itable cook, but I don’t enjoy it. The future. These recipes will never be Editors choice 5280 Magazine
chances that I will make a tenth of made because the space in which
Voted best cupcake and chocolate butter cream
these dishes, that I will even think that could happen will never come
to look through them, instead of in to pass. I will always be somewhere
- Cupcake Challenge 2009 – Gabby Gourmet
one of my sixty or so cookbooks, is else, in some present with some new
slim. I’ve been here before, collecting project - a rag rug to weave, house-
hundreds of interesting recipes. After cleaning to do, a class or a party to Free Delivery (limited area)
decades I tossed most of them. I filed attend, a walk to take, a book to read
the rest, but I can’t say I’ve used one (or write). I will never find the door
1st and Adams in Cherry Creek (129 Adams Street)
yet. to that wide-open place where all my 303-322-CAKE

%U R NH U D J H IR U %X \H U V
D Q G 6H O O H U V6L Q FH    





May 2010 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch Page 9

Fran Schroeder
Denver Icons
I drove away, camper in tow, from collapse, was reconstructed and relit
Denver’s Icons in March and went in 1867. The lens in the 73-foot tower
on SPRING BREAK on a month-long is a fifth-order lens and the visibility PRESENTS

trip. I visited some of my favor- in clear weather is about 18 miles.

ite lighthouses. Florida has 30 (if St. Mark’s had a female keeper
I remember correctly), and I have from 1904 to 1919. Sarah Fine finished
visited most of them--and her husband’s partially
climbed many--in the past
St. Mark’s completed log entry for `Wd[XhWb[o

when Florida was my June 18, 1904, without

hope state. St. Mark’s is Lighthouse any explanation for what
my numero uno!
Located on highway 98
NWR FLA happened to him! In the
wetlands surrounding
near Newport in Florida’s the lighthouse we saw
Big Bend (the area is also called several alligators. Perhaps an alliga-
“Florida’s Forgotten Coast) is the St. tor got Sara’s husband!
Mark’s National Wildlife Refuge. The The grounds are freely accessible
lighthouse is at the end of the seven- within the National Wildlife Refuge,
mile road that wends through the but the tower is only opened during
j_cÔodd aWj^oX[[acWd


b[bWaWo f[dd[oX_Zm[bb

J u s t f o r rtWhjmeha\hecYbWii_YjeYedj[cfehWho
he love of art

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Facilities District
Making It Possible.

Central Denver
Dispatch & Cherry Creek
P.O. Box 460142, DENVER, Colorado 80246
Phone: 303.458.7541

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is published MONTHLY free of charge to its readers. It
fran schroeder 2010
is mailed to more than 8000 residences in Denver, and
nearly 300 area businesses.
• The Central Denver Dispatch welcomes news releases,
refuge--after a stop at the Visitor’s special occasions. St. Mark’s is a very
Center. picturesque location, and the refuge calendar events, photos and letters.
St. Mark’s was a prominent Spanish has stunning beauty and bird-watch- • Send releases and other information to
town of the early 1800’s. A lighthouse ing opportunities. It is on the Great
was first built here in 1831, and then Florida Birding Trail and is a popu-
moved and rebuilt in 1840 when ero- lar destination for birders, photog-
sion threatened. During the Civil raphers, naturalists and lighthouse We do not accept press releases or calendar materials
War the tower sustained tremendous enthusiasts. by fax.
damage, with a full one-third of its
base blasted away. The tower did not More advertising information, along with additional
editorial content, can be found on-line at:
Letters to the editor must be signed. We reserve the right to

Homesitter - Available to live in

edit letters and other contributions for space. Publisher assumes
no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. We
attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable
In the event of an emergency! Will take for the content, accuracy and fairness of such contributions.
The Cherry Creek News is a legal, independent newspaper
care of your home & pets. of general circulation in Hilltop, Crestmoor, Belcaro, Bonnie
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720-980-8989 For advertising information, call 303.458.7541. Discounted rates

for new advertisers with special promotions. Guerin Lee Green, Publisher and Editor
Page 10 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch May 2010

