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Standard 1.

0 School Vision
Element 1.3 Promote continual and sustainable school improvement
Artifact 1.3.2 - Activity 1I
Activity: Survey administrators and teachers on collaborative decisions.
Total Time: 8 hours
Artifact: Survey document, summary of survey
Description: I wrote and distributed a survey on what decisions should be made collaboratively
and which ones should be made by either teachers or administrators on their own. I then
discussed the results with the principal. Separately, a suggestion was made by the superintendent
to gather a team of teachers to review and modify the discipline policy to see where collaboration
could be used to alter how discipline is implemented in the high school. After discussing with
the team that was gathered, we decided that more consistent disciplinary procedures need to be
created and followed. We did not create the changes though, because a concern exists that the
principal will not back the created procedures. A bigger and perhaps related issue is student
motivation. This issue of motivation will be tackled as part of a bigger project.
Reflection: The conclusion to be made here is that teachers want to be included when making
decisions, but they currently are not. This has led to low teacher morale and high frustration.
Bringing teachers into the process is an important goal, although I do not know how much I can
get done from my current position, because the current principal seems less inclined to allow
input from teachers on most decisions. So, although there may not be an easy path to bringing
teachers into the decision-making process currently, it is something that I will keep in mind if
and when I obtain a principal job here or elsewhere.

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