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Shes a soul reaper
An immortal without a sinful manner
She guides souls to their destination
But shes indeed a wonderful creation
Her bright amethyst eyes
In every time she guides, it always cries
She has a cheerful attitude
But shes going through a lonely solitude
She wanted to break free
From being the deaths deity
For it brings her such loneliness
This time, what she wanted is real happiness
Destiny let them meet
Their eyes instantly greet
Golden orbs gazed at her amethyst eyes
Their love starts and is ready to rise.


Beautiful as a rose
But a killer of every foes
Hes craving for wealth
Goodness in him cant ever be felt


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Golden eyes and silvery hair

You can never pass his very lair
He enjoys lust and pleasure
And beds every woman around his nature
He has all the treasure
But why is his heart cant be so sure
Evil in him reside
But something stirs deep inside
Hes longing for something
Something beyond his feeling
He might lose or gain nothing
But here it comes the FATEFUL MEETING


The fox thief is destined to die

So the deity of death is ready to fly
Hes walking around his lair
But something caught his eyes, a figure with bluish hair
The Deity of Death is lost
Without knowing behind her is the lairs very host
The thiefs voice startled the deity


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But she was caught by the thiefs agility

They were awed with each others beauty
And shocked with the sudden serendipity
The serendipity of love
Is what both they asked from up above
The gentle caress of the deity
Made the thief kiss this woman with sheer beauty
Appears in her face a pinkish shade
The smile on his lips wont ever fade


Roses are red, peonies are white
The love they sought is their only delight
The Fox Thief and the Deaths Deity
Their love endures for eternity
The love they have is forbidden
But it overflows that it couldnt be hidden
The Fox Thief is a monster
The Elders know his love will only bring a disaster
The Deity of Death breaks the law
For she is ready to love a thief without any flaw
They live in different realms
But love blooms and it unexpectedly comes



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Their life as immortals they sacrifice

For their love to be realized is the waiting price
Maybe theyre really meant to be
For the rose loves his only peony


Aches and pains are my reward

For the love I confessed you disregard
You let me fall for you
And gave me this feelings I never knew

Reminiscing the first time I saw you

My world becomes completely anew

These pure and innocent feelings of mine
You made a scar but that is fine

Infatuation transforms into a deeper feeling

It made me feel special without your knowing
The sweet bond you created between us
I thought it would forever last

Enduring all the pain and sorrow

Since the time you shot my heart with an arrow



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I know you would choose her over me

Yet my captive heart would never be free

Leaving you and letting you go

Is a painful way of saying, I love you so
That time, my heart will be sealed
For it needs someone for it to be healed


Heartaches and sorrow remain
Parting gave me nothing but pain
For parting keeps me missing you
And it leaves me no choice but to love you
Saying goodbye is not a proper way
Of forgetting someone no one could ever pay
Its never easy to say goodbye
For it will never leave an eye without a cry
Resolving to distance my heart from you
I gained feelings that will never new
Guessing it will solve this feeling
But my heart keeps on breaking
The reverie of you in my heart
No other man could take a part
Trying to pass this chapter of mine
Cause I couldnt say anymore that I am fine
In friendship we start
In strangers we depart
Reconciliation is the only way
To save our friendship come what may



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Bodies may decay
But love flows come what may
It is not Till death do us part
For true love can never be apart
Death is inevitable
But two hearts with one love is inseparable
For sure there is pain
But the love we have will forever remain
We may stop breathing
But our love will keep on beating
For our love never last
The moment it starts
In deathbed we lay
But our joint hearts will forever stay
The minute we fell in love with each other
Death is never a bother



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Faint clues we try to discover
Fading memories we tend to uncover
The curtains of mystery we need to unveil
For thy naked truth shall only prevail
The depths of the ocean we unfold
Secrets hidden meant to be untold
The chain of bare truths is just an inch away
But unraveling it cost a thousand to pay
Revealing the enigma of words
Is discovering the exit of the labyrinth of Daedalus
Exposing the enormity of words
Is living in the abyss of the underworld
Casting away thy doubts and fears
Ready to face the world without any tears
Hold thy sword thy pen
Take thy challenge and lets start then

Voices fuming and roaring
Smoke on their ears are puffing
Demons fangs are visible
Goblins tails wagging uncontrollable


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Bloody words so sharp and dangerous

The face of the devil so ugly and furious
The sound of collisionskin to skin
Another victim claimed for an unknown sin
Ill words tortured a pure heart
Such hurtful words that could break any apart
A defiled hearta fraud and a liar
Ready to face an unpredictable trial
Hades temptations so strong that we couldnt resist
The traps he set always persist
Yet no one could beat Him
The unyielding power of the VOICE OF HEAVEN
His words are flawless
The works of His hands were proclaimed by the skies
We are earthen vessels
But our empty cup He always fills

Expensive pearls rolled down her pale cheeks
Mouth shut but the anguish leaks
Fake smile and hallow praises
A fool she has been, believing to such compliments
Her heart carries tons of load
Her miracle birth so lovely to be an ode
Yet she turned out to be their lifes curse
She always wears a genuine smile
Yet it brought them distance a thousand mile


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Words so sensitive to her ears

Yet they just say them as they please
Heartaches seem unnoticed
For faking a smile she was never been a novice
Lying to her really hearts
But hearing the unspoken truths is more than the worst
Shes strong outside but the weakest inside
Behind her jovial mask, agonizing pains reside
Trapped in the world of pain and sorrow
Foul words in her ears always echo
Another ocean of tears rolls down from her eyes
She wishes to be alone and break all the ties
But God said, Heres my shoulder you can always cry.

