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Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that cant function as a main verb, unlike auxiliary verbs
"be", "do" and "have" that they can function as a main verb.
Modal verbs express modality. They can express ability, possibility, necessity or other
status. They are auxiliary verbs the present and future.
As complementary verbs, modal verbs dont work without another verb. The other verb
always goes after the modal verb is in the base form (the infinitive without "to"). Modal
verbs are not conjugated and dont have time.
Modal verbs are:

Ought to
Must/Have to

CAN (puedo de capacidad de hacerlo)

(+) "Can" means "power" but it of skill, chance, ability or permission.

(-) In negative sentences implies the prohibition to do something or indicates impossibility.
(?) In interrogative sentences, the use of "can" may request permission or inquire about
"Can" can be conjugated in 3 tenses: present simple, past simple or conditional. To "Can"
dont add a "-s" in the third person singular.
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Can) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
I can speak five lenguages. (Puedo hablar cinco idiomas)
The birds can fly. (Los pjaros pueden volar)
It can be dangerous. (Puede ser peligroso)
Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Can not/Cannot/Cant) + Main
Verb (Infinitive) + Complement
Bill and Tom cant help you. (Bill y Tom no pueden ayudarte)
You cant do it!. (No puedes hacerlo!)
I cant see them. (No puedo verlos)
Interrogative - Modal Verb (Can) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Can I have a glass of water? (Puedo tomar un vaso de agua?)
Can they work late tonight? (Pueden trabajar hasta tarde sta noche?)
Can you do me a favour? (Puedes hacerme un favor?)

Present Simple
I can
You can
He/She/It can
We can
You can
They can

Yo puedo
T puedes
Ellos pueden

Past Simple
I could
Yo pude
You could
T pudiste
We could
You could
They could
Ellos pudieron

Conditional Present Simple

I could
Yo podra
You could
T podras
We could
You could
They could
Ellos podran

COULD (poda en tiempo pasado/podra en tiempo futuro)

(+) "Could" indicates skill or possibility in the past. It can also use "Could" for future
possibilities. In these cases it can be translated as "power" or in the sense of "had capacity",
in Spanish.

(-) In negative sentences implies the prohibition to do something or indicates impossibility.

(?) In interrogative sentences, the use of "Could" may request permission or inquire about
possibilities, but is more formal than Can.
To "Could" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular.
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Could) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Joe could speak Spanish when he was young. (Joe poda hablar Espaol cuando era joven)
He could play the piano. (El poda tocar el piano)
I would marry her tomorrow, if I could. (Me casara con ella maana, si pudiera)
Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Could not/Couldnt) + Main
Verb (Infinitive) + Complement
I coludnt sleep last night. (No pude dormir anoche)
I tried, but I couldnt open this bottle. (Lo intent, pero no pude abrir esta botella)
She couldnt call you. (No te pudo llamar (ella))
Interrogative - Modal Verb (Could) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Could you play an instrument when you were a child? (Podas tocar un instrumento cuando
eras un nuo?)

Could I be wrong? (Podra estar equivocado?)

Could you help me? (Podras ayudarme?)

MAY (A lo mejor/Tal vez/Puede que)(Futuro cercano)

(+) "May" means "power" but from probability, permit or doubt. Its more probable that

(-) On the negative form, it only indicates that "something could not happen" (It may not

(?) In interrogative sentences, the use of "May" is more polite than "Can" or "Could".
To "May" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular. Only use for future time.
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (May) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
I would take an umbrella, it may rain later. (Me llevara un paraguas, puede llover ms tarde.)
It may be better to finish this now. (Puede que sea mejor terminar esto ahora.)
You may use your cell phone now. (Puede usar su telfono celular ahora)
Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (May not) + Main Verb
(Infinitive) + Complement
It may not rain. (Puede que no llueva)
He may not go to the party. (Puede que l no vaya a la fiesta)
It may not work. (Puede que no funcione)
Interrogative - Modal Verb (May) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
May I help you? (Puedo ayudarlo?)
May I leave now? (Puedo salir ahora?)
May I go to the bathroom? (Puedo ir al bao?)

MIGHT (Pudiera ser que/Podra ser que)(Futuro lejano)

(+) Might is used to possibility or probability. Almost isnt used to ask permission. Its
less probable that May.