The Wedding Photographer Heroism’s long reach

specializing in international business
by Natalie Cutsforth continued from page 1
the experience I gained an entire new consulting services.
A few months ago I was in Seattle appreciation for what it takes to photo- one of the captured German soldiers
Meanwhile, Andre, the son of Pierre
for my cousin’s wedding at a gorgeous graph groups of people. Photography approached him.
Ambiehl, one of the four freed French
historic hotel downtown. Family was has become so widespread with digital “Sir, I think you understand my
prisoners, grows up in awe of the sto-
asked to arrive two hours before the photo-sharing and phone cameras that language,” the prisoner said in perfect
ries his father told of the soldier who
ceremony for photographs. We lin- I’d forgotten what it means to be an French.
saved his father’s life. He is so inspired
gered around as an hour ticked by, expert. “Yes I do,” Paul replied in kind.
by these tales he decides to see if he can
the photographer wasn’t there. I had A month later I met Garrett, a pro- So the prisoner pleaded with Paul to
find this soldier of legend.
taken some great wildlife photos and fessional live music and wedding pho- intercede on his behalf. “Please, please
He placed an ad in a Belgrade paper
had a high-end digital camera so some- tographer at a Government Mule con- save us,” he said. The man and three
and did some research online.
one asked me to stand in. I said, “No cert. Two friends and I were looking of his compatriots were scheduled to
So one day last September, Paul
problem.” Thinking, “How hard can for someone to snap a photo with our be on the trucks of no return the very
got a call from a publisher in Belgrade
it be to take pictures of people?” They phone. He caught our attention out of next day.
asking if he had saved four Frenchman
don’t move like animals in the wild. I the crowd by encouraging us to smile They were not Germans but
65 years before while on duty there. It
was wrong. I spent the next hour gath- with silly antics. I began to see that being Frenchmen forced to fight against their
seemed a group of French folks were
ering groomsmen and family mem- an excellent people photographer goes will, the prisoner said of himself and his
trying to contact him because he had
beyond know- friends, begging for intervention and
saved their lives.
ing about light- clemency.
Soon thereafter, Nikitovich got a
ing and cam- Realizing the injustice of their situ-
call from Pierre – the one who never
era settings. It ation, Paul agreed to see what he could
let his son forget he owed his life to the
requires engag- do and took the ID numbers of the four
Cherry Hills resident. “Do you know
ing your subject men.
how much I owe you?” Pierre inquired.
in a way that He spoke with the young officer in
“I owe you 65 years of my life. When I
makes them charge of the prisoners, whom he knew,
count all the years of my children and
look natural, at asking if the men could be spared.
ease and happy. “ T h e y
That means a wore uniforms
good wedding and were
photographer shooting at us,
like Garrett is they fought
coordinating against us,”
all of the right the command-
people in active er replied. 
poses, engaging He could not
them through spare them,
conversation but he agreed
to bring out to give them
the best in the four more
moment. And days in the
when the action camp.
photos are being Paul snuck
captured dur- through the
ing a ceremony barbwire sur-
or reception rounding the
the wedding encampment
photographer and went over to the French Military
grandchildren, maybe it’s 300 years.”
has enough Mission, demanding to see the ambas-
After 65 years Paul finally saw the
experience and sador. There was only a French Colonel
picture he took with the prisoners so
intuition to see in charge, so he explained the prisoner’s
many years before.
the priceless situation to the officer  and provided
Ambiehl spoke with the veteran’s
moment a sec- the men’s identity numbers, names and
organization in France, and they want-
ond before it addresses in France.
ed to recognize Nikitovich’s actions in
bers, reaching deep into my memory unfolds and take the picture. That Nikitovich took a serious person-
some way. He was invited to France for