Say dare and Ill let you kiss me
Say truth and Ill ask you if you love me
Choose a word and bring it all
Because either of the two, youll always fall
Its okay to use a trick
Blackmail if that way you pick it
Truth will be revealed by this game
In that way, I too, will clear my name
Say dare and Ill let you go
Say truth if you really wish so
Try to think of your answers consequences
For I couldnt afford any more chances
Trying wont harm you


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But to be a coward wont give you a cue

Just try to make a step forward
Just dont be afraid of the word, disregard
Say dare and Ill let you kiss me
But let me remind you Ill kiss you too
Say truth and Ill ask you if you love me
But let me tell you that I love you so

Thy young heart received the strikes of thousand knives
Thy unbearable pain she could no longer recognize
Thy cold and deep water of the Atlantic Ocean
Never could it drown the pool of her unending tears
Thy paralytic heart of a young girl
Never could she escape the embrace of a dark solitude
Pain already devouring her sanity and innocence
But never could she tell at her blank sate
The red threads of lives destined to be knotted
Never could she tell the moment they were suddenly broken
Smile already programmed in her heart and mind
No longer could she differ smiles from her unstoppable tears
Thy scrutinizing looks of the mocking crowd
Still walking motionlessly towards a steeply cliff
Thy rhapsody of a melancholic melody
A symbol it seems to be the end of an unending journey



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Bodies colliding as one
Tightly grasping, your hand is shaking
Panting, sliding and caressing
Its the feel of you all over my body
You crave for this but you keep on resisting
Open up to me and reveal your body
Expose thy flower of you allure
Lets seal thy vow with eternal kiss
This kind of thing is delicious
But this type of love is more than dangerous
Your love is overwhelming
And that is only my aphrodisiac
Your sweet perspiration
Is the drug of my hallucination
Dont let me stop
Im already at my limit
The fulfillment of our dreams
On this fateful night
In heart and in body
Finally, united as one



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I want to tell you a thought that is deeper than words
The beat of your heart is my music when I embrace you
One night, you gaze at me unflinchingly
But the pain that crosses your eyes never passed me
Im drowned by your mesmerizing presence
I came out of my cage, the jail of darkness
I breathe a sigh of lovers sentiment
But I believe the miracle of your love will eventually change me
Your love is a strong gentle wind that caresses me
If only I can be by your side
We can always disappear in the sky
The only place for you and I
No matter what happens, Ill always come to you
If you are lonely, I will hold you tightly
My arms are wide open
Hoping that someday, our heart will beat the same Love Melody

In his dark blue eyes


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A great mystery lies

For sure you will be hypnotized
In those mesmerizing eyes
His dark blue eyes are cold
Just like him, cold and bold
A man so great to behold
They all love him, young and old
He is beyond handsome
Body and face, both are awesome
His muscles are all hard
The ladies called it his best card
Sleeping is his hobby
But basketball is his priority
A man with great passion
A passion to reach his only ambition
Love form him is only a bother
But playing is his only love rather
But here it come a big trouble
This man will face a great obstacle

Life is a song
It has its own beginning and ending
Different genres make it more colorful
Love, hurt, tragedy, comedy as well as drama
Life is a sturdy mountain
No matter how harsh the wind howls



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The mountain would never bow to it

Even typhoon wont ever bend it
Life is a long race
Seemingly endless but it has its own finish line
Hurdles may come our way
But dont let them hinder us anyway
Life is four seasons
It has joyous spring and summer
And gloomy autumn and winter
But whatever it is lets adapt to changes
Life is a gamble
Decide and take the risk
Be ready to win, be ready to lose
Either of the two, always learn your lesson


Unfathomable truth
Truth is stranger
Enigmatic friend
Too near yet far
There are intended lies within
In Friendship We Depart
Red is blood of rose
White is love
Black tainted its lasting purity


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Gray wont do
Yellow is the answer for friendship
A Friends Trust
Frail and weak
Friend, be firm!
Wrath of the Ruthless
Red ravishing rage of rampaging ruthlessness
Behind the Curtains of Mystery
Truth is either black or white
Bare truth is just inches away
Unveil thy truth of living mysteries
Screams of unknown truth are terrifying
Heavens only knew this truth unfortunately
Unravel the universe, expose thy truth!
I am a riddle of mystery
An ocean of thoughts, truth lies within
I am a verse, I am a poem
Faith they need for me to be unlocked
I am a law yet a song as well
The greatest historian of all times
Some believe in me but some do not
The collection of many writers
Yet we are servants of one true king



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