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It is important that students be treated as adults and be given the opportunity

to take responsibility for their experience in the class. It is also important that,
given the time constraints of the daily class period, and the volume of content
which must be taught, that classes be conducted in a disciplined and efficient
manner. The following rules and procedures are intended to assure that both of
these considerations may occur during the course of the school year.

Rule 1. Treat others with respect.
Rule 2. Be prepared to start class when the bell rings.
Rule 3. Raise your hand to speak. Listen to others when they speak.
Rule 4. Work on this subject during this class.

Beginning of class procedures:

At the beginning of class students will be expected to be seated with class materials
ready. If there are instructions on the board, then students should begin the
indicated activities. Otherwise, students should begin work on other class
assignments, study the current chapter of the text, or begin reading in the following
chapter of the textbook, while waiting for instruction to begin.

Out of seat & leaving the room procedures:

Students should raise their hand and ask for permission if they need to leave their
seats, or leave the room for any reason, such as for bathroom breaks. Students
leaving the room should write their name and destination in a designated corner of
the board before leaving.

Turning in work procedures:

When assignments are called for, all papers should be quickly passed to the front of
the class for collection.

Class-work procedures:
If a student has completed the current class-work assignment, and the teacher is
busy, or is otherwise unavailable to provide further instruction, then the student
should begin work on other class assignments, study the current chapter of the text,
or begin reading in the following chapter of the textbook.

End of class procedures:

During the last two minutes of class, students should straighten their desks, return
any classroom materials to their proper place, and pick up any trash or debris in
their area. Students may put their books and work away while waiting for the bell
to ring.

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