to think of what photographers might moment when the bride’s eyes shine al risk by sneaking out of the strictly
a ceremony on October 29, 2009.
do at weddings and snapping as many with joy and the groom’s with pride, guarded military zone and by violating
He traveled to France and amongst
pictures as possible. My flash wasn’t or the groom gives his best buddy a orders of the Soviet Supreme Command
grand ceremony including the president
as fancy as my camera so after every knowing look. It is important to have that all German prisoners be shot. At
of the WWII veteran’s organization,
shot I had to wait for it to recharge many cameras at a wedding to catch the time he was not aware of the dire
public officials and many speeches, he
and once made an emergency trip to the candid moments. A professional jeopardy he was under.      
was named an Alsatian Hero for saving
beg the concierge for more batteries. I photographer can only be in one place “The next morning somebody came
the lives of four Alsatians in 1944.
found myself on my knees in a short at a time. But investing in an expert is to tell me some people were waiting for
Nikitovich rendered an acceptance
dress trying to get a picture of the worth it. You’ve only got one chance me at the main gate. So I went to the
speech in French and took his grandson
groomsmen with the ceiling in it that to capture the day. A reliable, engaging gate and there before my eyes were the
along, who just happens to be studying
the bride requested. Not pretty. wedding photographer is a must! four prisoners and two French officers.
the language in school.
Later when I looked over the photos Garrett Haking is a sharpshooter “One was waving some papers and
All of this hoopla caused Paul to
I was disappointed in everything, the who’s captured many weddings and as I grew closer he shouted, ‘They’re
forget a court appearance he was sup-
lighting, the expressions on people’s rock and roll greats www.photogra- free, they’re free!”
posed to make Oct 2. When he received
faces and the general lack of creativity Natalie Cutsforth is a free- The men were ecstatic, each hugging
a failure to appear notice he went down
in the poses. When the real photogra- lance writer. Follow her on twitter Paul and thanking him profusely one
and asked the clerk what he should do.
pher arrived I was immensely relieved. at URintuitive or her blog on access- by one. They insisted on taking a photo
She replied court convened in an hour
I consoled my bruised artist pride; ing your intuition at http://nata- together with their savior.
and he should simply be there to plead
at least I was able to give the bride a Shortly thereafter they all went their
his case.
little relief from her worries. From separate ways. An impulsive act of kind-
He explained to the judge he had
ness had saved four young men. If you
missed his court date because of unprec-
believe in karma or that what you give
edented, earth-shaking events in his
comes back to you, this had to be a huge
personal life. The judge asked him to
positive in a young Yugoslav’s life.
After only 11 months Nikitovich
Paul said the explanation was a bit
deserted the communist armed services
long, but the judge wanted to hear it
and fled to Italy.  
anyway. So he proceeded to tell the
He went on to receive a law degree
story of the bunker in Belgrade, the
from Sorbonne University, an MBA from
Russian prison camp, the four French
Rutgers and completed the Advanced
soldiers in German uniforms, the pic-
Business School at Harvard. He also has
ture, the phone call, the trip to France,
degrees in International Relations from
his award and all.
the Sorbonne.
The judge listened patiently. “ I’ve
He speaks English, Spanish, French
made my decision,” the judge said.
and Portuguese in addition to his native
“Courtesy dismissal,” he said and the
Serbian. Arguably he is very intelligent,
whole court applauded.
well educated and has an innate under-
Two weeks ago, André Ambiehl
standing of international commerce.
came to Cherry Hills to help Paul cel-
He is still active today as senior
ebrate his 85th birthday. He now con-
consultant for L.A. Consultants, a firm
siders the man who saved his father’s
May 2010 Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch Page 11

