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People vs Baraoli, 676 SCRA 24

(July 9, 2012)

finding the other crime as acts of

lasciviousness plus damages.

Reyes, J.,

ISSUES: WON the accused is guilty

beyond reasonable doubt?

-This is an appeal from the decision of
the CA, affirming with modifications
the decision of the RTC in finding the
Antonio Baraoli guilty of two crimes of
-That on 2:00 and 2:30 pm of August
8, 2004, the accused raped the victim
[5 years old] in the toilet of a rice mill
and threatening her to repeat the act
if ever she will tell her parents.
However, the victim told her parents
about what happened.
-The accused interposed the alibi that
he was fishing since 7:30 until 10:00 in
the morning, drank gin at 3:00 in the
afternoon, and went home at 4:00.
Moreover, he added that the suit was
a form of revenge by the parents of
the victim for he [the accused] had
disconnected their [victims parents]
jumper connection from the main
-The RTC lent credence to the
testimony of the victim as it is
candid, finding the accused guilty of
the two crimes with payment for
damages. The CA affirmed the
decision with modifications, including

-Courts use the following principles in
deciding rape cases: (1) an accusation
of rape can be made with facility; it is
difficult to prove but more difficult for
the person accused, though innocent,
to disprove; (2) due to the nature of
the crime of rape in which only two
persons are usually involved, the
testimony of the complainant must be
scrutinized with extreme caution; and
(3) the evidence for the prosecution
must stand or fall on its own merits
and cannot be allowed to draw
strength from the weakness of the
evidence for the defense.
-Due to the nature of this crime,
conviction for rape may be solely
based on the complainants testimony
provided it is credible, natural,
convincing, and consistent with human
nature and the normal course of
-The Court holds that the totality of the
evidence adduced by the prosecution
proved the guilt of the accusedappellant beyond reasonable doubt.

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