(-) On the negative form, indicates that "something could not happen" (It may never

(?) In interrogative sentences, the use of "May" is more polite than "Can" or "Could".
To "Might" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular. Its used for past or future tense.
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Might) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
It might snow. (Podra nevar/Pudiera ser que nevara)
He might call the supervisor tomorrow.. (l podra llamar al supervisor maana.)
They might give us a 10% discount. (Puede ser que nos den un descuento del 10%.)
I might have been King. (Podra haber sido rey) <-PAST (MIGHT + HAVE + PARTICIPIO)
Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Might not) + Main Verb
(Infinitive) + Complement
Sylvia might not live there anymore. (Sylvia podra ya no vivir ms all)
We might not know everithing. (Puede que no sepamos todo)
It might not rain tonight. (Puede que no llueva sta noche)
Interrogative - Modal Verb (Might) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Might he come tonight? (Podra venir esta noche?)
Might I give you a piece of advice? (Podra darte un consejo?)
Might we speak to you for a moment? (Podramos hablar contigo un momento?)


(+) "Will" is an auxiliary verb. It is used to transform the time in future. It means "will

or determination (desicin).

(-) Used to say that will not do.

(?) Its used for information, a favor or options.
To "Will" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular. Its contraction is "'ll", like "Shall"
Possitive Subject + Auxiliar Verb (Will or ll) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Ill go. (Ir)
Bill will finish this later. (Bill terminar sto despus)
We will go there the day after tomorrow. (Iremos all pasado maana)
Negative - Subject + Auxiliar Verb in Negative (Will not/Wont) + Main Verb
(Infinitive) + Complement
I wont sleep tonight. (No dormir sta noche)
They wont come. (Ellos no vendrn)
You will not like it. (No te gustar)
Interrogative - Auxiliar Verb (Will) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Will Mrs. Lennon understand me? (La seora Lennon me entender?)
Will I go to school tomorrow? (Ir a la escuela maana?)
Will they find a cure for cancer? (Encontrarn una cura para el cncer?)


(+) "Shall" is used as "will", but is more formal and is also used to offer, suggest or ask

(-) It is used to say that will not be done or ask situation.

(?) Used to inquire about options or preferences.
To "Shall" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular. Its contraction is "'ll", like "Will"
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Shall or ll) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Well be there by 8 p.m. (Estar all para las 8 p.m.)
I shall arrive next week. (Llegar la semana que viene)
I shall give you a bycicle for you birthday. (Te dar una bicicleta por tu cumpleaos (promesa))
Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Shall not/Shant) + Main Verb
(Infinitive) + Complement
You shant play tennis this week. (No jugars tenis sta semana?)
I shall not work. (No trabajar)
He shall not draw a ball. (l no dibujar una pelota)
Interrogative - Modal Verb (Shall) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Shall I stop talking?. (Debo dejar de hablar?)
Shall we go to the cinema? (Vamos al cine?)
Shall I go with you? (Debo ir contigo?)

SHOULD (Debera/Tendra que)(Obligacin dbil)

(+) "Should" indicates a weak obligation or recommendation. It reflects an opinion on what

is right. It translates as the conditional "Should (deber)" in Spanish.

(-) It indicates that something should not be done or predict an event.

(?) "It should" is used in interrogative sentences to ask if there is an obligation or to ask for
a recommendation.
To "Should" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular.
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Should) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
We should go to sleep. (Deberamos ir a dormir)
I should call my mother. (Debera llamar a mi madre)
It should be there. ((Esto) Debera estar aqu)
Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Should not/Shouldnt) + Main
Verb (Infinitive) + Complement
Nick shouldnt be working. (Nick no debera estar trabajando)
It shouldnt take long. ((Esto) No debera tardar mucho)
You should not say that. (No deberas decir eso)
Interrogative - Modal Verb (Should) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Should we worry? (Deberamos preocuparnos?)
Should I write Maggie a letter? (Debera yo escribirle una carta a Maggie?)
Should we leave a tip? (Deberamos dejar una propina?)

OUGHT TO (Debera/Tendra que)

(+) Ought to indicates a weak obligation or recommendation. It also refers to things that
should go through you have the right or deserves to pass.

(-) The negative form is not the most common. For this "Should not" is used.
(?) Not very common questions with "Ought to". For this "Should" is used.
To "Ought to" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular. The "Ought" is always
accompanied by "to".
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Ought to) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
We ought to do more exercise. (Debemos hacer ms ejercicio)
We ought to eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day. (Debemos comer muchas frutas y
verduras todos los das.)

They ought to have more parks in the city centre. (Deberan tener ms parques en el centro de
la ciudad)

Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Ought not to/Oughtnt to) +

Main Verb (Infinitive) + Complement
We oughnt to have ordered so much food. (No debera haber ordenado tanta comida.)
You ought not to have said that about his mother. (No debera haber dicho eso de su madre)
George ought not to wear someone else's glasses. (George no debe usar gafas de otra

Interrogative - Modal Verb (Ought) + Subject + to + Main Verb (Infinitive)

+ Complement
Ought she to call the police? (Debera llamar a la polica?)
Ought we to be more worried about the enviroment? (Debemos estar ms preocupados por
el medio ambiente?)