Denver botanic gardens plant the

seeds for greening food deserts
Denver Botanic Gardens and Kaiser region. There are plans to expand the
Permanente are kicking off the growing garden next season to allow for addi- Over 30 yrs experience in treating veins and
season with a brand new Community tional CSA memberships. Board Certified in Phlebology.
Supporting Agriculture (CSA) pro- Finding new ways to provide EXPERT TOTAL VEIN CARE:
before after
gram. The garden will be introduced access to healthy foods is more impor- • Spider Veins • Large Blue Veins (Varicose Veins)
to the community during a planting tant then ever, as the nation’s obesity • Swollen or Discolored Legs • Leg Ulcers, Lymphedema
celebration on May 20, 2010, where rate continues to soar. According to
students from Primrose Elementary the U.S. Department of Agriculture, WE USE THE MOST ADVANCED TREATMENTS:
School in Lone Tree and volunteers about a third of all children in America venous Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins
• Endovenous
will help plant the garden’s first crop are overweight or obese. In Colorado, (Less side effects and downtime)
of peppers and tomatoes. which is often considered one of the • Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Made possible through a three- “leanest” states for adults, nearly 30 • Laser Spider Vein Treatment
before after
year, $500,000 grant from Kaiser percent of children are obese or over- • Sclerotherapy 303.355.4772 ✓Insurance Accepted
Permanente, the CSA will operate as weight.
a community farm at Denver Botanic Kaiser Permanente is a strong sup- V E I N & AE
Gardens at Chatfield—located at C-470 porter of Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Ken Oleszek, MD Renald Bernard, Board Certified Phlebologist
and Wadsworth Blvd. in Littleton. Move” campaign and serves as a
2774 East 2nd Avenue • Cherry Creek • Denver, Colorado • 303.355.4772
Shares of the CSA are sold to members Founding Member of her new founda-
w w w .Vei n Cen t er Den ver .com
of the public who then receive portions tion, The Partnership for a Healthier
of the garden’s fresh produce during America. The First Lady’s initiative
the harvest season, from June through addresses the obesity epidemic by edu-
October. cating parents about making healthy ӭ̢ƯΝOȺέ ΝӅS
This new venture marks an impor- choices, improving access to healthy źȺ4Qǣy
tant milestone: The Gardens is the foods, and increasing opportunities for
first botanical garden in the country to kids to be physically active.
operate a CSA program of this scale.
This partnership is also believed to
The original CSA model was devel-
oped in Japan in the early 1960s by
)ͽ͝JEBӲT)ͽ͝JEBӲT M[bbd[ii9[dj[hIfW
be the nation’s first CSA collabora- a group of women who approached
tion between a botanical garden and a local farmers to grow food for their 4QɂJǑ͡1BD͕BHɚǑOȠ
health care provider. families in exchange for financial sup- (̢̐$ȪSҿ̢mDǑUɚͳȪӮMΕDǑҿJΝ͸ǑOȠ
“We’re excited to bring the CSA port and volunteer labor. These com- ˪ΝS'ǑU̙ȪST%BZ̉PǑUǑҿJΝ͸DȪͩUȪS
model to Denver Botanic Gardens. munity farms came to be known as ̉PǑUǑҿJΝ͸DȪͩUȪS
This will truly be a first for the world
of public horticulture,” said Leigh
teikeis, which translates literally as
“partnership” and philosophically as  

Rovegno, manager of the CSA at “food with the farmer’s face on it.” In ǑOȪXTѵ̢̢҅ӂD΍ͨ

Chatfield. “On a larger level, we’re the United States, the first CSAs were 8Ư"WȺ
proud to be partnering with Kaiser formed in Massachusetts and New
Permanente on a committed move- Hampshire in 1986. Since then, the ȒMΕD͕TFǚґӂέ4̙Ȫ҅JEǑ͸


ment toward healthier eating.” CSA movement has exploded across ȒMΕD͕TFǚґӂέ4̙Ȫ҅JEǑ͸

In its first year, the Chatfield CSA the country and now includes more
will serve approximately 65 families than 12,000 farms nationwide. There
who have already signed up for the are currently hundreds of CSAs in
program. In addition, a percentage of Colorado and many have long waiting
the fresh produce will be donated to lists.
local food banks in the Rocky Mountain

Talking Seriously With

Children Is Good for Their
— Denver Botanic Gardens

W hat do you need

in order to flourish ?
Language Proficiency Licensed Psychotherapist
Staff Henrichs demonstrated that chil-
How adults approach children aged dren are already confronted with aca- Angela Sasseville, MA, LPC, NCC
3 to 6 years during conversations has
a major influence on their language
demic language in the nursery school.
They already hear a lot academic lan-
specializes in strengthening
acquisition. Those who address chil- guage from the teacher and are often professionals and couples.
dren as fully-fledged conversation expected to use academic language
partners lay an early basis for the themselves. The extent to which aca-
development of ‘academic language’, demic language is used at home was See her article in this issue.
says Dutch researcher Lotte Henrichs. found to differ strongly between fami- Accepting HSA's, FSA's and some forms of insurance.
See Also: lies. An essential aspect is how parents
Mind & Brain approach their children during conver-
Child Development sations. If children are given the oppor-
Language Acquisition
Child Psychology
tunity to make meaningful contribu-
tions to conversations, they often use
ADD and ADHD characteristics of academic language
Social Psychology proficiency naturally. In addition to
Relationships this, the knowledge of academic lan-
Reference guage depends on the extent to which R CLU
Autistic spectrum parents read to their children, tell them FO $

Great Ape language stories and hold conversations about


Special education interesting subjects.


Mental retardation Lotte Henrichs investigated how
Children at a primary school need very young children in particular $
a certain type of language proficiency: acquire this academic language pro- EXTRA DOLLARS FOR YOUR OLD BLINDS & SHADES
academic language. Academic lan- ficiency and the role played by child
guage is not an independent, new lan- raisers and schools in this process.
guage, but is the language that teach- Within the large research programme Replace your old blinds with new energy efficient
ers use and expect from the pupils. It that Henrichs carried out her research Hunter Douglas blinds & shades and receive an
enables children to understand instruc- in, 150 children aged 3 to 6 years were additional $10 per window off our SALE price!
tions and to demonstrate their knowl- followed for a period of three years. All
edge in an efficient manner. Academic of the children lived in the Netherlands
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language is characterised by difficult, and came from Turkish, Moroccan-

abstract words and complex sentence Berber and Dutch families. From all
structures. The language often contains these participants, a subgroup of 25
a lot of clauses and conjunctions and
due to the methods of argument and
Dutch families were involved in the in- 303-355-4223
analysis it has a scientific appearance.
depth study of Henrichs.
2438 East 6th Avenue
Parents make the difference
Lowry News
Cherry Creek News & Central Denver Dispatch

Sue Weinstein Denver Montclair International

Denver's Parenting Coach
Does life feel like a volcano waiting to bring a fresh enthusiasm into our families School Hosts International Festival
erupt? Need help? What kind? Where to go? so parenting can be enjoyable and not so Travel the world in a day at dances, as well as Tai Kwon Do, and
Here are some parenting solutions: exhausting. Parenting Skills Workshops can Denver Montclair International Karate demonstrations. Local arti-
We’ve heard a lot about also be the most economical of School’s 4th annual International sans will be performing as well.
the volcanic eruption in these three popular options. Just Bash Festival on Saturday, June 5th The International Bash, spon-
Iceland recently, and how the Therapy, like professional athletes or musi- from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm. This sored by the Lowry Town Center,
ash cloud has disrupted daily cians, parents benefit from train- The Children’s Hospital, 1st Bank
life and global travel. Closer
Coaching ing, refreshers and team support. family-friendly event will be held at and JFA Associates, is geared toward
DMIS’ 6.4 acre campus in Lowry at
to home, most of us can be workshop When life is one big volca- 206 Red Cross Way, just two blocks families and children and is open to
thankful our hectic sched- nic eruption and the dust cloud east of the Lowry Town Center. the public. It truly is an international
ules have been untouched. blurs your vision of a fulfilling, The International Bash Festival celebration for the whole family!
Sometimes, though, it feels like we have our rewarding life, there are ways to get back Admission is free, but there is a
will feature live music, dance and
very own ash cloud that disrupts our deli- to clearer skies. If any of the three options
food from French, Spanish, Chinese small fee associated with food and
cately balanced schedule of work, errands, described above sound interesting, please
after-school activities, and parenting. With contact us: and English-speaking cultures. There rides.
will be carnival games, face paint- For more information, please
summer approaching, sometimes the deli- Sue Weinstein, LCSW of The Denver Parenting
ing, arts and crafts, bungee/tram- visit the International Bash website
cate balance gets disturbed even more with Coach provides free parenting consultations, in home par-
the slew of summer’s comings and goings. ent coaching, counseling for children and adolescents, and poline jumping, inflatable rides, and at, or
We try to keep it all in unison and perfectly free presentations. Visit or a climbing wall. On the two event the school’s website at www.dmis-
timed. Sometimes, however, the demands of call 720.240.7070. Matthew LeBauer, LCSW provides stages, DMIS students from all lan-
discipline and parenting overwhelm us, and counseling for individuals and couples and specializes guage programs will be performing
we need new solutions. in conflict mediation, GLBTQ support, and with parents different international and cultural
Do you sometimes feel like your child is of children with disabilities. Please visit matthewlebauer.
a volcano when s/he explodes? Or are you com for more information or call 720.468.0676
the one ready to erupt out of frustration?
Are parenting problems like your child’s
behavior, family stressors, or lacking con-
fidence in your parenting abilities causing
various levels of frustration or discomfort
in your family relationships? Do you need
to learn new ways of managing your chil-
dren’s behaviors and attitudes because the
old ones are no longer working? Keeping
your cool, staying safe, and learning how
to get help –for yourself or your child-- are