Ought Rachel to be here so early? (Debera Rachel estar aqu tan temprano?)

MUST/HAVE TO (Debo/Debo de)/(Tengo/Tengo que)

(+) "Must" indicates a strong obligation (internal morale of the person speaking or orders),
prohibition or necessity. "Have to (Tener que)" its used when the obligation comes from
external norms. You can also use "Must" to indicate probability or take something as well
as express inferences and conclusions from facts.

(-) To indicate things not to do.

(?) It can also be used for rhetorical questions.
To "Must" and Have to dont add a "-s" in the third person singular. For "Must" only use
it in Present Simple, for other times use "Have to."
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Must/Have to) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
You must read this book, its fantastic. (Debes leer ste libro, es fantstico)
You have to read this book, its fantastic. (Tienes que leer ste libro, es fantstico)
I must go. (Debo irme)
I have to go. (Tengo que irme)
We must be at the airport at three o'clock. (Debemos estar en el aeropuerto a las tres en punto)
We have to be at the airport at three o'clock. (Tenemos que estar en el aeropuerto a las tres en

Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Must/Mustnt) + Main Verb

(Infinitive) + Complement
You mustnt talk to strangers. (No debes hablar con extraos)
We must not make noise. (No debemos hacer ruido)
You must not drink and drive. (No debes beber y manejar)
Interrogative - Modal Verb (Must) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Must she talk so much? (Tiene que hablar tanto?)
Must you go soon? (Tienes que irte tan pronto?)
Must we do everything today? (Debemos hacer todo hoy?)


Present Simple
I must
You must
He/She/It must
We must
You must
They must

Yo debo
T debes
l/Ella/Eso debe
Nosotros debemos
Ustedes deben
Ellos deben

Present Continuos


I am having to
You are having to
He/She/It is having to
We are having to
You are having to
They are having to

Yo estoy debiendo
T ests debiendo
l/Ella/Eso est debiendo
Nosotros estamos debiendo
Ustedes estn debiendo
Ellos estn debiendo

Future Simple
I have had to
You have had to
He/She/It has had to
We have had to
You have had to
They have had to

I was having to
You were having to
He/She/It was having to
We were having to
You were having to
They were having to


I will have

You will have

to to
I had
He/She/It will
We willHe/She/It
have to had to
You will have
to to
We had
They will have
to to
You had
They had to

Past Continuos
I had had to
You had had to
He/She/It had had to
We had had to
You had had to
They had had to

Yo he debido
T has debido
l/Ella/Eso ha debido
Nosotros hemos debido
Ustedes han debido
Ellos han debido

Yo deber

Past Simple

T debers
Yo deba
l/Ella/Eso T
deberemos deba
Ellos debern
Ustedes deban
Ellos deban

Past Perfect
Yo estaba debiendo
T estabas debiendo
l/Ella/Eso estaba debiendo
Nosotros estbamos debiendo
Ustedes estaban debiendo
Ellos estaban debiendo

Yo haba debido
T habas debido
l/Ella/Eso haba debido
Nosotros habamos debido
Ustedes haban debido
Elloshaban debido


(+) "Would" is the past at will in some cases and auxiliary verb in others. It has several
uses (conditional form, polite requests, past habits, assumption, prediction or will (voluntad))

(-) Things not to do or what would not happen.

(?) To polite requests in interrogative sentences. Its translate as Querra, Quisiera or
Le gustara.
To "May" dont add a "-s" in the third person singular. Its contracted form is "-'d". To refer
to past situations (events not usually happen) Used to is used instead of Would.
Possitive Subject + Modal Verb (Might) + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
She would go to the school at eight oclock. (Sola ir al colegio a las 8 en punto) <- Hecho
habitual (costumbre) del pasado -> Se traduce como Sola
She use to live in New York. (Sola sola vivir en Nueva York) <- Situacin del pasado -> No puede
usar Would
I would go to the party. (Yo ira a la fiesta)

That would be great. (Eso sera genial)

Negative - Subject + Modal Verb in Negative (Might not) + Main Verb
(Infinitive) + Complement
She wouldnt be happy. (Ella no sera felz)
I would not do that. (Yo no hara eso)
We wouldnt spend all the money. (No gastaramos todo el dinero)
Interrogative - Modal Verb (Would) + Subject + Main Verb (Infinitive) +
Would you open the window? (Quieres abrir la ventana?)
Would he give Patty a diamond ring? (l le dara a Patty un anillo de diamante?)
Would you like a coffee? (Le gustara un caf?) <- Peticin corts -> Se traduce como Querra,
Quisiera o Le gustara


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