The Medical Fat Loss Program

important parts of parenting. There are
several types of parenting and personal sup-
port that can help, but how does a parent
know where to go?
Parenting workshops, parent coaching
and therapy are some solutions that are designed to support ideal wellness and weight loss.
most frequently used to build new strate-
gies, reclaim our confidence, and become Developed by Doctors. Ideal Protein™ is a powerful, scientifically proven, Biological Food Replacement
better parents.
Therapy, aka counseling or psychothera- Program that causes weight loss by targeting body fat while maintaining muscle mass and vitality.
py, can help us identify our major challenges
or conflicts. In a quiet, confidential setting
we can explore what’s keeping us stuck
and holding us back. We can speak openly
about our fears and anxieties, understand-
ing where they come from and how they

impact our relationships. In therapy, we can
use this insight to build up our confidence
to overcome obstacles. Therapy helps us to
improve our outlook and achieve our goals
to feel fulfilled.
Parent coaching is another option to
overcome the concrete challenges that may
be impeding us as parents. When patience
Friends & Family Our patients
seems to be a finite resource and our chil- Are Welcome! have lost a
dren are not behaving - the old tools and
tricks aren’t working anymore –parent total of 604
coaching gives us an opportunity to sit
down with an experienced professional to pounds in 13
flesh out the real challenges, design and
practice new strategies. Just remembering
to actively attend to your child can teach
Time: Sessions weeks
them to be better partners in the tasks and
activities of daily life. Two-minutes of one-
on-one before dinner and you can assure a
Every Tuesday
partner in getting homework done and the
dishes cleaned without bribes or ultima-
at 6:45pm
tums. Coaching gives you a partner to move
past tantrums and other problem behaviors
and return to more successful, rewarding
parenting. Cynergy Chiropractic Center
Parenting Skills Workshops are a third
popular option and come with some advan- 980 Grant Street, Denver, CO
tages of their own. First, you can join a
weekly class of your peers, other parents
in Denver, and work together to develop
(303) 832-3668
specific skills based on your specific chal-
lenges. Working together, we realize we’re
not alone in the challenges of parenting and RSVP LIMITED
we can build partners for support long after
the workshop is over. Parenting workshops
also bring a whole community’s experience
of new and inventive ideas to fortify our
personal toolboxes of parenting strategies.
Parenting skills workshops help us expand
on our own knowledge to revive worn tech-
niques and incorporate new energy. We can Over 50 Great Tasting Foods Over 6 Million Success Stories!

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